
  • 网络Abramov;Jack Abramoff;Alexander Abramov;Abramoff
  1. 阿布拉莫夫生活不检点。

    Abramov did not live a chaste life .

  2. 他希望能把这个想法注入阿布拉莫夫的头脑,但要让他相信这是他自己的念头。

    He hoped that he could plant the idea in such a way that Abramov would believe it was his own .

  3. 阿布拉莫夫的低调也折射出了他安静的特点。

    Abramov 's low profile also reflects his quiet , academic personality .

  4. 然而,阿布拉莫夫前进的步伐还远没有停止,耶弗拉兹控股集团计划通过上市募集到更多的资金,完成厂房的现代化改造,并且继续进行收购行动。

    Evraz plans to use the proceeds of the IPO on further plant modernizations and acquisitions .

  5. 长期的科研生涯为阿布拉莫夫造就了出众的理性思维,这也帮助他在当时俄罗斯错综复杂的金属供货链运作中显得更加游刃有余。

    His sharp scientific mind was ideal for tackling the intricacies of Russia 's convoluted supply chains .

  6. 但诺奎斯特坚称,他只知道阿布拉莫夫是一位自由市场的捍卫者。

    But the lobbyist insists he knew Mr Abramoff only as a champion of the free market .

  7. 当然阿布拉莫夫的成功也清楚地告诉人们,在俄罗斯并不是只有寡头才能成为富翁。(文/李远)

    Abramov 's story shows that you don 't have to be an oligarch to succeed in Russia .

  8. 例如仍在处理的杰克阿布拉莫夫丑闻,嗯,包括国会成员在内的人。

    Jack Abramoff scandal , which is still taking down uh , people , including members of Congress .

  9. 白宫继续阻挠努力,以确定谁阿布拉莫夫看到,在他的数百名前来参观白宫。

    The White House continues to obstruct efforts to identify who Abramoff saw in his hundreds of visits to the White House .

  10. 然而即使在自己的祖国,阿布拉莫夫的名字仍然不被大多数人所熟知。

    Yet even in his native Russia , Alexander Abramov , the CEO of EvrazHolding , Russia 's No.1 steelmaker , is little known .

  11. 目前,耶弗拉兹集团已经成为了世界上第12大钢铁制造商,阿布拉莫夫也将目光投向了国际市场,例如捷克共和国和韩国等。

    Already the world's12th-largest steelmaker , Evraz is looking at international expansion , eyeing targets in countries including the Czech Republic and South Korea .

  12. 因为一直从事金属方面的研究,阿布拉莫夫成为了一名金属交易员。

    His scientific work had given him contacts in steel , so Abramov became a metals trader , securing supplies at a time of widespread payment problems .

  13. 据《福布斯》杂志的年度排行,阿布拉莫夫的个人资产已经达到26亿美元。

    He 's already one of Russia 's richest businessmen , with a personal fortune of $ 2.6 billion , according to an annual ranking by Forbes magazine .

  14. 上世纪90年代晚期,阿布拉莫夫遇到了两次绝佳的机会,收购了两家濒临破产的钢铁厂,而这两家公司如今已经成为了弗拉兹控股集团的核心企业。

    By the late '90s , Abramov had an opportunity to acquire ownership stakes in two bankrupt steel mills , which became the core of the new EvrazHolding .

  15. 不同于利用政治联系扩大自己的势利,通过精明地收购、长线投资、以及明智地管理等商业手段,阿布拉莫夫已经悄悄地在俄罗斯大陆上建立起了自己的商业帝国。

    Instead of exploiting political connections , he has quietly built a business empire from the ground up , raising its value via canny acquisitions , long-term investments , and sound management .