
  • 网络glass flower
  1. 哈佛大学植物博物馆里收藏的玻璃花在北美最为著名,在花卉科学界也享有盛誉。

    The collection of glass flowers in the Botanical Museum of Harvard University is the most famous in North America and is widely known throughout the scientific world .

  2. MorgantownGlassCo.玻璃工厂花了好几年时间才完成了所有订单。

    It took the Morgantown Glass Co. factory years to fill all the orders .

  3. 碲铌氧化物玻璃与花菁染料薄膜的光学特性研究

    Studies on the Optical Properties of Niobic Tellurite Oxide Glass and Cyanine Thin Films

  4. 歼击机舱盖玻璃后花槽临界裂纹的研究

    Research on the Critical Crack Length in the Rear Arc Notches of the Canopy Glass of the Fighter

  5. 光是玻璃上釉就花了两万镑

    The glazing alone costs upwards of £ 20000 .

  6. 本地的孩子放假一天,他们在彩色玻璃窗口下放花。

    The local children had the day off school , and laid flowers beneath the stained-glass window .

  7. 我们买了一扇大窗户窗框、玻璃等等一只花了几块美金。

    We bought a huge window-the frame , glass and everything-for just a few dollars .

  8. 小王子每天夜里都用玻璃罩子罩住他的花,而且他会把羊看管好的…”

    The little prince shuts his flower under her glass globe every night , and he watches over his sheep very carefully ... "