
xīn diàn tú shì
  • ECG Room;electrocardiogram room;electrocardiographic room
  1. 目的:观察老年慢性心力衰竭(CHF),病人心电图室间隔q波存在与否对长期预后的影晌。

    Objective : To study the prognostic significance of absent septal q waves in elderly patients with chronic heart failure ( CHF ) .

  2. 1992例老年人动态心电图室性早搏分析

    Analysis of dynamic ambulatory electrocardiography of ventricular premature beat in the aged 1992 cases

  3. 动态心电图监测室上性早搏ST段下移的临床价值探讨

    Clinical value of dynamic electrocardiogram in the detection of ST segment shifting downward of supraventricular premature beat

  4. 多种抗心律药物治疗无效,心电图显示室性早搏均呈左束支阻滞图形,Ⅱ、Ⅲ、AVF导联为高大的R波。

    All of them were highly symptomatic , refractory to several antiarrhythmic agents and without evidences of structural heart disease . All ventricular ectopic beat had figure of left bundle branch block with tall R waves in leads ⅱ,ⅲ and AVF .

  5. 12导联同步动态心电图在室性期前收缩定位中的意义

    Significance of 12 leads electrocardiogram in fixing of ventricular premature beat

  6. 结果根据心电图观察室早出现的特征选择合理的治疗方法。

    Results The reasonable treatment was selected according to characters of ECG of ventricular extrasystole .

  7. 方法对照分析20例T波电交替患者与20例正常人的动态心电图复杂性室性心律失常发生情况。

    Methods 20 mormal cases and 20 consecutive TWA cases were analyzed to see if complex ventricular arrhythmia happen by ambulatory electrocardiography .

  8. 的探讨心电图左室高电压对评估高血压心肌微血管病变的价值。

    Objective To evaluate the value of electrocardiographic left ventricular hypervoltage ( ELVH ) in diagnosis of myocardial microvascular impairment in essential hypertension ( EH ) .

  9. 从1650例动态心电图中检出室性心动过速(室速)33例,检出率为2%,24h室速发作频度≤10次者29例,多于10次者4例,最多1例为1566次。

    Twenty-four-hour Holter ECGs were recorded in 1650 patients . Ventricular tachycardia ( VT ) was observed in 33 cases ( 2.0 % ) . The number of VT episodes during 24-hour monitoring was less than 10 in 29 patients .

  10. 用体表心电图定位研究室性心动过速起源点

    Localizing study on the origin of ventricular tachycardia using surface electrocardiogram

  11. 常规导联心电图诊断右室梗塞的探讨

    Study of R - lead ECG on the diagnosis of right ventricular infarction

  12. 心电图肢体导联室壁激动时间诊断高血压左室肥厚的价值

    Electrocardiographic detection of left ventricular hypertrophy in hypertension by ventricular activation time in limb leads

  13. 男、女性采用不同的电压阈值标准,可望进一步改善目前心电图诊断左室肥大的性能。

    The use of sex-specific voltage criteria may further improve the ECG performance for diagnosis of LVH .

  14. 超声心动图诊断向心性、扩张性及偏心性左室增大患者的心电图诊断左室肥厚的标准

    Electrocardiographic Criteria for Left Ventricular Hypertrophy among Patients with Echocardiographic Concentric , Dilated and Eccentric Left Ventricular Enlargement

  15. 1例作24小时动态心电图示频发室性早搏二联律,短阵室速,1例行心内电生理检查示房性心动过速。

    Case for 24-hour Holter shows frequent premature ventricular bigeminy , 1 case for cardiac electrophysiology examination revealed atrial tachycardia .

  16. 结果显示在器质性心脏病心电图上除室早外,心电图异常发生率高。

    Besides ectopic beats , a high incidence of abnormal electrocardiogram was found in association with the organic heart disease .

  17. 右冠状窦起搏的体表心电图与右室流出道起源室性心律失常在体表心电图上差异不明显。

    There is no significant difference on the body surface ECG between ventricular arrhythmias originated from the right coronary cusp region and from the RVOT .

  18. 探讨以多普勒超声结合同步心电图定义左室收缩期时相的可行性。

    This study of methodology was aimed to assess the feasibility of measuring different phase of left ventricular systole period with ultrasonic Doppler and synchronism electrocardiogram .

  19. 采用阴影区间来表示某种分布的一种计算机图表。体表心电图计算左室射血分数的方法与价值

    A computer graphics plot containing shaded areas as a representation of some type of distribution . Left ventricular ejection fraction can be measured from body surface ECG

  20. 接近1/3病人12导联心电图出现右室晚激动波,平均信号心电图常表现为晚电位。

    Approximately a third of the patients show the characteristic Epsilon wave in 12-lead ECG which is a useful screening test . Signal averaged ECG frequently demonstrates late potentials .

  21. 结果:正常起搏心电图中可见室性融合波、手风琴现象及电张调整性T波改变,起搏器功能障碍表现为起搏与感知功能异常。

    Results : According to these phenomena , electronic modulating T wave change and ventricular fusion wave were all the normal change of pacing electrocardiogram , and both pacing and sensing disfunctions were the characteristic of pacemaker malfunction .

  22. 记录膨胀左室前和向乳胶球囊注射液体膨胀左室过程中心外膜心电图和左室压力,计算对照组和链霉素组膨胀诱发心律失常的发生率。

    Epicardial ECG of the left ventricle and left ventricular pressure were recorded before and during ventricular dilation by injecting fluid into the latex balloon , and then the incidence of ventricular dilation-induced arrhythmias was counted in control group and in streptomycin group .

  23. 观察两组术前、术后心肌型肌酸激酶同工酶(CK-MB)、肌钙蛋白I(cTnI)、心电图ST-T改变、室性心律失常及ICU临床指标。

    Myocardial protective effects were assessed by determinations of creatinine kinase-MB isoenzyme ( CK-MB ) and cardiac troponin I ( cTnI ), ST-T changes , ventricular arrhythmias and other clinical data in ICU .

  24. 高血压者临床心电图异常如左室肥厚、左室高电压、ST-T改变、各类早搏、束支传导阻滞、房室传导阻滞、陈旧性心梗等的检出率显著高于非高血压者(均P0.01)。

    With the increase of blood pressure , detectable rate of abnormal ECG such as left ventricular hypertrophy , high voltage of left ventricle , ST-T changes , bundle branch block , old myocardial infarction and premature ventricular arrhythmia was increased remarkably ( P0.01 for all ) .

  25. 回顾分析102例急性下壁心肌梗死(AIMI)的心电图变化对右室梗死(RVI)的诊断价值。

    To evaluate the diagnostic value of ECG changes of acute inferior myocardial infarction ( AIMI ) on right ventricular infarction ( RVI ), 102 cases of AIMI were analyzed in a retrospective study .

  26. 常规12导联心电图诊断急性右室心肌梗死的意义

    Significance of diagnosing acute myocardial infarction of right ventricle with routine 12 lead ECG

  27. 头胸导联右胸心电图诊断急性右室梗塞的价值

    Value of Right Precordial Head Chest Lead Electrocardiogram in the Diagnosis of Right Ventricular Infarction

  28. 对129例高血压病患者进行24小时动态心电图监测,分析室性心律失常的发生。

    Ventricular arrhythmia was detected in 129 hypertensive patients by undertaking 24-hour ambulatory ECG monitoring .

  29. 方法:应用24小时动态心电图检出短阵室性心动过速患者52例,并对其心电图资料进行回顾性分析。

    Methods : The clinical data in 52 patients with burst ventricular tachycardia detected by 24-hour dynamic electrocardiogram were analysed retrospectively .

  30. 利用超声声学技术及动态心电图对23例室早患者进行瞬时心功能观测及24小时记录作定量分析。

    Instantaneous heart functions of 23 patients with ventricular premature contraction ( VPC ) were observed in acoustic quantification technique , and then recorded for 24 hours with holler electrocardiogram , During VPC .