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  • 网络Tomahawk;gunstock war club
  1. 印第安战斧一种轻型斧头,以前由某些美洲土著居民用作工具或武器。

    A light ax formerly used as a tool or weapon by certain Native American peoples .

  2. 随后,联合国军又发动了一系列名为“勇气”和“印第安战斧”的陆军和空军联合军事行动,对在朝鲜喀山和汉城之间的中国和北朝鲜军队展开进攻,将其赶回朝鲜北部。

    A further series of attacks slowly drove back the communist forces , such as Operations Courageous and Tomahawk , a combined ground-and air-assault to trap communist forces between Kaesong and Seoul .