
zhì chǎn
  • prolonged labour;bradytoia;protracted labour
滞产[zhì chǎn]
  1. 滞产、第二产程延长者新生儿窒息率经统计学处理明显高于正常产程与第二产程正常的新生儿窒息率(P0.01)。

    And compared with natural process of labor , in presence of prolonged labor and prolonged second stage of labor , the incidence rate of neonatal asphyxia rate increased significantly ( P0.01 ) .

  2. 并且杜绝了滞产,产后出血及产后感染。

    Prolonged labor , postpartum hemorrhage and infection may be eliminated .

  3. 滞产与分娩时小儿窒息亦不影响小儿智力的发育。

    Bradytocia and apnea neonatorum have no influence on the child intelligence .

  4. 这可以降低滞产的风险。

    This reduces the risk of long and obstructed childbirth .

  5. 产瘘主要是由滞产造成。

    Obstetric fistulas are caused by obstructed childbirth .

  6. 扩张宫颈和引拨胎头协助俯屈下降法处理头位滞产

    Dealing with prolonged head birth by expanding cervix and guiding fetal head to assist flexion and descending

  7. 子宫收缩乏力所致产力异常引起的滞产,是针灸临床治疗的适应症。

    Acupuncture is indicated in the protracted labor due to the abnormality of force of labor from the uterine inertia .