
  • 网络pregnancy with IUD in situ
  1. 和其他惰性IUD一样,带器妊娠率较高是其缺点,有待改进。

    Because the ring is an inert type of IUD , one of its drawbacks is a high pregnancy rate .

  2. IUD移位的三个异常环位(斜置、低置、宫颈内置)、带器妊娠人数的比较无明显差异(P>0.05)。

    There was not relationship between the rate of pregnancy with IUD and the location of displaced IUDs in uterine ( P > 0.05 ) .

  3. 对我院1991年至1998年住院13例宫内节育器(IntrauterineContraceptiveDevice,IUD)异位的分析发现,怀疑IUD异位的主要原因为带器妊娠取环失败(8/13)。

    Thirteen cases of transmigration with intrauterine contraceptive device ( IUD ) was analyzed from 1991 to 1998 . It was found that the main cause suspecting IUD transmigration was failure of removal of IUD with pregnancy in 8 patients out of 13 cases .

  4. 结果放置满12个月时HCu280IUD和McuIUD的带器妊娠率为0.96%,脱落率分别为1.47%和1.92%,经统计学处理无显著性差异;

    Results 12 months after inserting , the incidence of pregnancy with HCu IUD and MCu IUD was 0.96 % , the expulsion rate was 1.47 % and 1.92 % respectively , there was no significant between two types IUD after statistics analysis .

  5. 采用Tietzepotter生命表法计算脱落率、带器妊娠率、因症取器率、续用率。

    The Tietze Potter Life Table means were used to compute the pregnancy rate with IUD in situ , the expulsion rate , the rate of termination due to complication and continuation rate .

  6. 本研究通过增加原γCu200IUD的铜表面积至380mm2,其目的为了进一步降低带器妊娠率(包括异位妊娠),以期达到TCu380AIUD相似的避孕效果,而其副反应发生率明显低于TCu380AIUD。

    The study expanded the copper surface of the original γ Cu 220 IUD to 380 mm 2 to decrease the pregnancy rate with IUD in situ ( including ectopic pregnancy ) and achieve the contraceptive effects similar to TCu 380A IUD with lower sideeffects .

  7. 结果:放置24个月末,活性IUD总的带器妊娠率为1.03%,意外妊娠率0.11%,脱落率为2.52%,续用率94.95%。

    Result : At the end of 24 month 's use , the pregnancy rate with IUD in suit , the accident rate , the expulsive rate , and the continuation rate for the medicated IUD were 1.03 % , 0.11 % , 2.52 % and 94.95 % respectively .

  8. 带器妊娠的原因探讨带夹式精密排种器

    Causes of Pregnancy with IUD in Place A BELT-CARRYING PRECISION FEED

  9. B型超声监测宫内节育器下移与带器妊娠关系的研究

    B - mode Ultrasound Monitoring the Relation of Pregnancy and IUD Depression

  10. 带器妊娠妇女血清,组织铜的相关研究

    Related Study on Serum and Tissue Cu of Pregnancy Women in IUD

  11. 超声在带器妊娠诊断中的应用带夹式精密排种器

    Diagnosis of pregnancy with IUD by using B-ultrasonic A BELT-CARRYING PRECISION FEED

  12. 217例带器妊娠分析

    Analysis of 217 Cases of IUD Women with Pregnancy

  13. 目的:探讨应用B型超声诊断带器妊娠,其准确性及临床应用价值。

    Objective To study the clinical diagnosis of B-mode ultrasound to gynecologic acute abdomen .

  14. 带器妊娠的原因探讨炎症反应阶段,与血栓形成几乎同时发生;

    Causes of Pregnancy with IUD in Place the inflammation took place with thrombosis ;

  15. 目的找出带器妊娠的主要原因及相应的干预策略。

    Objective To explore the main reasons for pregnancy with IUD and corresponding intervention strategies .

  16. 带器妊娠率为0.52%,多数发生在放置后7~12月内。

    Pregnancy rate with IUD in place was 0.52 % , which usually happened between 7-12 months after the insertion .

  17. 方法分析156例带器妊娠的临床、超声表现,并结合文献加以讨论。

    Methods The clinical and ultrasonic features in 156 cases of pregnancy with IUD were analyzed , as compared with those of literatures .

  18. 评价避孕效果的指标有:续用率、因症取器率、脱落率、带器妊娠率。

    The items for evaluating the effects are as follows : continuation rates , slippage rates , gestation rate with IUD , removals rates for leading or pain .

  19. 置器后18个月累积带器妊娠率为1.94%(4/434),脱落率为4·59%(13/434),因症终止率为5.54%(13/434)。

    In 18 months after IUD insertion , the pregnancy rate with IUD was 1.94 % , the expulsion rate was 4.59 % and the removal rate was 5.54 % .

  20. 比较三组间在避孕有效率、续存率、脱落率、因症取出率、带器妊娠率及副反应方面的差别。

    Comparison among the three groups in contraceptive efficiency , continued survival rate , expulsion rate , removal rate due to disease , pregnancy rate and side effects with devices the differences .

  21. 本文通过对217例宫内节育器带器妊娠(意外妊娠)的分析,发现各类节育器带器妊娠主要发生在置器后的前2年内(占总数的53.46%)。

    Through analysis of 217 cases IUD women with pregnancy ( accidently ) in this article , we have found that different kinds of IUD with accident pregnancy mainly occur within two years .