
  • 网络Blood osmotic pressure;plasma osmolality
  1. 目的通过前瞻性的临床研究,探讨尿-血渗透压比值和尿-血钠浓度比值监测对脑外伤后尿崩综合征(DI)和脑盐耗综合征(CSW)的意义。

    Objective To investigate the significance of urine-plasma osmotic pressure ratio and urine-plasma sodium concentration ratio in diabetes insipiclus ( DI ) and cerebral salt wasting syndrome ( CSW ) in traumatic brain injury .

  2. ADH与FENa正相关(r:0.578,P<0.01),与血渗透压负相关(r:0.475,P<0.05)。

    ADH was positive correlated to FENa ( r : 0.578 , P < 0.05 ) and negative correlated to plasma osmolarity ( r : - 0.475 , P < 0.05 ) .

  3. 两组尿渗透压/血渗透压比值几乎均<1.5;

    The ratio of urine osmotic pressure to blood osmotic pressure was almost below 1.5 ;

  4. 方法:对37例新生儿高血糖症同时检测血糖、电解质、血渗透压与尿素氮值。

    Methods : Electrolytes , osmotic pressure , urea nitrogen and blood glucose in 37 cases of neonatal hyperglycemia were measured simultaneously .

  5. 尿-血渗透压比值和尿-血钠浓度比值的监测对颅脑损伤后尿崩综合征的意义

    Significance of monitoring urine and plasma osmotic pressure and sodium concentration in diabetes insipidus and cerebral salt wasting syndrome after traumatic brain injury

  6. 可根据血渗透压升高的不同程度采用不同方式来控制血钠下降的速度是治疗成功的关键,同时应兼顾高血糖及高热的合理处理。

    It is the key to treat successfully the different degree of blood hyperosmolality according to different degree of blood osmosis pressure and give consideration to the rational treatment of the high blood sugar and high fever at the same time .

  7. 不同发育时期中华绒螯蟹血淋巴渗透压的分析

    Analysis of hemolymph osmotic pressure in crab ( eriocheir sinensis H. milne-edwards ) during oogenesis

  8. 严重烧伤患者血、尿渗透压与渗差的测定及其临床意义

    Detection and analysis of serum and urine osmolarity and osmolar discrepancy in severe burned patients

  9. 冰点下降法测定血、尿渗透压的临床应用及注意事项

    The measurement of osmotic pressure in serum and urine by lowering the freezing point-the clinical application and the proposition

  10. 于不同时间点取血测定血浆渗透压、血钠、血钾、血氯和动脉血气。

    Blood samples were taken at eight different time intervals to measure plasma osmotic pressure , serum electrolytes and arterial gas analysis .

  11. 背景人造血浆代用品(代血浆)是某些能够提供血容量、渗透压,而不具有血液的其他重要功能的临时替代制剂。随着代血浆在临床上的广泛应用,对胶体溶液的认识不断加深。

    Background Plasma substitute is some agent that can expand blood volume and provide osmotic press but does not has the other important function of the blood .

  12. 目的:利用冰点降低法考察国内外人血白蛋白产品的渗透压现状。

    Objective : To determine osmotic pressure of human albumin with freezing point osmometer .

  13. 血尿酸与尿渗透压、尿尿酸呈负相关(P<0.01;P<0.001);

    Serum uric acids were negatively correlated with uric osmotic pressure and uric acids in urine ( P < 0.01 、 P < 0.001 ) .

  14. 于造影前及造影后第1、6天分别监测血肌酐(Scr)、内生肌酐清除率(Ccr)、血渗透压、尿渗透压、24h尿蛋白定量、尿常规。

    Before and 1 , 6 days after operation , serum creatinine ( Scr ), endogenous creatinine clearance rate ( Ccr ), osmotic pressur in blood and urine , 24 h urine protein were monitored and urine routine test was done .