
  • 网络Submucous myoma;Submucosal myoma;TCRM
  1. 宫腔内良性疾病,包括功能失调性子宫出血(DUB)、子宫粘膜下肌瘤、子宫内膜息肉等,是妇科常见病。

    Benign pathological changes are common in gynecology department , which consist of dysfunctional uterine bleeding ( DUB ), submucous myoma and endometrial polyp .

  2. 单枚粘膜下肌瘤39例,多枚9例,最多有3枚。

    Thirty nine patients presented single submucous myoma and 9 multiple , the most was three .

  3. 本文采用CO2激光和Nd:YAG激光对13例宫颈及宫颈粘膜下肌瘤进行了切除治疗,疗效满意。

    Thirteen patients with intramural and submucous myoma of cervix uteri were undergone myomectomy by CO 2 and Nd : YAG Laser method . The results were efficiency .

  4. 宫腔镜电切术治疗子宫粘膜下肌瘤及发生TURP综合征分析

    Analysis Hysteroscopic Transcervical Resection of Submucous Myoma and Transurethral Resection of Prostate ( TURP ) Syndrome

  5. 结果:SHG识别出子宫粘膜下肌瘤23例、内膜息肉14例、内膜癌8例、内膜增生过长17例,其诊断宫内病变的敏感性和特异性分别为96.7%和82.4%。

    Results : SHG identified submucous myoma in 23 cases , polyp in 14 , endometrial cancer in 8 and endometrial hyperplasia in 17.Compared with the histopathological results , the diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of SHG for intrauterine pathologies were 96.7 % and 82.4 % , respectively .

  6. 结果:75例患者中,子宫内膜厚度>5mm者55例,其中子宫内膜息肉、子宫粘膜下肌瘤、以及子宫内膜息肉合并粘膜下肌瘤43例,子宫内膜癌5例,萎缩子宫内膜7例。

    Results : The study include 75 women , 55 of them had an endometrial thickness > 5mm . Histological diagnosis was endometrial atrophy in 7 cases , polyp and submucous myoma in 43 , endometrial cancer in 5.20 of 75 women had an endometrial thickness < 5mm .

  7. 浆膜下肌瘤及粘膜下肌瘤的蒂部显示丰富的血流,由子宫穿入肌瘤内。

    Bases of submucous and subserous myoma showed rich blood flow .

  8. 子宫粘膜下肌瘤及宫颈肌瘤的激光治疗

    Laser Therapy of Submucosal Leiomyomas and Cervical Leiomyomas of the Uterus

  9. 子宫有蒂粘膜下肌瘤的超声鉴别诊断、病理基础及临床意义

    Ultrasonographic differential diagnosis for submucous myoma : pathology background and clinical significance

  10. 结论:阴道超声对子宫粘膜下肌瘤有较高的临床诊断价值。

    Conclusions : TVS is of higher clinic value to submucous myomas .

  11. 激光治疗阴道内宫粘膜下肌瘤及宫颈肌瘤~附2例报告

    Laser treatment of vaginal submucosal myoma and cervical myoma & a report of 20 cases

  12. 阴道超声诊断子宫粘膜下肌瘤

    Transvaginal ultrasound diagnosis submucous myoma of uterus

  13. 宫腔镜下单极电切割和激光治疗子宫粘膜下肌瘤的比较研究

    The Comparison on the Effect of Transcervical Resection of Myoma Between Hysteroscopic Electrotomy and Laser Surgery

  14. 目的应用宫腔镜手术治疗各种粘膜下肌瘤,评价该手术的疗效及安全性。

    Objective To treat every kind of submucosal myoma by hysteroscopic surgery and evaluate its effect and safety .

  15. 结果:切除子宫粘膜下肌瘤225例,完全及部分切除子宫壁间肌瘤79例。

    Results : Submucous myoma in225 patients and leiomyoma in79 patients were resected or ablated under ultrasonographic monitoring .

  16. 方法:超声引导及监视下自凝刀通过宫颈、宫腔自然腔道。沿超声设计好的穿刺路线准确同插入肌瘤内或粘膜下肌瘤、宫颈息肉的蒂部;

    Methods : Ultrasound-guided self-clotting cutter puncture myoma , subserous myoma or stem of cervical polyp precisely across cervical canal and designed route .

  17. 结果:有效地诊断了萎缩性内膜、内膜增生、内膜息肉、粘膜下肌瘤和子宫内膜癌;

    Results : According to different imaging characteristics , endometrial atrophy , endometrial hyperplasia , polyp , submucous myoma and carcinoma were diagnosed efficiently .

  18. 结果宫腔镜下电切子宫粘膜下肌瘤、宫颈息肉、植入胎盘,术后完全满意率100%;

    Results After hysteroscopic electrosurgery , submucous uterine myoma , cervical polyp , and retained placental fragments are treated and the satisfactory rate was 100 % .

  19. 主要用于切除前列腺增生腺体;膀胱肿瘤;子宫粘膜下肌瘤等疾患。

    Said invention mainly is used for resecting body of gland due to hyperplasia of prostate , tumor of bladder and submucosal myoma of uterus , etc.

  20. 线检查,子宫碘油造影可了解子宫内腔情况,有无粘膜下肌瘤或息肉。

    X inspection , the womb iodine oil radiography may find out the womb cavity situation , whether there is under mucous membrane myoma or polyp .

  21. 结果月经前期子宫内膜、子宫内膜息肉、子宫粘膜下肌瘤、子宫内膜癌、子宫腔内残留等宫腔疾病的声学造影表现各不相同。

    Results Twenty-two cases with intrauterine diseases , including endometrial polyps , endometrial cancer , uterus myoma and intrauterine residual , had individual features of contrast enhanced ultrasonography .

  22. 其中浆膜下肌瘤4例,粘膜下肌瘤或壁间肌瘤34例,肌瘤直径2-109cm不等。32例为单发性肌瘤,6例多发性肌瘤。

    According to the tumor location , subserous fibroids were found in 4 patients and interstitial or submucosal fibroids in 34 . Tumor size was from 2 to 10.9 cm in diameter .

  23. 目的:评价磁共振、经阴道超声诊断子宫粘膜下肌瘤的价值,并以宫腔镜及手术病理结果为标准对两种检查方法进行比较。

    Objective : To evaluate the diagnostic valise of MRI and transvaginal sonography ( TVS ) in submucous myomas and to compare the advantages of two methods according to hysteroscopy and pathologic results .

  24. 结果56例患者三维成像诊断内膜息肉25例、粘膜下肌瘤14例、子宫内膜增厚13例、子宫内膜癌2例、宫腔积血2例。

    Results Of 56 patients , 25 suffered from endometrial polyp , 14 from submucous myoma , 13 from endometrial hyperplasia , 2 from endometrial cancer , and 2 from coagulated blood clot in uterine cavity .

  25. 经阴道粘膜下肌瘤拧除占4.3%。术后并发症127例,除阴道残端出血和刀口感染外,膀胱损伤和肠梗阻各1例。

    Among the cases , there were 127 cases with post operative complications , including hemorrhage of vaginal residues and incisional infection , 1 case with urinary bladder damage , and another one with intestinal obstruction .

  26. 结果252例中149例镜下有异常发现,占59.13%,常见的宫内异常包括:子宫内膜息肉、子宫粘膜下肌瘤、宫腔粘连、子宫畸形、子宫内膜增生、子宫内膜癌等。

    Results It is showed that 149 women ( 59.13 % ) had abnormal hysteroscopic findings . The most common abnormalities were : endometrial polyps submucous myomas , uterus synechiae , uterus deformity endometrial hyperplasia and endometrial carcinoma etc.

  27. 在子宫内膜息肉和子宫粘膜下肌瘤的诊断中,阴道超声的敏感度分别为73.33%、80.00%,宫腔镜检查的敏感度分别为100.00%、90.00%,双方比较无显著性差异。

    The sensitivities of hysteroscopy and vaginal ultrasonography were 100.00 % 、 90.00 % and 73.33 % 、 80.00 % , respectively , in diagnosis of endometrial ployp and submucous myoma of uterus ( P > 0.05 ) .

  28. 结果子宫内膜增生过长8例(占25%),子宫内膜息肉14例(占43.8%),子宫粘膜下肌瘤9例(占28.1%),子宫内膜癌1例(占3.1%)。

    Results Eight cases were diagnosed as endometrial hyperplasia ( 25 % ), 14 cases as endometrial polyps ( 43 8 % ), 9 cases as submucous myoma ( 28 1 % ), and 1 cases as endometrial carcinoma ( 3 1 % ) .

  29. 方法回顾分析了68例宫腔内良性病变宫腔镜联合腹腔镜手术的临床资料,其中子宫粘膜下肌瘤37例,子宫纵隔18例,子宫粘连12例,双角子宫1例。

    Methods Retrospectively analysed the 68 patients with uterine cavitary benign lesion underwent hysteroscopic and laparoscopic surgery , including 37 patients with submucous myoma , 18 patients with uterus septum , 12 patients with adhesions of uterus , and 1 patient with bicornuate uterus .

  30. 目的探讨子宫动脉栓塞(UterineArteryEmbolization,UAE)治疗粘膜下子宫肌瘤的疗效和转归。

    Objective To explore the effect and prognosis of uterine artery embolization ( UAE ) on treatment of submucous uterine myoma .