
  • 网络Olympic Songs;you and me;We are ready;I Wanna Run
  1. 奥运歌曲作为其中的一种是为奥林匹克运动会而创作。

    However , Olympic song is one of those special genres .

  2. 这也引发了新一轮的思考:真的有人会喜欢奥运歌曲吗?

    It invites the question : does anyone really care about Olympic songs ?

  3. 如果说有哪个国家最有资格来创作奥运歌曲,那么这个曾诞生了世界皇后乐队以及甲壳虫乐队的国度可谓当之无愧。

    If any nation is entitled to write an Olympic song , surely it 's the one that brought the world The Beatles and Queen .

  4. 但这似乎并没有妨碍到他在音乐领域内的影响力,就连“神七”上太空,也携带了他的奥运歌曲《千山万水》,可见他有多么受欢迎。

    But this as if has not hindered him in music domain influence ," god seven " on outer space , also has carried his Olympic Games song " Long and trying journey ", obviously he has receives welcome .

  5. 说到火候欠佳的奥运励志歌曲,并不单单只有缪斯乐队的大作。

    Muse is not alone in writing a less-than-inspiring Olympic song .

  6. 英国摇滚三人组合缪斯的新单曲被钦定为2012年伦敦奥运会的官方歌曲。

    The British rock trio Muse has the official song for the 2012 London Games .