
  • 网络Olympic Ideal;olympic idea
  1. 奥林匹克理想体系的形成与教育

    The formation of Olympic ideal system and education

  2. 奥林匹克理想在世界体育运动发展中独树一帜。

    Olympic ideal has a style of its own in the development of world sports .

  3. 5《体育颂》是奥林匹克理想的升华。

    ' Ode of Sport'is the sublimation of the Olympic idea .

  4. 试论奥林匹克理想与社会进步的互动

    Try to Discuss the Mutual Acceleration Between Olympic Ideals and Social Progress

  5. 崇尚奥运精神和北京实现奥林匹克理想的见证。

    For the Olympic spirit and beijing 's strong desire for the Olympic ideals .

  6. 奥林匹克理想:和谐美的崇高理想

    The Olympic Ideal-A Lofty Ideal of Harmonious Beauty

  7. 它将在奥林匹克理想普及方面,迈出重要的一步。

    - They will mark a major step forward in the spreading of the Olympic Ideals .

  8. 兴奋剂与奥林匹克理想的冲突

    Doping Rencounters to Olympic Ideal

  9. 寻求中国传统体育文化理想和奥林匹克理想的和谐元素,发觉它们能为和谐社会提供精神资源。

    Harmonious factors of traditional sport cultural ideals of China and the Olympic ideals can provide spiritual resources .

  10. 这些标志有着丰富的文化含义,形象地体现了奥林匹克理想的价值取向和文化内涵。

    These symbols have a rich cultural meaning , reflecting visually value orientation and culture intension of Olympics ideal .

  11. 结果表明:古希腊和文艺复兴运动中的人文精神是奥林匹克理想的重要源泉。

    It was shown that the humane spirit of the ancient Greece and the Renaissance is the important source of the Olympic spirit .

  12. 本文作者从以下5个方面来论述:1奥林匹克理想是体育文化概念;

    The author of this article discusses in following 5 aspects : 1 . Olympic idea is a conception of the sport culture ;

  13. 通过运用文献资料和逻辑推理的研究方法,对奥林匹克理想与社会进步之间的互动关系进行了讨论。

    To advance the Olympism which have Chinese characteristic and perfect the Olympic Idea by analyze the epoch significance and conflict of modern Olympic Movement .

  14. 奥林匹克理想是以奥林匹克主义为奋斗目标的一种对未来社会的设想和信念。

    The Olympic ideal refers to a kind of imagination and faith of the future society that has been the goal of the struggle of the Olympism .

  15. 本文认为奥林匹克理想体系的形成正是现实与理想冲突的同步前进和相互转化的结果。

    This article suggests that the formation of Olympic ideal system is the synchronous progress of realism and idealism in conflict and the result of their inter transformation .

  16. 知识分子们,如塞帕斯和维克拉斯,坚信高尚的比赛精神和奥林匹克理想,为复兴奥运会而努力奔波。

    Intellectuals such as Evangelos Zappas and Demetrios Vikelas who believed in the spirit of noble contests and the Olympic ideals , lent their voices and efforts to the revival of the Olympic Games .

  17. 这个会徽调用了奥林匹克理想的全部内涵,包含了对运动员拼搏精神的鼓励、胜利者荣誉的崇敬及主办城市的印记。

    This emblem invokes the universal fraternity offered by the Olympic ideal , as well as the glory of the winners , the gallant spirit of their battles and the accession of Montreal to the rank of Olympic city .

  18. 伴随着我国积极准备举办北京2008年奥运会进程,以弘扬奥林匹克理想为核心和以“人文奥运”为主要理念的奥运热潮正在中国各地掀起。

    As actively preparing for the holding process of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games , the development of Olympic movement in China is being an upsurge periods that emphasize on developing the Olympic ideals as the core of the Olympic movement .

  19. 奥林匹克理想是顾拜旦首先提出的一个概念,它是以奥林匹克主义为奋斗目标的一种对未来的设想和信念,并经过实践而形成的一种思想体系。

    Olympic idea is a conception which was initiated by Pierre de Coubertin . , it is the imagination and confidence for the future with the aim of the struggle by Olympism and was formed an ideology through the Olympic practice .

  20. 杰克:宗旨是:在奥林匹克理想的指导下,鼓励组织和发展体育运动、体育竞赛;促进和加强各国运动员之间的友谊;保证按期举办奥运会。

    Jack : the tenet is under the guidance of the Olympic spirit , en-couraging , organizing , and developing sports activities and competi-tions , promote and enhance friendship among every country and safe-guard the holding of the Olympic Games on time .

  21. 并承载着奥林匹克的最高理想。

    And carries the highest ideals of the Olympics .

  22. 如何保持奥林匹克的崇高理想并努力控制职业化的副作用,是当今奥林匹克研究的重要课题。

    How to keep the lofty Olympic ideal and how to control the side effect of professionalization has become an important topic of the modern Olympic movement .

  23. 4奥林匹克精神是奥林匹克理想的体现;

    The Olympic spirit is an embodiment of the Olympic idea ;

  24. 3奥林匹克运动是奥林匹克理想的实践;

    Olympic movement is the practice of the Olympic idea ;

  25. “要支持真正的奥林匹克精神和和平理想,”她说。“反对暴力。”

    " To support the truth of the Olympic spirit and peace ," she said . " and to say no to the violence . "

  26. 未来六年,要通过多种方式普及奥林匹克知识,传播奥林匹克理想,推动奥林匹克精神的本土化。

    In the next 6 years , a variety of approaches will be applied to popularize knowledge about the Olympics , spread Olympic ideals and promote the localization of the Olympic spirit .

  27. 作为一种教育体系,它包含奥林匹克知识教育、奥林匹克理想教育和奥林匹克精神教育,是一种符合时代精神、催人向上、可以为我所用的教育内容。

    As an educational system , it contains Olympic knowledge education , Olympic ideal education and Olympic spirit education , which confirms to the spirit of the times , inspires people with enthusiasm and is instructive event in China .

  28. 奥林匹克休战以及更大的奥林匹克理想有其强大的含义:各族人民和各个国家能抛开彼此分歧,和睦相处。

    The Olympic Truce and more broadly the Olympic ideal carries a powerful message : that people and nations can set aside their differences and live and work together in harmony .

  29. 奥林匹克休战——以及更大的奥林匹克理想——有其强大的含义:各族人民和各个国家能抛开彼此分歧,和睦相处。

    The Olympic Truce - and more broadly the Olympic ideal - carries a powerful message : that people and nations can set aside their differences and live and work together in harmony .

  30. 商业化既给奥运会提供了坚实的经济基础,促进了它的发展,又干扰了奥林匹克竞技运动的正常状态,与奥林匹克理想发展有正反两方面的作用。

    While providing the Olympic Games with a solid economic basis for development , commercial-ization has interfered with the normal operation of the Games and tends to conflict with the Olympic ideals .