
jiāo tōnɡ ɡàn xiàn
  • Traffic trunk line;main line of communication;main communications artery
  1. 昆河经济走廊将建立以交通干线为辐射带的优势产业体系、城市体系、口岸体系和边境经济合作区。

    This includes the building of a promising industrial system , a city system , a trade-port system and a border economic development zone along the main line of communication .

  2. 济南都市圈区域空间结构处于极核式聚集发展阶段,交通干线为其主要的联结形式,空间形态特征为分散放射开敞式。

    On the concentrating development process , Jinan urban circle space structure shows the feature of emanation , main communications artery as its principal connection .

  3. 这就是伦敦西部三条主要交通干线的交汇处

    This is the place where the three main arteries of West London traffic met .

  4. 本文对单向交通干线现状OD矩阵的推算进行了专门的研究;

    This paper make a special study of calculating the present situation OD matrix of one-way main road ;

  5. 该研究提出在道路交通干线两侧区域内采用每季度任意连续7天监测数据中的Ld、Ln均值代表本季度昼、夜间噪声水平。

    This paper adopts the monitoring data of wanton 7 days in succession in each quarter , represents daytime and night noise level of both sides of road traffic area of this quarter with Ld , Ln mean value .

  6. 中关村西区的单向交通干线协调控制

    One-way Traffic Trunk Road Coordination Control Based on Zhongguancun West Zone

  7. 饱和交通干线的信号协调控制算法研究

    Research on Traffic Signal Coordinated Control Algorithm of Saturated Trunk

  8. 城区交通干线空气污染负荷核算的研究

    Calculation of Air Pollution Load at Traffic Trunk Lines of Urban Proper

  9. 嘉兴才成为南北交通干线的连接点。

    That Jiaxing became a link along this north-south trunk transport line .

  10. 杭州市交通干线空气中挥发性有机物研究

    Study on Air Pollution of VOC in Arterial Traffic

  11. 建造主要国际交通干线宣言

    Declaration on the Construction of Main International Traffic Arteries

  12. 城市交通干线交叉口间递阶模糊神经控制算法的仿真研究

    The Simulation of Junctions Hierarchical Fuzzy Neural Control Algorithm about Urban Traffic Trunks

  13. 执行主要国际交通干线协定工作队

    Working Party on the Implementation of the Agreement on Main International Traffic Arteries

  14. 主要国际交通干线汽车流量普查

    Census of Motor Traffic on Main International Traffic Arteries

  15. 城市交通干线递阶模糊控制及其神经网络实现

    Hierarchical Fuzzy Control for Urban Traffic Trunk Roads and Its Neural Network Implementation

  16. 城市交通干线对其沿线各功能区声环境影响分析

    Studying the Influence on the Sound Environment along the Line by the Main Road

  17. 她被控堵塞交通干线。

    She was charged with obstructing the highway .

  18. 这恰好是一条公共交通干线。

    This happens to be a public highway .

  19. 四类标准适用于交通干线道路两侧区域。

    Category Standard is applicable for industrial areas .

  20. 城镇用地沿交通干线向西南方向扩张迅速,用地趋于集中;

    The urban land expands quickly toward southwest along the major roads and be concentrative .

  21. 欧洲主要国际交通干线协定

    European Agreement on Main International Traffic Arteries

  22. 横跨加拿大的交通干线是由联邦政府管理的。

    The Trans-Canada highway is a responsibility .

  23. 中国陆路交通干线自然灾害风险刍议

    A rustic opinion on natural disaster risk research of land traffic trunk lines in China

  24. 分析了城市交通干线信号控制,研究了干线分层递阶协调控制方法。

    Signal control of urban arterial road is analyzed to study the hierarchical coordination of arterial road control .

  25. 华北平原地区交通干线附近土壤重金属有效性研究

    Availability of Soil Heavy Metals Near the Conjunction of Trunk Railway and Highway in the North China Plain

  26. 国家已把铁路和高等级公路等交通干线建设作为实施西部大开发的重要举措,并已列入国家建设的优先领域。

    Now the construction of railway and highway has been taken precedence over other national construction in west China .

  27. 该方法将单路口优化控制和多路口协同优化纳入一个两层结构,下层进行单路口控制策略优化,上层进行多路口协同控制,实现城市交通干线信号协同控制。

    In this method , isolate intersection optimization control and multi-intersection coordination optimization are combined into a two-layer structure .

  28. 涅夫斯基大街,圣彼得堡的坎普斯里大道,在1738年成为城市的主要交通干线。

    The Nevsky Prospekt , the ' Champs Elysees " of St. Petersburg , became its main avenue in 1738 .

  29. 从开发开放上海浦东新区,到开放沿江、沿边、沿交通干线和内陆中心城市等经济区域,对外开放由沿海到内地,领域不断拓宽。

    From Pudong in Shanghai to central cities along the borders and main water or land traffic lines in inland .

  30. 利用两层递阶结构和模糊逻辑对城市交通干线进行实时协调控制。

    The strategy uses two-layer hierarchical structure and fuzzy logic to solve the real time coordination control problem of urban traffic trunk .