
  • 网络Olympism;Olympics principle
  1. 关于人文主义(Humanus)的几点思考&从人文奥运谈起奥林匹克主义与西方人文主义传统

    Some Reflections on Humanus The Studying for Connection between Olympism and Humanist Tradition in the West

  2. 浅析奥林匹克主义和人的全面发展

    Simple Analysis on Olympism and the Human Comprehensive Development

  3. 在高校体育教育中进行奥林匹克主义教育的探究

    On Practice of Olympic Spirit Training in College Physical Education

  4. 教育是奥林匹克主义的核心内容。

    Education is a core element of the Olympic principles .

  5. 现代竞技体育已成为当代人文主义教育的重要组成部分,即奥林匹克主义;

    Modern competitive sport has become the important component of modern humanism .

  6. 论奥林匹克主义在高校思想道德教育中的现实意义

    On significance of Olympics in morality education of colleges

  7. 奥林匹克主义对中国传统文化的改造方面也起着积极影响。

    Positive impact arises too in the respect of transforming of Olympians to China 's traditional culture .

  8. 奥林匹克主义是一种“人生哲学”,旨在促进人全面、和谐的发展。

    Olympism is a kind of life-philosophy , which aims at promoting the development of mankind in coordination and full scale .

  9. 奥林匹克主义、志愿服务精神与我国高等教育价值取向在精神层面的相通互融构建了我国高校奥运志愿服务的内在基础。

    The combination of the Olympism , the volunteer spirit and the university education make up the inner base of the university Olympic volunteer service .

  10. 他构造了以奥林匹克主义为核心的现代奥林匹克运动的思想体系,为奥运的发展奠定了坚实的思想基础。

    He conceived the Olympic thought system with Olympism as its center , and laid a solid foundation for the development of the Olympic Movement .

  11. 奥林匹克主义是一种生命哲学,也是一种理想精神、一种提升现代人生命质量的文明运动。

    Olympism is a being philosophy , also an ideal spirit , and is a civilizing movement to enhance the life quality of the modern people .

  12. 奥林匹克主义的意义与价值可以从一些标志反映出来:其中包括五环、口号和圣火。

    The meaning and the values of the Olympic Spirit are conveyed by symbols : among these are the rings , the motto and the flame .

  13. 综合上述吾人不难发现,奥林匹克主义除了部分理念是西方式的外,它的权力来源-国际奥会,事实上是一个帝国主义式的领导。

    It seems that these ideas have the character of universality , but it is found that some of them are totally a western style when they were studied deeply .

  14. 奥林匹克主义是人类在从事奥林匹克运动中人的生物属性的精神升华,它的意识形态就是奥林匹克精神。

    Olympism is the spiritual sublimation of the biological attributes of human beings when they are engaged in the Olympic games , and its ideology is the sprit of Olympic games .

  15. 在分析人文奥运的真谛与奥林匹克主义的本质相同的基础上,提出新世纪弘扬中华民族传统体育文化的若干思考。

    On the basis of the same essence of the humanistic Olympics and the Olympism , this essay puts forward some reflections on the development of traditional culture of Chinese sport in 21st century .

  16. 国际奥委会主席雅克·罗格透过电视向北京奥组委作出的努力致以祝贺,并对他们在中国传播奥林匹克主义、推动体育运动发展而不断作出的承诺表示钦佩和感谢。

    In a video messsage , the International Olympic Committee ( IOC ) President Jacques Rogge , congratulated the efforts of BOCOG and their continued commitment to the promotion of Olympism and sports in the country .

  17. 20世纪以来,电视媒体凭借其强大的科技手段与技术优势,将奥林匹克主义及其精神、信仰、理想,传遍全世界,使其成为全人类所普遍承认与共同遵守的价值体系。

    Since the 20th century , the TV-media rely on the means of science and technology to spread the Olympic spirits , beliefs , ideals throughout the whole world , make it to be a common system of values , universally recognized by all humanity .

  18. 奥林匹克主义所追求的集体主义、爱国主义、国际主义、公平竞争、遵守纪律、艰苦奋斗、知难而上的精神,与中央六中全会《决议》所提出的社会主义精神文明建设的基本任务与内容是相符合的。

    Highlighting collectivism , patriotism , internationalism , fair competition , discipline and norms , hard struggle going bravely forward in Olympism is consistent with the basic goal of building ideological morality of socialist spiritual civilization put forward by the recent Resolution of the Communist Party .

  19. 奥林匹克纯粹主义者一向认为奖牌榜有点粗俗。毕竟,重要之处理应在于参与。

    Olympic purists have always considered the medals table somewhat crass . After all , the important thing is supposed to be the taking part .

  20. 奥林匹克运动与女性主义

    Study on Feminism and the Olympics

  21. 奥林匹克理想是以奥林匹克主义为奋斗目标的一种对未来社会的设想和信念。

    The Olympic ideal refers to a kind of imagination and faith of the future society that has been the goal of the struggle of the Olympism .

  22. 奥林匹克运动,是在奥林匹克主义指导下,以体育运动和四年一度的奥林匹克庆典为主要活动内容。

    The Olympic movement is an international movement centered with sports activities and the Olympic Games held every four years .

  23. 但商业化如果操作不当,会对奥林匹克运动本身产生消极影响,有悖于奥林匹克主义和奥林匹克精神。

    Exessive commercialization does harm to the Olympic Games , and runs counter to Olympism and the Olympic spirit .

  24. 作为现代奥林匹克运动价值目标与思想体系的奥林匹克主义,是一种积极进取的人生哲学,具有深刻的品德教育价值。

    Olympism , embodying modern Olympics ' value and thought system , is an active and enterprising philosophy , which has profound value on moral education .

  25. 奥林匹克理想是顾拜旦首先提出的一个概念,它是以奥林匹克主义为奋斗目标的一种对未来的设想和信念,并经过实践而形成的一种思想体系。

    Olympic idea is a conception which was initiated by Pierre de Coubertin . , it is the imagination and confidence for the future with the aim of the struggle by Olympism and was formed an ideology through the Olympic practice .

  26. 现代奥林匹克的发展、人类对于运动商业化的进程以及21世纪人类对人文主义的追求,使人文主义和奥林匹克主义又一次激起了火花。

    With the development of modern Olympic games and the pursuit of commerce , The humanism and Olympism make another contradiction .