
  • 网络Rapid response mechanism;quick response mechanism
  1. 通过分析纺织服装供应链的特点,提出基于快速反应机制的纺织服装供应链策略。

    Through analyzing the features of the supply chain of textile and clothing , this paper proposes the strategies of the supply chain of textile and clothing based on quick response mechanism .

  2. 近年来快速反应机制建设有了很大提高。

    Fast response policing system has developed quickly in recent years .

  3. 企业应建立新产品开发的快速反应机制

    Enterprises should set up a Fast Reactive Mechanism of Developing New Products

  4. 应急物流系统及其快速反应机制研究

    Research on Emergency Logistics System and Its Emergent Response Mechanism

  5. 快速反应机制的主要内容集中在三个方面:(1)事故发现和报警;

    Rapid mechanism includes three aspects : ( 1 ) discover accident ;

  6. 论城市治安快速反应机制建设纲要

    On Constructive Outline of Quick Reaction Systems in City Security

  7. 面向协同的服装供应链快速反应机制研究

    Research on quick response of apparel supply chain for collaboration

  8. 交通事故快速反应机制的建立和完善;

    Second , establishing and perfecting of speedy mechanism for traffic accidents ;

  9. 建立国境口岸突发公共卫生事件快速反应机制与传染性非典型肺炎防制

    Prevention and cure of SARS in ports and establishment of rapid response mechanism

  10. 我国中小口岸卫生检疫监管的快速反应机制研究

    The Research of Fast Reaction for Quarantine Control in Chinese Small Frontier Ports

  11. 九是要建立应对林业灾害快速反应机制。

    Is to establish a rapid response mechanism to deal with forestry disaster .

  12. 论农村警务快速反应机制建设

    Constructing Speedy Response Mechanism of Rural Police Work

  13. 关于建设快速反应机制的系统思考

    Study on Constructing the Fast Response Policing System

  14. 因此,建立有效的快速反应机制和应对策略具有重要意义。

    Thus , it is important to set up a rapid responsive mechanism and strategy .

  15. 四是建立快速反应机制;

    Establishing rapid response system ;

  16. 应急处置铁路爆炸事件的快速反应机制&异地先行控制

    Fast Reaction Mechanisms of Emergent Management of Railway Explosion & First Control in an Area out of Jurisdiction

  17. 建立快速反应机制,强化危机发生后政府处理危机的能力;

    Establishing the mechanism of rapid reactivity to enhance the ability of dealing with the crisis after it happens ;

  18. 指挥系统是快速反应机制的核心内容,提高实战成效是快速反应机制的主要目的。

    Command system is kernel content of the fast response policing mechanism and improving actual effect is its main aim .

  19. ②建立快速反应机制,果断处理旅游危机;

    Six preventive ways and methods are given : ① to establish a warning system and prepare tourism crisis management ;

  20. 我国服装企业存在库存高和客户满足率低的矛盾,解决这对矛盾的一个有效方法是建立面向协同的供应链快速反应机制。

    An effective way to solve the problem is to establish a mechanism of quick response of apparel supply chain for collaboration .

  21. 快速反应机制则通过对危机预警的快速反应,或将危机消除在最初状态,或将危机带来的损失降低到最低。

    Quick reaction mechanism responds to the crisis alarm by eliminating the crisis at its incipient stage or limiting the loss to the minimum .

  22. 监狱系统在此阶段主要从建立和完善新闻发言人制度及快速反应机制入手,对监狱危机进行有效的处置。

    In this phase , the jail organ should emphases on establishing and improving two system & the news spokesman and rapid reaction mechanism .

  23. 从宏观角度重点研究了道路交通危机管理运行机制的预警机制、快速反应机制、信息发布机制、协调机制、评价机制等方面问题。

    The operation mechanisms including pre-warning , rapid response , information release , coordination and evaluation mechanisms are emphatically studied from macro point of view .

  24. 为改变原始、时效性差的生产管理模式,华北油田分公司第四采油厂率先建立了快速反应机制。

    To modify the original and low time efficiency management models , the rapid reaction system was early established in4th oil Recovery Company of North China Oilfields .

  25. 阐述了服装快速反应机制的定义和特点;提出了快速反应系统的技术基础和实施条件;

    The definition and characteristics of an apparel rapid response mechanism are expounded , and technical foundation and conditions of implementing this rapid response system are put forward .

  26. 加强植物检疫职能、整合检疫管理力量、构建快速反应机制、确保安全服务贸易等是有效防范外来生物入侵的重要组织步骤;

    To strengthen the functions of plant quarantine , integrate quarantine management , establish fast response systems and ensure safe trade have been recognized as important organizational steps .

  27. 拦截战术作为警察处置突发事件、打击刑事犯罪的快速反应机制组成部分,对于有效遏止犯罪、捕获案犯、维护社会秩序,发挥着重要的作用。

    Intercepting tactics as a part of quick reacting system to deal with unexpected incidents and fight criminal crimes is very effective in fighting crime , arresting suspects , maintain social order .

  28. 危机无处不在,危机无时不存,树立强烈的危机意识,夯实化解危机的本领,建立快速反应机制,是企业基业长青的根本保证。

    Crisis everywhere , all times keep the crisis , foster a strong sense of crisis , strengthening the ability to defuse the crisis , a rapid response mechanism is the fundamental guarantee for enterprise Everlasting .

  29. 对国内外服装生产技术水平及信息化水平进行了调查和分析,论述了在国内建立完整的、适应国际市场的服装快速反应机制及其系统的必要性与紧迫性;

    Having investigated and analyzed the technical and informational level of apparel , this paper discusses the necessity of establishing an integrated rapid response mechanism and system of apparel , which can adapt the international market .

  30. 加大资金投入,完善广西有害生物和有毒有害物质的风险预警及快速反应机制,确保风险预警及快速反应信息畅通。

    To put into more funds to perfect the risk pre-warning and fast response mechanism for the harmful creatures and poisonous and harmful substances , and ensure the smoothness of the risk pre-warning and fast response information .