
xuè ɡuǎn shēnɡ chénɡ yīn zǐ
  • Angiogenic factor;angiogenesis factor
  1. 血管生成因子在脑动静脉血管畸形发生发展过程中的生物学效应

    Biological effect of angiogenesis factor on occurrence and development of cerebral arteriovenous malformation

  2. 目的:建立科学有效的提纯、检测肿瘤血管生成因子(tumorangiogenesisfactor,TAF)的方法。

    OBJECTIVE : To established a scientifically effective method for extracting and detecting the tumor angiogenesis factor ( TAF ) in cancerous tumor .

  3. 探讨胃癌多排螺旋CT灌注成像参数与肿瘤血管生成因子间的相关性。

    To investigate the correlation between the parameter of multislice CT perfusion and tumor angiogenesis in gastric carcinoma .

  4. 抑制促肿瘤血管生成因子VEGF、bFGF、MMP-9的表达;

    Inhibiting the expression of angiogenesis factor VEGF , bFGF , MMP-9 ;

  5. 肿瘤细胞通过合成分泌血管生成因子调节肿瘤组织的血管生成。在这一过程中,血管内皮生长因子(VascularEndothelialGrowthFactor,VEGF)作为最重要的血管生成因子之一,起到了重要作用。

    Vascular endothelial growth factor ( VEGF ) secreted from tumour cells plays a crucial role in the regulation of angiogenesis in tumour tissue .

  6. 实验研究表明,胃粘膜癌前病变也有血管生成因子表达,与正常组有明显差异(p<0.05)。

    Animal experimental research showed that precancerous lesions of gastric mucosa also has angiogenesis factors ' expression and the significant difference is compared with the control groups ( p0.05 ) .

  7. VEGF是重要的促肿瘤血管生成因子。

    Vascular endothelial growth factor ( VEGF ) is an important growth factor that can promote angiogenesis and vascular permeability .

  8. 血管生成因子VEGF、bFGF、TNF-α及PCNA与子宫内膜异位症血管形成的相关性研究

    Immunohistochemical Study of Angiogenic Factors VEGF , bFGF , TNF - α and PCNA in Endometrium and Endometriosis

  9. 结论VEGF可能是膀胱癌的主要促血管生成因子,和肿瘤的生成、发展及预后相关。

    Conclusion VEGF may be one of main angiogenesis factors and was correlated with development , metastasis and prognosis of TCC .

  10. 血管生成因子VEGF和bFGF在异位内膜的表达

    Expression of vascular endothelial growth factor ( vegf ) and basic fibroblast growth factor ( bfgf ) in eutopic endometrium

  11. 然而在众多的血管生成因子中,血管内皮细胞生长因子(VEGF)是最有力的血管生成因子。

    But in many vascular growth factors , vascular endothelial cell growth factor ( VEGF ) is the most important vascular growth factor .

  12. 血管生成因子与其受体表达具有一致性,并与MVD值显著相关。

    The expression of the angiogenic factors was coordinated with that of their receptors and significantly correlated with MVD .

  13. 抗血管生成因子Angiostatin与Endostatin作用下肿瘤血管生成的二维数值模拟

    D numerical simulation of effect of antiangiogenic factors Angiostatin and Endostatin on tumor-induced angiogenesis

  14. RNaseA与血管生成因子(Angiogenin,Ang)的氨基酸有着高度保守的同源顺序。

    The amino acid sequence of angiogenin ( Ang ) is high conservative compared with RNase A.

  15. 结论:VEGF是骨肉瘤重要的血管生成因子,其表达可能是估价骨肉瘤预后的一项有价值的指标。

    Conclusions : These findings support the hypothesis that VEGF is an important angiogenic factor in osteosarcoma . VEGF expression may be a useful prognostic indicator of osteosarcomas .

  16. 目的数值模拟抗血管生成因子Angiostatin和Endostatin对肿瘤血管生成的影响。

    Objective To investigate the effect of antiangiogenic factors : Angiostatin and Endostatin on tumor - induced angiogenesis .

  17. 目的研究EB病毒LMP1与趋化因子IL-8、血管生成因子VEGF在NPC组织的表达和三者表达的相关性。

    Objective To investigate the expression of LMP1 、 IL-8 、 VEGF in nasopharyngeal carcinoma , as well as the relationship and prognostic significance of them .

  18. 实验研究表明:诱导型胃癌组织中血管生成因子bFGF呈高表达,昆参颗粒组能明显降低bFGF蛋白水平表达。

    The experimental research proved that the angiogenesis factors bFGF of carcinomatous rats experimentally induced was high expressed . KS Granule can notably decline the expression of protein level .

  19. 人脑胶质母细胞瘤细胞系SHG-44中血管生成因子和细胞周期调控因子的表达

    Expression of angiogenic factors and cell cycle regulation factors in human glioblastoma cell line SHG 44

  20. 研究表明HIF-1在前列腺癌中不但与血管生成因子、增殖与存活因子、葡萄糖转运以及糖分解酶等有关,而且与p53、p21、信号转导通路等有关。

    It is involved not only in angiogenesis , cell proliferation / survial and glucose metabolism but also in p53 , p21 and signal transduction pathway in prostate cancer .

  21. 血管生成因子的氨基酸残基组成与核糖核酸酶具有35%的同源性,它们有着极其相似的空间结构都可以作为配体与RI结合。

    There is 35 % homology between the amino acid residue of the Ang and RNase and their similar spatial structure can both combine with RI as ligand .

  22. 目的探讨两种促血管生成因子血管内皮细胞生长因子(VEGF)、碱性成纤维细胞生长因子(bFGF)在正常成人皮肤组织中的表达及其意义。

    Objective To investigate the expressions and distributions of two important pro-angiogenic factors , vascular endothelial growth factor ( VEGF ), basic fibroblastic growth factor ( bFGF ) in normal human skins .

  23. 目的研究血管生成因子&血管内皮生长因子(VEGF)在Ⅱ型胶原诱导的关节炎(CIA)形成期的表达及功能。

    Objective The expression and function of the angiogenic factor , vascular endothelial growth factor ( VEGF ) during the evolution of type ⅱ collagen induced arthritis ( CIA ) were examined .

  24. 结论在一定范围内铜元素可使肝癌细胞的IL-8分泌和表达增加,铜对肝癌的影响可能是通过促使血管生成因子IL-8的分泌与表达。

    Conclusion Under certain concentration range , copper ion stimulates IL-8 release and mRNA expression , which might be the possible mechanism that copper ion effects on hepatocellular carcinoma ( HCC ) .

  25. 其中IL-8,ELR+CXC类趋化因子,是促血管生成因子,也是肿瘤自分泌的生长因子,与肿瘤血管发生、生长和肿瘤的侵袭转移密切相关。

    IL-8 , one of the ELR + CXC chemokines , is angiogenic factors , also the tumor autocrine growth factor , closely related to tumor angiogenesis , growth , invasion and metastasis .

  26. 众多研究表明MIF和VEGF作为促血管生成因子在多种肿瘤细胞中高度表达,且与肿瘤的发生、发展及远处转移关系密切。

    Many studies shown that MIF and VEGF were highly expressed in tumor cells , and the expressions of MIF and VEGF were closely correlated with tumor germination , progression and distant metabasis .

  27. VEGF-C为重要的血管生成因子之一,但二者与肝癌转移是否存在关联尚不明晰。

    VEGF-C served as an important member of VEGF family , but whether there were any link between expression of CD105 and VEGF-C and metastasis in HCC still remains unclear .

  28. 近年来对CNV机制的学说有角膜水肿学说、缺氧学说、新生血管生成因子和抑制因子之间失衡学说及炎症细胞浸润学说等。

    Recently there are many hypothesis about the pathogenesis of CNV such as corneal edema , hypoxia . disbalance between angiogenesis factor and anti angiogenesis factor , infiltration of inflammatory cells .

  29. 结论:蝎毒多肽提取物(PESV)通过抑制前列腺癌细胞血管生成因子COX-2的表达而发挥其抗血管生成作用,具有临床应用价值。

    Conclusions : PESV is able to inhibit the expression of COX-2 and MMP-9 , thus leading to inhibitory effect on PESV might be a promising angiogenesis inhibitor .

  30. 目的:了解慢性髓细胞性白血病患者肿瘤细胞VEGF、b-FGF、KDR、Flt-1基因表达,探讨血管生成因子与肿瘤细胞间的相互作用。

    Objective : We studied the gene expression of VEGF , b-FGF , KDR and Flt-1 in 16 CML pateins in order to acknowledge the reciprocity between Angiogenesis factors and Leukaemia cells .