
  • 网络qselect;Quick Select;Quick Choice;fast select;QUICK PICK
  1. 模拟实验结果表明,本方法可以对大部分Web服务快速选择,有效地提高了Web服务的选择效率。

    Simulation experiments indicated that the proposed methods could quickly select most Web Services and effectively improve Web Services selection efficiency .

  2. 为降低AVS视频编码标准中帧间模式选择算法的复杂度,提出自适应阈值帧间模式快速选择算法。

    In order to reduce complexity of AVS inter-frame mode selection algorithm , this paper proposes a self-adaptive threshold algorithm for inter mode fast selection .

  3. 运用模块化设计和基于实例的推理等理论,开发了石材异型加工设备的人机交互式CAD设计系统,该系统可以实现石材设备及其功能模块的快速选择、查询和设计。

    An interactive CAD system of equipments for machining irregular stones was developed based on the theories of modularization and CBR , which realizes the rapid selection , consultation , and design of the equipments and their functional modules in the development platform .

  4. 为平衡小区间业务量,本文结合导频信号强度、小区呼叫到达率和基站可用功率,提出了模糊快速选择小区的算法(FFCS)。

    To balance the traffic in the different cells , an algorithm named fuzzy FCS ( FFCS ) considering signal strength , the rate of arriving calls and available power of the base station is put forward .

  5. 在C++Builder平台上开发了一套基于模块化的纺机产品方案设计系统(TMPDS),可根据用户需求快速选择模块组合形成新产品,或者在已有产品实例基础上快速修改形成新的产品。

    A rapid design system of textile machinery based on modular concept is developed on the platform of C + + Builder . The system can quickly choose module or revise the product case to form new product according to the customer requirements .

  6. 提出了一种亮度预测模式快速选择算法。

    A fast mode decision algorithm for luma prediction is proposed .

  7. 基于帧内快速选择的视频压缩算法研究

    Algorithm Research on Video Compression based on Intra Fast Mode Decision

  8. 这允许你在场景中快速选择重要的物体。

    This allows you to quickly pick important objects in your scene .

  9. 基于积分图像的快速选择掩模平滑算法

    Rapid algorithm of selective masking smoothing based on integral images

  10. 论文最后对基于帧内模式选择的已有算法进行了研究和分析,结合全模式算法,提出了一种基于帧内模式的快速选择算法。

    Then a fast mode selection algorithm based on intra-frame is given .

  11. 基于自适应门限的视频编码模式快速选择算法

    Fast Video Coding Mode Selection Algorithm Based on Adaptive Thresholds

  12. 多天线系统分集复用模式快速选择算法

    A Fast Diversity and Multiplexing Selection Algorithm for Multi-antenna Systems

  13. 其一,以快速选择帧内预测编码模式为目标,提出了一种星型快速帧内模式选择算法。

    In order to select the actual intra-prediction mode quickly , a Star algorithm is proposed .

  14. 快速选择电镀溶液的种类

    Varieties of Rapid Selection Electroplating Solutions

  15. 采用5寸彩色显示屏,可快速选择并显示花样,并实时显示刺绣情况。

    Choose , show design quickly and show stitching status in time thought 5 inch colorful LCD .

  16. 颜色编码的菜单结构和用户图形界面使用户能快速选择和设置。

    The color-coded menu structure and graphical user interface allow users to quickly select options and settings .

  17. 花费12.95美元购买手环的游客可以快速选择他们喜欢玩的项目。

    Those that decide to buy the $ 12.95 USD MagicBands can instantly select their favorite rides .

  18. 快速选择中子光谱仪

    Fast chopper neutron spectrometer

  19. 口蹄疫病毒持续感染细胞系的快速选择及其特性研究

    Rapid Selection of the Cells Persistently Infected with Foot-and-mouth disease virus and the Study of Natures in Persistent Infection Cells

  20. 通过两个词汇选择实验,采用快速选择法对汉语句子语境作用作了考察。

    Two experiments were designed to test the effects of sentence context in which a word choice task was employed .

  21. 此算法基于多分辨率运动估计方案和新率失真模型进行预测模式快速选择,并结合带提前退出准则的快速搜索算法来加速搜索过程。

    The multi-resolution motion estimation scheme and an efficient rate-distortion model are adopted with early termination rules to accelerate the search process .

  22. 人的大脑在读取强烈的记忆时要比微弱的记忆更快,这就解释了为什么快速选择往往意味着更对的选择。

    Strong memories are accessed more quickly than weak memories , which may explain why choosing fast tends to mean choosing right .

  23. 为快速选择合适的轴向振动钻削参数,实现深孔的顺利加工与自动化加工奠定了理论基础。

    This lays down a theoretical foundation for quick selection of right axial vibration drilling parameters and successful automatic machining of deep holes .

  24. 如果视力不好,可以添加大小按钮以便快速选择相对的字体大小。

    If you have low vision , you might want to add the Size button for quick access to the relative font size .

  25. 为了快速选择出使系统容量最优的发射/接收天线子集,给出了一个快速的迭代选择算法。

    To quickly select transmit / receiver antenna subset making the system capacity best , we proposes a fast iterative antenna selection algorithm .

  26. 本文根据连续网精度数字化分析的结数,建立了适用于大规模连续网优化的快速选择最优附加观测量的方法。

    A method for fast chosing optimal additional observations was advanced , in accordance with digital analysing results of the precision of areal geodetic networks .

  27. 画面目标定位是一项新兴实用的智能化功能,满足了用户对视频画面目标快速选择浏览的需求。

    Screen Targeting is an emerging intelligent and practical features meeting the objectives of the users to quickly select and view the target on screen .

  28. 目的:介绍一种快速选择和评价高速逆流色谱溶剂体系的方法。

    Objective : To introduce a new way , which facilitates the systematic search and evaluation of the solvent systems suitable for high-speed countercurrent chromatography ( HSCCC ) .

  29. 该系统可根据用户的设计要求,实现石材异型制品加工设备及其功能模块的快速选择、查询和设计。

    The rapid selection , inquiry and design of the equipments and functional modules for special-shaped stones are realized in the system according to the customer 's design requirement .

  30. 为了降低计算复杂度,根据帧内预测算法特征提出了一种基于像素方向相关性的帧内预测模式快速选择算法。

    In order to decrease the computational complexity of the algorithm , a fast algorithm for intra-prediction mode decision based on pixel 's directional relativity is presented in this paper .