
  • 网络Metallic Paint
  1. 喷金属漆是自由选择的,要额外收费。

    Metallic paint is an optional extra .

  2. 美泰丽克水性金属漆是普通乳胶漆中一种雅致的产品。

    Metallic Paint Collection is an elegant alternative to ordinary latex paint .

  3. 沃尔沃对金属漆要另外收费&呸!

    Volvo also charges extra for metallic paint – bah .

  4. 氟碳树脂金属漆的闪光效果研究

    Study on lustrousness effect of fluorocarbon resin metallic paint

  5. 新型氟碳金属漆的生产工艺

    Study on process of new type fluorocarbon metal lacquer

  6. 一则浅色闪光金属漆虹鳟现象的原因分析及对策

    Analysis and Countermeasures of a Light Shining Metallic Paint " Rainbow Trout " Phenomenon

  7. 颜色可供选择汽车包括白色固体,冷银色金属漆,和覆盆子红珍珠。

    Colors available on the car include White Solid , Cool Silver Metallic , and Raspberry Red Pearl .

  8. 介绍了金属漆涂装中易产生的特殊问题及其解决措施。

    The special problems easily occurred during the application of the metallic coatings and the countermeasures thereof are introduced .

  9. 这些软件包添加自定义颜色的金属漆,自定义颜色纳帕真皮内饰和外来节胡桃木装饰。

    These packages add custom color metallic paint , custom color Nappa leather interior and exotic burl walnut trim .

  10. GB/T13492-1992各色汽车用面漆这个门的(油)漆面是金属漆是汽车漆面,不易褪色的。

    Finish for automobiles The doors hardly lose its colour , because the metal paint is always used for cars .

  11. 根据仿铝塑板氟碳金属漆施工工艺,介绍如何对该类工程的施工进行质量控制。

    As viewed from application process of fluorocarbon metal paint for imitation aluminium plastic sheet , this article describes methods of quality control over this application involved .

  12. 塑胶金属PU漆,铝粉漆,汽车修补漆。

    Plastic and metal PU coating , sparking silver coating , car refinish .

  13. 金属闪光漆涂膜颗粒缺陷分析及解决途径

    Analysis and Approach to Particle Defect of Metal Flitter Paint Coating

  14. 超细铝粉浆配制金属闪光漆研究

    Study on Preparation of Metallic Sparking Coating with Superfine Aluminum Power

  15. 汽车轮毂金属闪光漆的研制与应用

    Development and application of metallic finish for automobile wheel hub

  16. 浮型铝粉浆配制金属闪光漆的研究

    Research into fabrication of metallic sparkling coating by floating aluminium powder slurry

  17. 高固体分聚酯氨基金属闪光漆的研制

    A Manufacture of Metallic Flash Paint with High-Solid Ployester-amino Resin

  18. 仿铝幕墙金属氟碳漆喷涂施工工艺

    Spraying technology of metallic F-C paint of aluminum covered-curtain wall

  19. 双组分低温汽车金属闪光漆的研制与施工

    Research and Application of Two Component Automotive Metallic Paint with Low Temperature Cure

  20. 以及金属闪光漆湿碰湿涂装;同时指出了金属闪光漆的发展趋势。

    Meanwhile , the developing trend of the metallic flash paint was put forward .

  21. 介绍了金属闪光漆的一般施工工艺。

    The general process of paint of metals flash is presented in this paper .

  22. 同时,对水性金属闪光漆的研究方向及发展前景进行了展望。

    At last , the research direction and development prospect waterborne metallic basecoat were discussed .

  23. 银灰金属闪光漆修补

    Repair of Silver Gray Metallic Paint

  24. 不用罩面的高光泽金属闪光漆的研究

    High gloss metallic coatings without finishing

  25. 一种适用于金属闪光漆的光照模型

    An illumination model for metallic paints

  26. 本文以金属氟碳漆为例,较详细介绍了施工技术要求及验收要点。

    This text is taking Fluorine carbon paint of the metal as example , Have introduced the specification requirement of construction technology and confirm the main point in detail .

  27. 研究了高固体分聚酯树脂的合成工艺,从溶剂、助剂、颜料分散、施工等角度对高固体分聚酯氨基金属闪光漆的工艺进行了优化和综合测试。

    The synthesis technology of high-solid polyester was made . The optimum technology conditions about the metallic flash paint were studied on the solvents , the additives , pigments dispersion and finishing etc.

  28. 选择适宜的含羟基树脂作为主要成膜物质,丁氧基三聚氰胺作为交联剂,再配以铝银浆及定向助剂、防沉剂,配制成汽车轮毂用金属闪光漆,以及与其相配套的罩光清漆。

    Hydroxy-based resin as film-forming composition , butoxy melamine as crosslinking agent , were incorporated with aluminium / silver slurry , directional agnet and anti-settling agent into metallic paint for automotive wheel hub in addition to clear top as its kitting product .

  29. 本文阐述了现代汽车涂料百年历史变迁,指出了21世纪用于汽车的水性涂料和粉末涂料是当今主要发展趋势,以及金属闪光漆系列具有广阔的市场前景。

    The historical evolution of the modern auto coatings is described . It is pointed out that the waterborne and powder coatings used for automobiles are the main trends in 21st century , and that the metallic paints show the large potentialities in future .

  30. 金属表面环氧漆漆膜拉伸剪切强度的测定

    Determination of Tensile Shear Strength for Epoxy Painting Film on Metal Surface