
  • 网络control integration
  1. 基于WEBService的多Web应用系统访问控制集成

    Access control integration of multi-web application system based on Web Service

  2. Web服务的控制集成

    Control integration of web services

  3. 这一控制集成了基于滑移率控制的ABS系统,实施简单,鲁棒性强。

    The proposed control system integrated with an ABS system is effective and robust .

  4. HEV多级开关流量控制集成阀块的性能研究

    On performances of manifold with multiple stage on-off flow control

  5. 系统采用基于WLAN的通信模式和基于有限状态机模型的规划与控制集成方法。

    Based on WLAN , system adopt the integration of planning and reactive control with the finite state automata ( FSA ) model .

  6. 并根据工程实际的需要,开发了基于OPC通讯技术水泥熟料生产操作培训与控制集成系统。

    Connecting with the construction practice , an operational training and control integrated system of the cement producing is designed based on OPC communication technology .

  7. 基于MAS的MID-BOT两级生产计划与控制集成研究

    The Integration Research of Production Planning and Scheduling in MID-BOT Hierarchy Based on MAS

  8. 在硬件设计上,本文采用了模拟PWM控制集成电路来实现移相全桥软开关DC/DC变换器的控制,实现功率传递和稳压。

    In the hardware design , the analog PWM control integrate circuit is used to achieve the control of the resonant phase shifted full bridge DC / DC converter , to transfer the power and regulator the output voltage .

  9. 本文认为现阶段我国施工企业实施计算机集成建造(CIC),其重点应该放在如何解决施工企业内部信息集成、施工企业控制集成以及施工企业与项目其他参与方集成这三个主要问题上。

    This paper advances the standpoint that the application of computer integrated construction in Chinese constructor companies should put emphasis on such problem as information integration , control integration and organization integration .

  10. 本课题受到国家自然科学基金重大项目先进电子制造中的重要科学技术问题研究的资助,专门针对RFID倒装芯片封装设备中的预绑定模块进行视觉系统和运动控制集成的研究。

    Dispensing technology as one of most significant process in Advanced Integrated Circuit Encapsulation ( AICE ) has become an important technique problem . The project researches the integration of the vision and motion parts of the pre-bonding module of RFID flip chip packaging machine .

  11. 在此基础上,分析了EPS和主动悬架这两个子系统间的相互关系,建立了整车模型,提出了基于多变量自适应控制集成控制策略,并进行了仿真计算。

    Based on these researches , this dissertation analyzes the relationship between two sub-systems , EPS and active suspension , sets up the model of a full vehicle , suggests the control scheme based on multi-variable adaptive control integration , and does the simulating calculation .

  12. 新型风扇速度自动控制集成电路及其应用

    A new IC for controlling the Fan speed and Its Application

  13. 制造资源计划与质量控制集成模型的研究

    Research on the Integrated Model of MRP ⅱ and Quality Control

  14. 该电路利用接近开关作为控制集成触发器的触发。

    This circuit makes use of near-switch and controls integrated trigger triggering .

  15. 区域宏观经济最优控制集成模型

    An Integrated Optimal Control Model for Regional Macro economic System

  16. 电机-控制集成系统的高故障容限研究

    High fault tolerance for AC motors integrated with control system

  17. 电机控制集成电路的发展

    The development of integrated circuit used in motors control

  18. 机械加工过程质量控制集成模型研究与实现

    Research and development of an integrated quality control model in mechanical machining process

  19. 液压控制集成块的产品模型化&提高工程设计效率的一条途径

    Product Models for Hydraulic Manifolds - An Approach for More Efficient Engineering Design

  20. 机器人轨线跟踪的视觉与控制集成方法

    Integration of vision and control for robot curve tracking

  21. WE系列单片点焊机控制集成电路

    WE Series One Piece Control IC for Spot Welder

  22. 制造企业生产计划调度与控制集成策略研究

    Integrated planning scheduling control scheme for manufacturing corporation

  23. 基于XML/OPC的ERP/MES/底层控制集成系统研究

    Study on Integrated System of ERP / MES / Controls Based on XML / OPC Technology

  24. 过程控制集成实验系统

    Integrated Experimentation System of Process Control

  25. 本文就其优点作了叙述;对开关电源电流型控制集成器件作了简介;并给出试验电路。

    This paper describes its advantages , introduces the current-mode control integrated device for switching power supply , and gives a experimental circuit .

  26. 在历史上,IT组织已经尝试通过提供托管的开发环境,并在经过授权的中间件与运行时上部署解决方案来控制集成。

    Historically IT organizations have attempted to control integration by providing a managed development environment , and deploying solutions onto approved middleware and runtimes .

  27. 自动化控制集成平台管控一体化的功能要求,系统中通讯接口和通讯协议兼容是其稳定的关键。

    The function of automatization integrated platform named Integration of Management and Controlling required the compatibility between communication protocol and the communication interface , which is key to system stabilization .

  28. 通过简单的函数调用和流程代理程序,交易服务允许一个游戏去把流程代理程序和电子商务存储提供的控制集成到游戏环境中。

    The commerce service allows a game to integrate the content and control provided by the e-commerce store into the game environment through simple function calls and the Process Broker .

  29. 分布式的本质是并行,而并行需要分布式的控制集成,分布式并行计算一直是各国计算机界具有战略意义的重要研究领域。

    The essence of distributed object is parallel system which needs integrated control of distributed object . The distributed parallel calculation has been a important study field all over the world .

  30. 近年来,作为面向复杂应用的高性能测量和自动控制集成系统正跨入传感、通信与执行为特征的新时代。

    The integrated system of high performance measurement and automatic control , which is objected to the complicated applications , has entered the new epoch with the characters of sensing , communication and execution .