
  • 网络Ora;aura;Ola
  1. 然而奥拉用于测量我们所知多少的方法上了头条CNN在网站上公布了调查结果。

    However , Ola 's approach to really measure what we know made headlines , and CNN published these results on their web

  2. 一些人对遭遇海难的贵妇薇奥拉(Viola),以及她为什么把自己伪装成仆人而感到困惑。

    Some were confused by the shipwrecked noblewoman Viola and her motives in disguising herself as a servant .

  3. 由不同的人担任CEO和董事长正在全球范围内成为几乎所有人的标准,Strategy&合伙人佩尔-奥拉.卡尔松(Per-OlaKarlsson)说:

    Having a separate chief executive and chairman is becoming a global standard for almost everyone , says Per-Ola Karlsson , a partner at Strategy & .

  4. 博斯公司高级合伙人、该研究报告的共同作者佩尔-奥拉•卡尔松(Per-OlaKarlsson)提出,若企业的任命过程更加结构化,外部竞争者往往会受益。

    Per-Ola Karlsson , Booz senior partner and co-author of the study , suggested that outside contenders often benefited as companies adopted a more structured approach to appointments .

  5. 女性在危机期间担任领导者的例子很多,但普华永道(PwC)旗下的Strategy&咨询顾问佩尔-奥拉•卡尔松(Per-OlaKarlsson)表示,玻璃悬崖理论“可能是个神话,其他因素可以解释我们所看到的现象”。

    There is a host of examples of women taking leadership positions during crises but Per-Ola Karlsson , a consultant at Strategy & , part of PwC , says the glass cliff theory " may be a myth and that other factors can explain what we see . "

  6. 她看到薇奥拉脸上露出既困惑又不高兴的神色。

    She saw displeasure with perplexity expressed in Viola 's face .

  7. 《第十二夜》中薇奥拉与公爵的对话威廉·莎士比亚

    Viola 's response to Orsino in Twelfth Night By William Shakespeare

  8. 苏西马的母亲是奥拉王的至爱。

    Susima 's mother is king bindusara 's favored queen .

  9. 薇奥拉,我们真的得谈谈。

    Violet , psst , we really need to talk .

  10. 然后奥拉跟我说“带上这些设备。

    So Ola told me , " Take these devices .

  11. 薇奥拉果然留意了这支古老歌曲的词儿。

    Viola did not fail to mark the words of the old song .

  12. 我们对此该怎么办呢奥拉?

    What shall we do about this , Ola ?

  13. 图图奥拉是为尼日利亚带来国际声誉的第一位作家。

    Amos Tutuola is the first Nigerian writer who has won international recognition .

  14. 上帝奥拉告诉你的母亲。

    God ! Olla told your mother that-that .

  15. 有限空间无限想像&谈卡洛斯·富恩特斯的小说《奥拉》的魅力

    Finite Space and Infinite Imagination : The Charm of Carlos Fuentes ' Story Aura

  16. 这是最新的红色克雷奥拉蜡笔。

    These are the newest red Crayola crayons .

  17. 作者认为,南天山地槽是在一个奥拉谷式的活动带的基础上发展起来的。

    The author proposes that the South Tianshan geosyncline developed on a mobile belt of aulacogen type .

  18. 《损害与赔偿》,马克·A·富兰克林著,(米尼奥拉,纽约州:基金会出版社,1971),第401页。

    Marc A.Franklin , Injuries and Remedies ( Mineola , NY : Foundation Press , 1971 ), p.401 .

  19. 克雷奥拉的旅客在伊斯顿中心创建与城市一起,并帮助振兴。

    Crayola 's visitors'center in Easton was created in conjunction with the town , and has helped revitalize it .

  20. 安东尼奥走了以后,薇奥拉怕对手再来挑战,就赶快溜回家去了。

    Viola , when Antonio was gone , fearing a second invitation of fight , slunk home as fast as she could .

  21. 经过审问,奥拉为向沙特官方承认他曾参与了霍巴塔的一系列监视活动。

    Under questioning , al-Alawe admitted to Saudi authorities that he had been involved in a series of surveillances at Khobar Towers .

  22. 作为交易筹码,步行者将得到雷霆的奥拉迪波和二年级大个子球员小萨博尼斯,线人说道。

    As part of the deal , the Pacers will acquire guard Victor Oladipo and second-year big man Domantas Sabonis , sources said .

  23. 在瑞塔奥拉2014年的一张照片上,以一袭红唇展现了纽约人最爱的颜色。

    New X Factor judge Rita Ora , pictured in New York in 2014 , rocks a classic red lip as loved by New Yorkers

  24. 他是联合创始人兼总监。并且他想要奥拉告诉我我们在对抗惊人的无知的战斗中需要更具有系统性。

    He 's cofounder and director , and he wanted , Ola told me we have to be more systematic when we fight devastating ignorance .

  25. 在空中飞舞的寺院坐落在希腊卡兰巴卡的迈泰奥拉顶部分布着24座东正教修道院,这些修道院从11世纪就存在了。

    Located in Kalampaka , Greece , the Meteora are series of 24 Eastern Orthodox monasteries atop towers of rock built starting in the 11th century .

  26. 对公众有很大的号召力很明显,奥拉授意向公众公开这一转会情况无疑是在给切尔西施加压力。

    Have much appeal for the public Aulas has certainly done Lyon 's bidding in public on this occasion in an effort to increase the pressure on Chelsea .

  27. 奥拉迪波显然是已经足够优秀了,但只要他没有对上赛季巨大的成功表现自满,他依然可以越来越出色。

    Oladipo is obviously already quite good , but he can still get better as long as he doesn 't become complacent after his immense success last season .

  28. 洛杉矶县副执法官奥拉-西耶拉说,已收到发生第三次雪崩的消息,据说有三人失踪。

    A third avalanche also was reported and as many as three people were believed to be missing , said Los Angeles County sheriff 's Deputy Aura Sierra .

  29. 在希腊语中,迈泰奥拉是“在空中飞舞”的意思,这些寺庙与本系列开头的悬空寺有异曲同工之妙。

    In Greek , Meteora means " suspended in air , " and the monasteries are an architectural marvel akin to the Hanging Temple that opened this story .

  30. 更坏的是,象麦克林内这样的对手尚能打中有效的重拳,那么你可以想象:狂大的克里奇科定能猛击阿雷奥拉洞开的面门。

    Worse , if an opponent like McCline can land such damaging punches , one can only imagine what havoc a Klitschko could wreak on Arreola 's wide-open face .