
jiāo huàn qū
  • Exchange area;crossover region
  1. 该位置可以是物理RAM、文件或交换区。

    That location could be physical RAM , a file , or the swap partition .

  2. RSS是驻留集合大小,即进程所使用的非交换区的物理内存。

    RSS is Resident Set Size , the non-swapped physical memory used by process .

  3. NIOSii的数据和DSP之间通过一片高速SRAM作为交换区,以实现两者的协同处理。

    The data between NIOS II and DSP communicates through a high-speed SRAM to implement the coprocessing .

  4. uClinux下SDRAM数据交换区的生成和使用

    Creation & Management of SDRAM Data Exchange Section Based on uClinux

  5. 数据交换区为用户应用层程序和ECU基础软件间的数据提供通讯服务。

    Data exchange area provides data communication services for the user application layer based on software programs and ECU basic software .

  6. 内存列显示了当前可用的交换区大小和空闲列表的大小(如果对RAM提出请求,可以被交换的页面的数目)。

    The memory shows the amount of swap currently available and the size of the free list ( the number of pages that could be swapped if the RAM were requested ) .

  7. vmstat工具输出线程/进程信息、内存/交换区使用率、换进/换出页面、磁盘I/O、页面错误和CPU统计信息。

    The vmstat tool outputs thread / process information , memory / swap usage , page ins / outs , disk I / O , page faults , and CPU statistics .

  8. 竞技高山滑雪运动交换区及回转动作技术原理

    Discussion on the Exchange Area and Rotary Technique Theory of Competitive Alpine Skiing

  9. 鳃小片在功能上可分为两个区:气体交换区和免疫区。

    Functionally , the gill lamella could be divided into gas exchange region and immune region .

  10. 操作系统可以将物理内存中的数据移动到未使用的交换区,以便于最充分地利用物理内存。

    The OS can move data held in physical memory to and from a swap area when it isn 't being used , to make the best use of physical memory .

  11. 通过对烟台近海海域自然环境进行综合调查的海洋动力条件分析,以及对倾倒废弃污染物稀释扩散能力和输运路径的研究,划出物理自净能力比较强的水交换区为海洋倾倒区。

    Representing a comprehensive investigation to the marine environment offshore of Yantai , this paper identifies the ideal area at sea as dumping and discharging zone , viewing from the points of marine dynamic conditions and diluting and diffusing capacity of , and transporting route in , concerning water area .

  12. 可成为交换整区的素近环

    Prime Near-rings That can Being a Commutative Domain

  13. 结果表明:随着减小有效交换场区的费米速度,体系自旋传输的类布儒斯特角变大而且自旋进动长度变短。

    The Brewster-like angle of spin transport becomes large and the spin-precession length becomes short with a decrease of the Fermi velocity in effective exchange field region .

  14. 现代城市入口不但具有界定标志作用的一面,而且扮演着城市与外部环境之间进行物质、能量、信息交换过渡区的角色。

    Modern urban entrance acts not only as a boundary and landmark , but also as an important role in the communication between inner and outer city in terms of material , energy and information .

  15. 应用一个有质量交换的6区模型模拟正庚烷在HCCI发动机中的燃烧和排放特性。

    A six zones model with mass exchange was developed to simulate the combustion and emission of homogeneous charge compression ignition ( HCCI ) with n-heptane as the fuel .

  16. 系统线程间的数据交换在临界区保护模式下实现。

    Data exchange among threads was realized under the protection of critical section .

  17. 虫洞路由交换及其缓冲区设计

    Wormhole Routing Switching and its Buffer Layout

  18. 交换行为可以区分成四种类型:利他型、利己型、合作型、冲突型。

    Social exchange behavior falls into four types : altruistic , egoistic , cooperative and conflictive .

  19. 我认为在A和B之间预期的数据交换中,应该区分出两方面。

    I would argue that in our contemplated data exchange between A and B , two aspects should be separated out .

  20. 每一层都有一个与协议相对应的缓冲区,层与层之间的数据交换是通过缓冲区来实现的。

    Accordingly , each layer has a data buffer . Data are exchanged between layers by buffers .

  21. 球员不应交换各自的场区,除非作为发球方赢得一分。

    The players shall not change their respective service courts until they win a point when their side is serving .

  22. 计算了胶州湾拉格朗日余流,并讨论了胶州湾的水交换状况;余流计算结果表明海泊河口至大沽河口连线以南的海域为水交换活跃区,胶州湾东北部则水交换滞缓。

    By using this model , Jiaozhou Bay Lagrangian residual current is calculated and the water exchange is discussed .