
Structural Trade Financing : to control risks in fact
These repairs can be very expensive to the Lord that controls the fort .
China has not been called a currency manipulator , despite domestic American pressure over the controlled currency .
Concerning the trade and price system in CMEA , the member states pursued state monopoly of foreign trade .
Whatever the merits of the case against Huawei and ZTE , the risks of a trade war must be contained .
The key is to manage the costs of trade adjustment and to support the transition of workers to more competitive employment , not to block change .
In both the US and Europe , economists - and the politicians they indoctrinate - must discard the false theory that one can use changes in the exchange rate to control the net trade balance in a predictable way .
While Jin did not mention the value of the yuan , his comments come amid growing pressure from china 's trading partners , particularly the United states , to let its currency rise more quickly to help rein in its expanding trade surplus .
Parliament has in fact already authorised the government to tame the tobacco trade .
Their arguments concentrate on the following four issues : the subject qualification of WID dispute settlement mechanism , the representative of NGOs , the control of SIG ( Special Interest Group ), the trade protection tendency .
Uncontrolled trade in wildlife may lead to extinction or endangerment of wildlife resources .
This paper presents an accountant calculation information system which is developed for a international trading corporation .
In order to control international trade risk effectively , a new form of bank guarantee which is independent of underlying transactions has come into being .
27 . Some members of the Working Party raised concerns about China 's use of forex controls to regulate the level and composition of trade in goods and services .
The dominators adopted all political and martial means manage border areas and they also used economical measures of marketing management-way of controlling common salt trade to strengthen the construction of northern frontiers and native coastal military affairs .
However , his remarks may be seen as protectionist , since any attempt by the US and EU to link environmental controls directly to trade could be seen as a way of excluding competitors in the developing world from the largest western markets .
Thus , the reader can have a general idea of the commercial activities in the era of West Chou and a preliminary understanding of the market trade strictly in control of the ruler of West Chou and the system of management of markets at that time as well .
Trade Method , Production Control , and Transition and Upgrading of Enterprises in the Processing Trade
He proposed to unify Ireland with Britain in 1785 to gain a full control of the Irish trade .
But Spain 's control of the seas left the company little scope for trade , even before hostilities resumed in 1718 .
Price controls have crushed Argentina 's domestic energy production , taking its energy-trade balance from $ 6 billion of net exports in2006 to an expected $ 2 billion of net imports this year .
Under the Convention on international trade in Endangered species , which controls the world 's ivory trade , President Robert mugabe 's Zimbabwe has a special concession that allows it to sell lots worth & pound ; 270or less .
Higher export intensity goes with smaller range of enterprise productivity promotion ; its primary cause is that export enterprises are too dependent on export market , especially after controlling the processing trade influence , this kind of causal relation obtains a promotion in high export intensity sector .
There is some legal system on the aspect of controlling infectious disease by international good trade in WTO and the contract of SPS .
The makers of MEAs hope to control trade harmful to the environment directly and effectively by environmental trade measures ( ETMs ) thereby promote to realize goals of MEAs .
The overall development level of chemical automation in 2000 are expounded .
China attached great importance to the control over producing and trading high-polluting products .
After 17th century , as the replacement of the Portuguese , Dutch had controlled the trade between East and West .
More recently , responding to pressures in Congress and from European governments , he sometimes has moderated this line on arms control and trade issues ;
The federal government may act to regulate commerce among the states , while the states may set conditions applicable to commerce within their own borders .