
  1. 法国音乐家德彪西,被称为印象派音乐大师。

    France Musician Debussy is the music master of impressionism .

  2. 他的独特的创作技法为二十世纪印象派音乐的到来起到了引领的作用。

    His unique writing techniques as the 20th century impressionism music coming played a lead role .

  3. 继古典音乐和浪漫音乐之后,德彪西开创了印象派音乐,并将其推向辉煌。

    While there were classic music and romantic music , Debussy created impressionist music and made it glorious .

  4. 德彪西是印象派音乐的创始人,对20世纪音乐进程影响深远。

    Debussy was the initiator of Impressionist Music , whose creations have profound influence on the Music in20th Century .

  5. 印象派音乐作为一种国际性乐派,其影响在20世纪前30年盛极一时。

    As one of the international music school , Impressionism music was extremely popular in the first 30 years of the 20th century .

  6. 莫里斯·拉威尔是19世纪末20世纪初法国著名的作曲家、钢琴家,是继德彪西之后法国的又一位印象派音乐大师。

    Maurice Ravel is a French famous composer and pianist across the 19th century and 20th century , and the greatest French Impressionist musician after Debussy .

  7. 本文通过对德彪西钢琴小品《亚麻色头发的少女》在曲式、旋律型等方面的具体分析,论述了印象派音乐的创作风格。

    Through concrete analysis of Debussy 's piano opusculum The Lass with Flaxen Hair in its brad , tune and other aspects , it discusses the music style of impressionism .

  8. 《夜曲》是德彪西很有代表的管弦乐作品,其中的第三乐章《美人鱼》更是把印象派音乐的特点表现得极为充分。

    Nocturne is one of the most representative orchestral music works that was finished by Debussy , in which the third chapter Mermaid shows the characters of impressionism music sufficiently .

  9. 拉威尔发展了印象派音乐的表现力,创作思维严谨朴素,在继承传统作曲技法的同时,还形成了自己极具个性的音乐语言和作品形式。

    Ravel strengthened the expressive force of the Impressionism music . His thinking involved in compostion is even more well-knit , and simple . While inheriting the traditional composition techniques , he also developed his unique musical languages and forms .

  10. 本文以钢琴前奏曲《焰火》为例,从作品分析入手,将德彪西印象派的音乐特征、创作风格、基本表现手段以及演奏方法都进行了阐述。

    To analysis the prelude Feux d'artifice , the article expatiated the features of Impressionism music by Debussy , its composition style , the basic method of expression , and the performance way .

  11. 本文从文化的角度观察象征主义诗歌、印象派绘画以及音乐文化本身对于德彪西钢琴音乐创作的影响。

    This thesis is focus on the reflection to the piano creation of Debussy through the research on the symbolism poetry , impressionism painting and music culture .

  12. 与生俱来的叛逆精神与贵族气质使他有意将象征主义诗歌、印象派绘画和东方音乐融合加之自己的探索开拓终究形成了他自己独特的音乐语言和艺术魅力。

    Inherent rebellious spirit and nobility ~ he intends to tokenism poetry , music Impressionist paintings and integration with the East eventually formed their own exploration in his own unique musical language and the arts charm .

  13. 它们在色彩应用与表现方面强调色彩在作品中的应用与表现,是印象派绘画和印象派音乐所以形成独立艺术流派的关键所在。

    Both painting and music highlight the application and presentation of colors in their works of art . This is the very key point that the impressionist painting and music can respectively come into being as an independent school of art .