
  • 网络OULU
  1. 自1996年起,世界空气吉他锦标赛开始成为芬兰奥卢音乐影像节的一个部分。

    Since 1996 the annual Air Guitar World Championships have been a part of the Oulu Music Video Festival in Oulu , Finland .

  2. 土耳其族领导人德维斯埃尔奥卢要求我们接受所谓的公民,他已经获得批准。

    Turkish Cypriot leader Dervis Eroglu is asking us to accept the so-called citizenship he has granted .

  3. 土耳其外交部长达武特奥卢说,土耳其已准备好在伊朗的铀交换项目中充当中介人。

    Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu says his country is ready to play an intermediary role in a uranium exchange program .

  4. 布什总统呼吁埃尔奥卢,以确认所有已经与前土耳其族领导人塔拉特同意。

    The president called on Eroglu to confirm all that has already been agreed with former Turkish Cypriot leader Mehmet Ali Talat .

  5. 现在,埃尔多安和达乌特奥卢暗示阿赛德,如果他不停止杀害其人民,他们将采取军事干预。

    Nowadays , Mr Erdogan and Mr Davutoglu hint at military intervention against Mr Assad if he doesn 't stop murdering his own people .

  6. 在联络小组的一次全体会议上,兼任会议主席的土耳其外长达武特奥卢表示,利比亚全国过渡委员会的经费需求非常紧迫。

    At a Contact Group plenary session , Turkish Foreign Minister and conference chairman Ahmet Davutoglu said the TNC 's financial needs are acute .

  7. 土耳其外交部长达乌特奥卢星期一也在非盟总部。他是利比亚问题国际联络小组主席。

    Turkey 's Foreign Minister , Ahmet Davutoglu , was also at AU headquarters Monday in his capacity as chairman of the international contact group on Libya .

  8. 土耳其外长达武特奥卢上星期天访问班加西期间宣布说,利比亚反对派是利比亚人民真正的合法代表,卡扎菲应当下台。

    During a visit Sunday to Benghazi , the Turkish diplomat declared the Libyan opposition is the legitimate representative of the Libyan people and that Gadhafi should go .

  9. 被泄露的信息包括姓名、全国身份证号码、住址、出生日期和父母姓名,其中还特别突出了埃尔多安总统和达武特奥卢总理的个人信息。

    The information includes names , national ID numbers , addresses , birth dates and parents ' names . It specifically highlights the personal data of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu .

  10. 我们的船沿着奥卢岛岸边走过,在正午时刻观察,这岛好像一堆青绿的树林,有一座很高的山峰耸立在上面。

    At the moment of our noon sights , we passed fairly close to the island of Aurou , which looked to me like a mass of green woods crowned by a peak of great height .

  11. 奥卢大学在他们的第一项研究的报告中称,92%的季节性情绪失调患者在接受Valkee公司一个月的光线治疗(每日8到12分钟)后已经完全康复。

    The University of Oulu reported that in their first study , 92 percent of the patients with seasonal affective disorder achieved full remissionafter a month of daily eight-to-12 minute doses of light from the Valkee .

  12. 奥卢迪肯尼斯研究所的主任医师蒂莫塔卡拉说:“这两个试验表明,通过耳道照进大脑的亮光是未来治疗季节性情绪失调的一个重要方法。”

    Timo Takala , chief physician at the Oulu Deaconess Institute said : ' These two trials show that bright light channeled into the brain via ear canal is an important future method to treat seasonal affective disorder . '

  13. Valkee公司和芬兰奥卢大学联合开展的两个临床试验发现,目标精确的亮光有助于预防这一病症。Valkee公司生产一种可以将光线射入人耳内的仪器。

    Two clinical trials , run by Valkee - who make a device that can shine light into your ear - and the University of Oulu in Finland , have found that carefully targeted light can help prevent the condition .

  14. 克里在伊斯坦布尔与土耳其外交部长艾哈迈德·达武特奥卢会面并发表讲话,克里敦促土耳其和以色利继续推进和解进程,自以色列为2010年袭击土耳其前往加沙地区的救援船并造成人员死亡一事道歉后,两国开始恢复关系。

    Speaking in Istanbul with Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu , Kerry urged Turkey and Israel to continue on the path of rapprochement that started with an Israeli apology for the 2010 death of Turkish citizens aboard an aid vessel bound for the Gaza Strip .