
  • 网络Amauri
  1. 在精神生活上,阿毛遭遇了爱的无法满足的悲剧。

    In addition , she spiritually cannot satisfy her desire to love .

  2. 你怎知道幕后老板是阿毛?

    How did you know it 's mo 's hideout ?

  3. 多重人生悲剧终于导致了阿毛之死。

    All factors mentioned above at last lead to A Mao 's death .

  4. 在《阿毛姑娘》中,阿毛所代言的并非阶级的矛盾,而是一个文化的悲剧。

    What is depicted in Miss Amao is not class conflicts , but a cultural tragedy .

  5. 在中国现代文学史上,阿毛是都市被动现代化过程中殉难的受难者的隐喻形象。

    Mao thus becomes a metaphor of the victim to passive modernization in modern Chinese literary history .

  6. 城乡抉择的焦虑及其想象性解决&丁玲《阿毛姑娘》再解读

    The Anxiety Between the Urban and Rural and the Conception Settlement & the Survey of Ah Mao Girl

  7. 在物质欲望上,都市欲望的无限膨胀与欲望的无法满足之间的鸿沟使阿毛坠入无底深渊。

    The gap between her material desires in city and the reality of her unsatisfaction leads to her downfall .

  8. 在经济基础上,阿毛的悲剧首先是贫困的悲剧,穷是所有人最深刻的人生体验。

    Economically speaking , A Mao has undergone a bitter experience of poverty , which becomes the first reason for her tragedy .

  9. 丁玲的《阿毛姑娘》是一个内涵非常丰富的文本,它容纳了作家对于女性命运非常密集的思考,而以往的学术界对它的关注不够。

    Ding Ling 's , Maid A Mao a text with rich implications , is the writer 's considerations about women 's fate in old China .