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  • traffic safety
  1. 适于道路交通安全分析和管理的GIS研究

    The study of GIS in the road traffic safety analysis and management

  2. 基于GIS的城市交通安全预警系统

    Forewarning System of Urban Traffic Safety Based on GIS

  3. 目的就是教育大众注意交通安全。

    The object is to educate people about road safety .

  4. 目的就是教育人们注意交通安全。

    The object is to educate people about road safety .

  5. 注意交通安全。

    Be careful of the traffic .

  6. 你听说过那个女孩吗?她那么担心交通安全,总是在晚上穿着一身白衣服。

    Did you hear about the girl who was so keen on road safety that she always wore white at night ?

  7. 基于AutoCAD的高速公路交通安全仿真研究

    A Study on the Simulation of Expressway Transportation Safety Based on AutoCAD

  8. 阐述了BP神经网络的基本理论、算法、缺陷及改进方法,通过实例对旅游交通安全进行研究。

    The paper expounds the basic theory , algorithm , disfigurement and improving methods of BP neural network .

  9. 在对南浏VTS系统监控水域的水上交通安全基本评估中,使用了已有的数学方法。

    The dissertation uses the existing math method in basic assessment .

  10. 地理信息系统GIS技术以其强大的处理空间地理信息功能在城市交通安全管理系统中发挥着重要的作用。

    The technology of geographic information systems ( GIS ) can play a vital role in the management system with its strong capability of processing spatial data information .

  11. AIS与船舶交通安全管理

    AIS and Vessel Traffic Safety Management

  12. 本实用新型的警示包结构简单,PVC反光片可反射汽车灯光等光源,起到警示作用,消除交通安全隐患。

    The caution bag has simple structure and the PVC reflecting plate can reflect automotive light and the like , to realize caution function and eliminate hidden traffic dangers .

  13. 为了公路交通安全和资源节约的目的,本课题对嵌入式抗滑表层修筑技术&HotRolledAsphalt(简称HRA)进行了研究。

    For the purpose of traffic security and saving resources , we make a research of Hot Rolled Asphalt ( we call it HRA for short ) .

  14. 分析城市轨道交通安全信息传输中常用的循环冗余校验(CRC)的编码和检纠错原理。

    Cyclic Redundancy Check ( CRC ) code and the principle of error checking / correction commonly used for safe information transmission in urban mass transit are analyzed .

  15. 前国家安全运输委员会(NationalTransportationSafetyBoard)成员罗斯金德于去年12月,也就是戴维·L·斯特里克兰(DavidL.Strickland)辞去国家公路交通安全局局长一职的一年之后,确认担任该局局长。

    Mr. Rosekind , a former member of the National Transportation Safety Board , was confirmed as the agency 's administrator in December , almost a year after the resignation of David L. Strickland as the agency 's leader .

  16. 通过未知分布数据集的HS主曲线算法对交通安全数据进行分析后,得到一条通过数据集合中间的曲线,来描述该数据集合的特征,以此作为执行管理标准的依据。

    A curve getting across the middle of the data set was acquired through the analysis of traffic safety data by the HS principal curve algorithm of unknown distributed data set .

  17. 本文把综合安全评估(FSA)法的流程应用于港口水域船舶通航安全评价中来,试图研究出适合港口水域船舶交通安全的具体方法。

    This thesis introduces FSA procedure to evaluate navigable safety of port waters , and tries to find out the concrete assessment approaches of traffic safety in port waters .

  18. 结果表明,MCMS能够为狭小水域提供良好的海洋环境数据预报,而进一步为水上交通安全环境所服务。

    These results all showed that MCMS could provide the correct ocean environment data and serve for the maritime traffic .

  19. 利用GIS进行交通安全管理可以增强交通事故分析的直观性、可操作性,进行区域安全评价、事故多发点因素分析,有利于挖掘交通事故的深层原因,从而指导安全管理工作。

    The road safety management system using GIS could improve visualization and maneuverability of traffic accident analysis , evaluate regional safety , and analyze the factor of accident black spot , so it is beneficial in excavating the deep causation of accident and enhancing the management efficiency .

  20. 为提高汽车高速行驶的交通安全,提出一种新的基于目标安全车距的自适应巡航控制(ACC)方法.它仅通过调节辅助节气门开度和驱动轮制动力矩即可实现。

    A new adaptive cruise control ( ACC ) method based on the desired safety headway distance is investigated for improving the vehicle traffic safety at high speed by regulating the additional throttle opening and braking torque of driving wheels only .

  21. 四是对VTS系统运行阶段的评估,包括对VTS系统运行的有效性和取得的实际效果的评估,重点是评估VTS系统在增进水上交通安全、提高交通效率及防止水域污染方面取得的效果。

    Assessment the usefulness to circulate to VTS system with the result that obtain to take the gauge of the VTS system on promote the water transportation safety , increase the transportation efficiency and prevent water pollution the aspect to obtain .

  22. 随后从现有的水上交通安全状况来切入,以近几年上海港的船舶交通事故统计分析为基础,应用PHA方法研究游艇发展的水域通航环境,分析了上海港交通环境的潜在风险;

    Beginning with the existing maritime traffic safety situation , it studies the navigable environment adaptive to yacht development by PHA at the basis of the statistic analysis of maritime incidents during the last years and then analyses the potential risks in marine environment in Shanghai Port .

  23. 重庆ITS示范工程对道路交通安全作用的模糊评价

    Fuzzy Evaluation of the Effect of Chongqing ITS on Traffic Safety

  24. 道路交通安全文化建设水平评价指标体系研究

    Studies on Evaluation Indexes of Road Traffic Safety Culture Construction Levels

  25. 驾驶员或乘车者经常佩带交通安全带的比例只有7.7%;

    7.7 % drivers and riders always wore a safety belt .

  26. 基于GPS/GIS的道路交通安全预报研究

    The highway traffic safety forecast research base on GPS and GIS

  27. 中国日本国公路交通安全生产法规比较

    Comparison of highway traffic safety production regulations between China and Japan

  28. 基础层包括交通安全理论和交通安全技术;

    The foundation layer includes theories and techniques of traffic safety ;

  29. 浅析新《道路交通安全法》的新特点

    Elementary Analysis on a New " Road Traffic Safety Law "

  30. 道路交通安全问题与我们的日常生活密切相关。

    Road safety issues is closely related to our daily lives .