
  1. 结构贸易融资:名为融资实为控制贸易风险

    Structural Trade Financing : to control risks in fact

  2. 这些修补对控制贸易站的领主来说是非常昂贵的。

    These repairs can be very expensive to the Lord that controls the fort .

  3. 不管美国国内怎么施压企图促进中国控制贸易流量,中国都无力成为贸易流量的操控者。

    China has not been called a currency manipulator , despite domestic American pressure over the controlled currency .

  4. 在贸易和价格体系方面,经互会国家实行国家垄断的外贸体制,由中央机构控制贸易。

    Concerning the trade and price system in CMEA , the member states pursued state monopoly of foreign trade .

  5. 在针对华为和中兴通讯的问题上,不管其中有什么是非曲直,都必须控制贸易战的风险。

    Whatever the merits of the case against Huawei and ZTE , the risks of a trade war must be contained .

  6. 其中的关键就在于控制贸易调整的成本,帮助产业工人转入更具竞争力的工作岗位,而不是抗拒这一变化。

    The key is to manage the costs of trade adjustment and to support the transition of workers to more competitive employment , not to block change .

  7. 在美国和欧洲,经济学家和受他们思想影响的政治家必须摒弃这样一种虚假理论:人们可以利用汇率变化,以一种可预见的方式来控制贸易收支余额。

    In both the US and Europe , economists - and the politicians they indoctrinate - must discard the false theory that one can use changes in the exchange rate to control the net trade balance in a predictable way .

  8. 然而金没有提及人民币的价值问题,他的评论中夹杂着对中国的贸易伙伴持续增长的压力,特别是美国,只有加快人民币的通货膨胀以此来达到控制贸易膨胀过剩的目的。

    While Jin did not mention the value of the yuan , his comments come amid growing pressure from china 's trading partners , particularly the United states , to let its currency rise more quickly to help rein in its expanding trade surplus .

  9. 实际上,议会已授权政府控制烟草贸易。

    Parliament has in fact already authorised the government to tame the tobacco trade .

  10. 这些争议的焦点问题主要集中在参与WTO争端解决机制的主体资格、非政府组织的代表性、特殊利益集团控制和贸易保护倾向等四个问题上。

    Their arguments concentrate on the following four issues : the subject qualification of WID dispute settlement mechanism , the representative of NGOs , the control of SIG ( Special Interest Group ), the trade protection tendency .

  11. 不受控制的贸易可能导致野生动植物面临生存危机。

    Uncontrolled trade in wildlife may lead to extinction or endangerment of wildlife resources .

  12. 本文研究和实现的国际贸易中的会计结算系统就是我们为一家国际贸易公司开发的管理型的会计系统。该系统具有贸易前预测、贸易中规划和控制、贸易后核算和统计分析的功能。

    This paper presents an accountant calculation information system which is developed for a international trading corporation .

  13. 为了有效地控制国际贸易的交易风险,一种新型的独立于基础交易的担保方式&银行独立担保出现了。

    In order to control international trade risk effectively , a new form of bank guarantee which is independent of underlying transactions has come into being .

  14. 27.一些工作组成员对中国使用外汇管制来控制货物贸易和服务贸易的水平和构成表示关注。

    27 . Some members of the Working Party raised concerns about China 's use of forex controls to regulate the level and composition of trade in goods and services .

  15. 统治者除了采取政治的、军事的各种手段进行边疆管理之外,还运用了市场管理的经济措施&控制食盐贸易的办法来加强北部边疆和沿海地方的军事建设。

    The dominators adopted all political and martial means manage border areas and they also used economical measures of marketing management-way of controlling common salt trade to strengthen the construction of northern frontiers and native coastal military affairs .

  16. 不过,他的话可能被视为保护主义言论,因为美国和欧盟将环境控制与贸易直接联系的任何企图,都可能被视为将发展中国家的竞争对手排除在西方市场以外的手段。

    However , his remarks may be seen as protectionist , since any attempt by the US and EU to link environmental controls directly to trade could be seen as a way of excluding competitors in the developing world from the largest western markets .

  17. 由此可了解西周时代商业活动的大致情况,并对西周统治者严格控制市场贸易以及当时的市场管理制度有一初步的认识。

    Thus , the reader can have a general idea of the commercial activities in the era of West Chou and a preliminary understanding of the market trade strictly in control of the ruler of West Chou and the system of management of markets at that time as well .

  18. 贸易方式、生产控制与加工贸易企业转型升级

    Trade Method , Production Control , and Transition and Upgrading of Enterprises in the Processing Trade

  19. 小皮特为了全面控制爱尔兰的贸易权,于1785年提出英爱通商主张。

    He proposed to unify Ireland with Britain in 1785 to gain a full control of the Irish trade .

  20. 但西班牙对于海洋的控制使得公司贸易范围很小,甚至在1718年战火重燃前情况也没有改观。

    But Spain 's control of the seas left the company little scope for trade , even before hostilities resumed in 1718 .

  21. 价格控制把能源贸易差从2006年的60亿美元的净出口额降低到了今年预期的20亿美元,这无异于摧毁了阿根廷的国内能源生产。

    Price controls have crushed Argentina 's domestic energy production , taking its energy-trade balance from $ 6 billion of net exports in2006 to an expected $ 2 billion of net imports this year .

  22. 依据控制全球象牙贸易的《濒危物种国际贸易公约》,津巴布韦总统罗伯特?穆加贝有可以出售价值低于270英镑象牙的特殊专利。

    Under the Convention on international trade in Endangered species , which controls the world 's ivory trade , President Robert mugabe 's Zimbabwe has a special concession that allows it to sell lots worth & pound ; 270or less .

  23. 出口密集度较高反而对企业的生产率提升作用较小,其主要原因在于过度依赖出口市场,尤其是在控制了加工贸易的影响之后,这种因果关系在出口密集度较高的区间得到提升。

    Higher export intensity goes with smaller range of enterprise productivity promotion ; its primary cause is that export enterprises are too dependent on export market , especially after controlling the processing trade influence , this kind of causal relation obtains a promotion in high export intensity sector .

  24. WTO及其SPS协议在控制通过国际货物贸易传染疾病方面有一些法律机制。

    There is some legal system on the aspect of controlling infectious disease by international good trade in WTO and the contract of SPS .

  25. MEAs的缔造者们希望借助环境贸易措施这一手段,直接有效地控制有害环境的贸易,以此促进协定目标的实现。

    The makers of MEAs hope to control trade harmful to the environment directly and effectively by environmental trade measures ( ETMs ) thereby promote to realize goals of MEAs .

  26. 阐述了2000年化工自动化总体发展水平,其重要标志是:借助计算机和开放结构系统,把控制、管理、贸易连为一体的综合自动化信息系统;

    The overall development level of chemical automation in 2000 are expounded .

  27. 中国非常重视这一控制生产国和贸易高污染的产品。

    China attached great importance to the control over producing and trading high-polluting products .

  28. 17世纪之后,荷兰取代葡萄牙控制了东西方贸易渠道。

    After 17th century , as the replacement of the Portuguese , Dutch had controlled the trade between East and West .

  29. 其后,在国会和欧洲盟国的压力下,他有时在控制武器装备和贸易等问题上曾使这条路线温和一些。

    More recently , responding to pressures in Congress and from European governments , he sometimes has moderated this line on arms control and trade issues ;

  30. 联邦政府可以控制各州间的贸易,州政府可以规定适用于本州贸易的条件。

    The federal government may act to regulate commerce among the states , while the states may set conditions applicable to commerce within their own borders .