
  • 网络interaction;Interaction effect
  1. 出血部位与扫描时间,扫描时间与血肿形态的交互效应对水肿体积均有显著的影响。

    The interaction of bleeding site and scan time and the interaction of scan time and hematoma form were significantly affected the edema volume .

  2. 而密度对水稻纹枯病的垂直扩展作用略大于氮肥的作用,二者的交互效应对稻飞虱、稻纵卷叶螟种群动态以及对水稻纹枯病的水平扩展与垂直扩展均有显著的影响。

    While all the population dynamics of PH and RCW as well as horizontal and vertical dispersion of RSB were significantly affected by the interaction of the two factors .

  3. A、B两法在调节血脂方面无交互效应。

    On regulating the abnormality of blood lipid , Both methods have not the mutual effect .

  4. 当温度和pH值一定时,还原剂浓度和时间不存在交互效应。

    When temperature and pH value were held fixed , there was no cross effect between reductant dosage and time .

  5. 但对马铃薯茎粗、Vc、干物质、P含量以及氮的生理利用率无交互效应。

    But there were no interactive effect on stem diameter , dry matter content , P content and physiological utilization efficiency of nitrogen .

  6. 实验结果还证明,在pH值与Cl~-浓度两者对碳钢的腐蚀电位φc和腐蚀电流密度ic的影响之间没有交互效应。

    It was also demonstrated that there is no significant interaction between the effect of pH value and Cl ~ - concentration on φ _c and i_c .

  7. A、B两法均能降低血糖(P<0.05),两法存在交互效应。

    Both A and B methods can reduce blood sugar ( P < 0.05 ) and have the mutual effect ( P < 0.05 ) when they are used together .

  8. NISIN、EDTA和山梨酸钾在冷却肉贮藏保鲜中的交互效应分析

    Interaction analysis of NISIN , EDTA and potassium sorbate on chilled meat preservation

  9. 大田条件下采用二次饱和D&最优设计建立了精播麦套花生套期、密度和N肥与产量的数学模型。分析表明:(1)套期与密度、密度与肥料间呈负向交互效应。

    A mathematic model of refined-planting peanut intercropped with wheat was established based on intercropping date , plant density and N fertilizer with yield by quadratic saturation D-optimization design under field condition .

  10. Nisin·NaL对冷却猪肉中菌落总数变化的交互效应

    Interaction of Nisin and Sodium Lactic on Changes of Bacterial Counts in Chilled Pork

  11. 离子掺杂与载体类型交互效应对纳米TiO2薄膜光活性改性研究

    The Research on Interaction Effect between Ion-doped and Substrates on the Photocatalytic Activity of Nanometer TiO_ ( 2 ) thin Film

  12. 结果:①大学生体脂百分比的方差分析:专业因素、性别因素对体脂百分比均有非常显著性影响(P均<0.01),但二者之间无交互效应(P>0.05)。

    RESULTS : ① ANOVA of body fat percentage of college students : Specialty and gender factors had significant effects on body fat percentage ( P < 0.01 ), but had no interactions ( P > 0.05 ) .

  13. 因此,本研究中采用事件相关fMRI技术来研究空间定向和反应抑制的交互效应所涉及的不同神经机制。

    Therefore , event-related fMRI is used to investigate the differential neural mechanisms underlying interactions between spatial orienting and response inhibition .

  14. 本章研究的主要问题是交互效应是否存在以及主效应是否相等的假设检验问题,我们提出了参数Bootstrap检验方法,并将它与现有的广义p值检验作了比较。

    For the problem of testing no interaction effects and equal main effects , we propose a parametric bootstrap approach and compare it with the existing the generalized p value test .

  15. 此外,通过统计分析确定UV-B辐射和外源JA之间存在交互效应,并且此效应是一种拮抗作用。

    In addition , identify there was an interactive effect between UV-B radiation and exogenous JA through the statistical analysis .

  16. 通过构建结构方程模型(SEM)来考查员工的组织承诺、组织公民行为与离职倾向多个潜变量之间的交互效应和因果关系。

    Purpose of the research is to study mutual influences and relations between cause and effect among organization commitment , organization citizenship behavior , demission tendency by Structural equation model ( SEM ) .

  17. 一类包含最大数量纯净两因子交互效应的2(IV)~(m-p)设计

    A class of 2_ ( iv ) ~ ( m - p ) designs with the maximum number of clear two - factor interactions

  18. AMMI(加性主效应与复合交互效应)模型分析揭示存在着显著的家系与地点交互效应。

    The AMMI ( additive main effects and multiplicative interaction model ) analysis revealed a considerable family X site interaction .

  19. 因子间互作分析表明,温度和其它三个因子之间以及O2和红桔油间存在着极显著的交互效应,而CO2和O2以及红桔油间交互效应不显著。

    For the interaction of the factors , there was the most obvious interaction between temperature and other three factors , and between O_2 and Citrus oil . However , there was not obvious interaction among op , O_2and Citrus oil .

  20. 将Nisin、NaL单独及联合应用于真空包装冷却猪肉中,通过测定菌落总数的变化来分析Nisin、NaL在贮藏过程中的交互效应。

    The interaction effect of nisin and sodium lactic in preservation of chilled pork was assessed by assaying bacterial counts during storage in vacuum packages .

  21. 2IV~(m-p)设计包含最大数量纯净两因子交互效应的一个条件

    A Condition for 2_ ( IV ) ~ ( m-p ) Designs to Have Maximum Number of Clear Two-Factor Interactions

  22. 结果①轻度HIE,血钠、钾、钙动态变化与FDP使用与否交互效应均无统计学意义(P>0.05);

    Results ( 1 ) The mild HIE , there was no statistically difference in mutual effect about the dynamic change of serum sodium , potassium , calcium and using FDP or not ( P > 0.05 respectively );

  23. PEG(6000)处理贮藏1年的宝兴鸭茅种子活力有所提高,PEG浓度、处理时间和温度表现出交互效应,最适宜的处理条件组合为温度15℃,浓度15%,时间48h。

    The vigour of orchardgrass seeds with one-year storage improved noticeable which were treated with PEG-6000 . There were interactions among PEG concentration , operating time and temperature . Optimal PEG soaking condition combination was 15 ℃, 15 % and 48h .

  24. 氮素水平与间作模式对马铃薯株高、结薯数、产量、粗蛋白、还原糖、VC含量、单株NPK含量,以及氮的利用率均有显著的交互效应。

    There were significant interactive effects between nitrogen levels and intercropping modes on plant height , the number of tuber , yield , crude protein content , reducing sugar content , Vc content , NPK concentration per plant and nitrogen utilization efficiency .

  25. 本研究采用田间小区试验方法,分析了控制灌溉和实地养分管理(SSNM)及其交互效应对寒地水稻养分吸收和产量形成的作用。

    In this study , plot experimen was designed to study the effects of control irrigation , site-specific nutrient management on nutrient absorption and yield formation of rice .

  26. kg-1和硅肥施用浓度为0.40g.kg-1时,茶叶中氨基酸和可溶性糖含量交互效应最高,达到理论最高值,平均含量分别为2.46%和2.79%。

    When aluminum concentration of 1.34 g · kg-1 and silicon 0.40 g · kg-1 applied , the interactive effects of amino acids and soluble sugar were in highest and reached at theoretically maximum , and the average contents were 2.46 % and 2.79 % , respectively .

  27. 剖析了播期(X1)、密度(X2)、氮肥(X3)、磷肥(X4)四项综合农艺措施的主效应和交互效应与产量的关系。

    The relations between the yield and the main effect and interaction of four synthetic measures of agriculture namely seeding time ( X 1 ), density ( X 2 ), nitrogenous fertiliser ( X 3 ), phosphate fertilizer ( X 4 ) have been analyzed .

  28. 该方法是以一个品种(或基因型)在交互效应主成分轴(IPCA)空间中与原点的距离(记为D)作为该品种的稳定性指标的。

    In the method , the distance ( denoted as D ) of a variety ( or genotype ) to the origin in the space of IPCA is used as an index of variety stability .

  29. 在处理带有季节-地域交互效应的数据结构时,先将其转化为月份-季节-地域的完全嵌套结构形式,再按照三层线性模型(HLM3)的理论和方法建模。

    In dealing with the data structure of " seasonal-geographical " interaction effects , we convert it into a " month-season-geographic " fully nested structure , then do modeling by theories of hierachical linear model ( HLM3 ) .

  30. 冬小麦水肥产量交互效应模拟研究

    Simulated study on mutual effect to moisture and fertilizer and yield