
  • 网络gold award
  1. 没有号角吹奏来迎接他,也没有马车等候他,更没有金质勋章颁赠给他。

    For him no trumpets blare , no chariots wait , no golden decorations are decreed .

  2. 哈丁勋爵还为我在南非的表现发给我一枚凯泽依欣德金质勋章。

    For my work in South Africa I was given by Lord Hardinge a kaiser-i-hind gold medal .

  3. 让我先对你们授予我国会金质勋章表示最诚挚的感谢。

    And let me begin by thanking you most sincerely for voting to award me the Congressional Gold Medal .

  4. 此役为他赢得了一枚通常只授予将军的金质勋章。

    This action earned him a gold medal , an honour usually reserved for only men of general 's rank .

  5. 这是罗伯特.金凯得以委任的原因。哈丁勋爵还为我在南非的表现发给我一枚凯泽-依-欣德金质勋章。

    That 's why Robert Kincaid got assignments . For my work in South Africa I was given by Lord Hardinge a Kaiser-i-Hind Gold Medal .

  6. 她在美国访问的日程包括访问华盛顿,并在那里接受美国国会的最高平民荣誉,即国会金质勋章。

    Her schedule on her U.S trip includes a visit to Washington where she will receive the Congressional Golden Medal , Congress 's highest civilian honor .