
  • 网络The Olympic Flame;Olympic torch
  1. 看,中国体操李宁是点燃奥运圣火。

    Look , Chinese gymnast Li Ning is lighting the Olympic flame .

  2. 让奥运圣火点燃我们心中的长城。

    Let the Olympic flame ignited the Great Wall in our hearts .

  3. 当天是奥运圣火在英国传递的第53天,而接见伦敦奥组委主席SebastienCoe也是当天的一项任务。距离在伦敦点燃圣火宣告第30界奥运会开幕还有不到3个星期的时间。

    Day 53 of the relay also included a meeting with LOCOG Chairman Lord Sebastien Coe. It is less than three weeks before the torch is lit in London to signal the start of the 30th Olympiad .

  4. 他们是根据四种可爱的动物和奥运圣火设计的。

    They are of the four lovely animals and the Olympic Flame .

  5. 第五个吉祥物是熊熊燃烧的奥运圣火。

    The fifth mascot is the brightly burning Olympic flame .

  6. 奥运圣火是气冲凌霄的山峰,为我们指明目标;

    Olympic flame is gas-Tower mountain , we specified targets ;

  7. 奥运圣火周四在希腊点燃。

    The Olympic flame was lit in Greece Thursday .

  8. 当重量级拳王阿里点燃奥运圣火时。

    When the cauldron was lit by Mohammad Ali .

  9. 奥运圣火是人们缅怀古代奥运会的象征。

    The Olympic flame is a symbol reminiscent of the ancient Olympic Games .

  10. 2004年奥运圣火于3月25日在奥林匹亚点燃。

    The 2004 Olympic flame lighting ceremony was held on March 25 in Olympia .

  11. 默哀期间,股市停盘,奥运圣火也停止传递三天。

    China has also suspended the Olympic torch relay during the three-day mourning period .

  12. 象征着奥运圣火的火焰在圣火坛里熊熊燃烧。

    A fire burns in the cauldron , as a reminder of the Olympic flame .

  13. 保护我们的奥运圣火,它是和平与友谊的象征!

    To guard the Olympic torch , which is the symbol of Peace and Friendship !

  14. 奥运圣火站在了海拔8844米的世界最高峰&珠穆朗玛峰上。

    On May8 , the Olympic flame climbed up to the top of the world .

  15. 奥林匹亚竞技会祭坛上的圣火最终便演化成了现代奥运圣火。

    The fire in the altar of Olympiad competitions eventually became the modern Olympic torch .

  16. 奥运圣火与火炬传递

    The Olympic Flame and Torch Relay

  17. 中国正感受到奥运圣火的热度。

    China is feeling the heat .

  18. 火炬点燃火焰,直到闭幕试奥运圣火才熄灭。

    The Torch Relay represents the passing of Olympic customs from one generation to the next .

  19. 当奥运圣火点燃时,体育馆里的情绪达到极点。

    As the Olympic torch was lit , excitement in the stadium reached a feverish pitch .

  20. 北京奥运圣火拥有强大的中国特色,并展示了中国的设计和技术能力。

    The Beijing Olympic Torch boasts strong Chinese characteristics , and showcases Chinese design and technical capabilities .

  21. 距奥运圣火最后一次出现在俄罗斯首都已经有很长一段时间。

    It 's been a long time since the Olympic flame was last in the Russian capital .

  22. 周三奥运圣火将抵达旧金山,这可能又是一个是非之地,活动分子的行事计划早已筹备了数月。

    On Wednesday , it arrives in San Francisco , where activists have spent months planning protests .

  23. 东京奥运圣火传递开启

    Olympic Torch Relay kicks off

  24. 伦敦是2008年22个奥运圣火传递城市之一。

    London is one of the22 cities that will have the privilege of hosting the Olympic flame in2008 .

  25. 在那里,将举行奥运圣火交接仪式,正式把圣火移交给北京奥组委。

    Luo will be the first Chinese to hold the Beijing Olympic flame after taking it from Nikolaidis .

  26. 在法国的媒体权利抗议人士扰乱奥运圣火采集仪式后,转播遭到中断。

    Broadcasts of the torch ceremony were suspended after a disruption by media rights protesters based in France .

  27. 无论我们身处富强之邦还是贫弱之国,奥运圣火都将把我们凝聚在一起!

    Whether we live in a rich or disadvantaged country , the flame will unite us all , '

  28. 更加让我激动的是7月15日奥运圣火将在我们这个城市传递。

    And the more exciting is the Olympic Torch will be relaid in our city at15th , July .

  29. 但奥运圣火的到来标志着盛事筹备工作的到来及在这里奥林匹克精神的传播。

    But the flame 's arrival marks the start of a campaign to build and spread Olympic excitement here .

  30. 奥运圣火是划过如焰火般的晚霞,闪着璀璨而迷人的流动美;

    As the Olympic flame is lit up like fireworks , sunset , flashing dazzling and enchanting mobile beauty ;