
nán dào
  • Do you?;really;could it be said that;surely it doesn't mean that
难道 [nán dào]
  • [really] 莫非,表示加强反问的语气

  • 难道现在证据还不够吗?

难道[nán dào]
  1. 约瑟芬有种天然的幽怨神态,似乎心有千千结啊,难道是美人猫?

    Josephine had nature hidden bitterness as bearing , seemed lots mind , surely it doesn 't mean that she is a beauty ?

  2. 难道这是办不到的吗?

    Could it be said that it is impossible of attainment ?

  3. 他在利用你,难道你看不出来?

    Can 't you see he 's taking advantage of you ?

  4. 难道你不相信男女平等吗?

    Don 't you believe in equality between men and women ?

  5. 难道从她那破灭的梦想中就找不出一丝希望了吗?

    Could nothing be rescued from the wreckage of her dreams ?

  6. 难道你就想不出一个比这更好的借口?

    Can 't you think up a better excuse than that ?

  7. 难道你不明白她是在愚弄你?

    Can 't you see she 's making a fool of you ?

  8. 公司正在亏本,这难道不是事实吗?

    Isn 't it a fact that the firm is losing money ?

  9. 难道你就不能把汤米那辆旧自行车给扔掉?

    Can 't you throw out that old bike of Tommy 's ?

  10. 你难道没有注意到他行为有可疑之处?

    Didn 't you notice anything suspicious in his behaviour ?

  11. 难道你们就不能彼此客气哪怕一次?

    Can 't you be nice to each other just this once ?

  12. 难道你就一点儿都不害怕吗?

    Weren 't you just a weeny bit scared ?

  13. 难道这样的活动也算刑事犯罪吗?

    Does such an activity constitute a criminal offence ?

  14. 难道你就不能等我们回到家吗?

    Can 't you wait till we get home ?

  15. 让母子分离难道还有对的时候?

    Can it ever be right to divide a mother from her child ?

  16. 难道你没有听到我的话?

    Didn 't you hear what I said ?

  17. 怎么就这么一直走?难道我们就不能打辆出租车吗?

    What 's with all this walking ? Can 't we take a cab ?

  18. 你难道没有听到那一片叫喊声?

    Didn 't you hear all the shouting ?

  19. 那难道不是有点运气?

    Isn 't that a piece of luck ?

  20. 这难道不是政府彻底说明教育计划的时候了吗?

    Isn 't it time the government came clean about their plans for education ?

  21. 你难道看不出他在利用你谋求私利吗?

    Can 't you see he 's just using you for his own ends ?

  22. 别激动!难道你看不出他只是在气你吗?

    Calm down ! Can 't you see he 's only winding you up ?

  23. 难道你还没有完成家庭作业吗?

    Haven 't you finished your homework yet ?

  24. 你难道不能开快点儿?

    Can 't you drive any faster ?

  25. 难道你从来不累吗?

    Don 't you ever get tired ?

  26. 难道你还不明白?

    Haven 't you twigged yet ?

  27. 他难道会当真么?

    Can he be serious ?

  28. 难道我不聪明吗?

    Aren 't I clever ?

  29. 我整天都在设法跟你联系,难道你就没有听一下电话留言?

    I 've been trying to get you all day ─ don 't you ever listen to your messages ?

  30. “我做什么,难道你不关心吗?”他问道,可那是个反问。

    ' Don 't you care what I do ? ' he asked , but it was a rhetorical question .