
  • 网络Print Age;print time
  1. 纸质报纸是印刷时代的产物,长期以来都是人们获取新闻信息的重要来源。

    As an important source of news and information , newspaper is the outcome of the print age .

  2. 纸写本时代和手工印刷时代是中国出版史上最伟大的两个阶段。

    Paper-making and printing were two of the great contributions of China to the world .

  3. 从本质来说,中国现代文学就是印刷时代的文学&媒介文学和社会文学。

    The modern Chinese literature is deferent from classic Chinese literature in that the technology of publishing .

  4. 随着数字图书馆建设的不断推进与深入,纸质印刷时代的传统版权制度也因此不断的受到挑战和冲击。

    Along with the development of the digital library , the traditional copyright system of printing era faced constant challenge and shock .

  5. 本文通过对印刷时代和网络时代版式特征的分析和比较,阐述了印刷时代与网络时代版式的共性与差异性。

    Through the analysing and comparing the characteristics from printing era to network era , this thesis probe into the common ground and differences of the two ages .

  6. 在印刷时代,广告叙事注重理性说辞;在电子媒介时代,广告叙事注重感官观赏;而发展到新媒体阶段,广告叙事注重受者体验。

    We think that advertising narrative focus on the rational rhetoric in the print era , sensory viewing in the electronic age , and recipients experience under the new media times .

  7. 当二十世纪末的历史余晖在古老的文化原野投下最后一抹背影时,印刷时代的文学宿命般的步入了落潮期。

    The age of printing turned into a period of ebb-tide when the historical twilight has been cast into the culture field and leave behind the last shadow in the twenty centuries .

  8. 从印刷时代报刊对于暴力事件的追随,到信息时代随处可见的暴力信息,媒介与受众对于暴力内容的偏爱更是与日俱增。

    From the printed Times newspaper following the violence to the information age that violence can be seen everywhere , the media and the audience preference for violent content is increasing day by day .

  9. 印刷时代,发行量充其量只能算是一个可疑的数字,任何人当然也没有办法来评判报刊上的某篇既定文章相对于其他文章的阅读量。

    In the age of print , circulation numbers were dubious at best and there was of course no way for anyone to tell how much a given article in a newspaper or magazine was read relative to another .

  10. 自20世纪以来,电子传媒开始在人类的生活中占据越来越重要的地位,人类的文明进程已经由口传时代、印刷时代而进入到了电子传媒时代。

    Since the 20th century , electronic media have been playing an important role in human life . Undergoing the oral time and printing time , the transmitting way of human civilization has entered a new epoch , the electronic media age .

  11. 很多人武断地认为印刷时代行将就木,但也有纸质媒介进入网络后重返传统主业,更有数字媒介开始介入纸质媒介。

    Many people arbitrarily think that the period of printing is going to its end , while some paper media also returns to its traditional business after entering into the network , and even some digital media begins to shift to the paper media .

  12. 在电子交流方式中,电视不受逻辑关系和因果法则制约的播放模式,以及观众注意力分散的接受特征,使其以娱乐精神瓦解了印刷时代的理性精神。

    In the way of electronic communication , the playback mode of television is not logic and causal laws constraints , and the characteristics of the audience to accept distracted , so the result of television is that entertain spirit collapses of the rational spirit of the printed age .

  13. 与传统的视觉中心主义和印刷时代的视觉文化相比,电子时代的视觉文化丧失了在认识论方而的优势,从理性走向了感性,成为一种充满欲望的观看形式,追求快感的满足。

    Compared to the traditional Visual-centrism and visual culture in the printing age , visual culture in electronic age lost its epistemology advantages , no longer being truth-oriented and changing from rational nature to emotional nature , and has become a watching style to pursuit and meet desire and pleasure .

  14. CTP技术是印刷数字化时代重要的研究与应用热点,也是印刷业从传统工作模式转变为现代工作模式的一个重要契机。

    The CTP technology is an important topic of research and application during the era of digital printing . It 's also a good chance for graphic art to change from the traditional mode to a modern one .

  15. 我们所知的规则,称为版权,是在印刷机时代制定的,那是一个内在地集中的大规模印刷的方法。

    The rules we have now , known as copyright , were established in the age of the printing press , an inherently centralized method of mass-production copying .

  16. 考岱尔·赫尔在印刷品时代就指出,真相还来不及穿上裤子,谎言就已经走遍了半个世界。

    Example Cordell Hull , in the age of print , observed that a lie goes halfway around the world before truth has time to get its trousers on .

  17. 在我们逐渐从印刷文化时代进入电子文化时代之后,人们对于世界的认知往往来源于以电影电视网络为主要代表的电子媒介提供的视觉信息而不是切身体验。

    Since entering electronic culture era , people 's cognition of the world often stems from the vision information offered by electronic media represented mainly with films and televisions network instead of own experience .

  18. 科技不断的发展,使得媒体从纸质的印刷品时代,发展到广播、电视、互联网,而后一种更为便捷,极具个性化的媒体产生了&手机。

    Technology continues to develop , making the print media from the paper era , the development of radio , television , the Internet , then a more convenient , highly personalized media created-the phone .

  19. 麦格劳·希尔公司没有对评论的请求进行回应,但是其首席执行官大卫·莱文在8月份时告诉《金融时报》,“在高等教育中,印刷教材的时代现在已经结束了。”

    McGraw Hill didn 't respond to a request for comment , but its CEO David Levin told the Financial Times in August that " in higher education , the era of the printed textbook is now over . "

  20. 印刷文字的时代远未结束。

    The day of the printed word is far from ended .

  21. 印刷文字传播时代,艺术的批量传播成为可能。

    In the printed word era , the art of mass communication become possible .

  22. 手机报、数字期刊、电子书等诸多新媒介形式代表着印刷媒介数字化时代的到来。

    The development of digital print media makes the experience of the new generation different from the previous ones , which reflects a reverse socialization procedure in Post-figurative culture .

  23. 那个用油墨和暗室的化学药品印刷出报纸的时代已经过去,人们时而也会怀念那个时代。

    It 's all light years away from when the paper was first published back in the days of typewriter ink and dark room chemicals , a bygone age still occasionally missed by some .

  24. 传统的纸质印刷出版物在数字时代发生了重大变化,电子出版物、网络出版物相继问世,期刊编辑出版的工作流程完全可以依赖于计算机和网络技术实现数字化出版。

    With the appearance of electron and network publication , great changes have taken place to the traditional paper publication in the digital time . Periodical editing and publishing work flow can completely depend on computers and network technology to get digital publication .

  25. 以公元15世纪德国古腾堡发明金属活字印刷和电脑参与平面设计为标志,可以把平面设计划分为3个阶段:传统设计时代、印刷设计时代和数字设计时代。

    Germany ancient to rise fort invent metal type printing leave the sign on graphic design with computer with the 15th century , can divide graphic design into 3 stages : Tradition design era , is it design era and figure design era to print .