
  • 网络cerebral angiography;DSA;digital subtraction angiography,DSA
  1. 脑血管造影术后不同卧床时间与制动方法的对比研究

    Effect of different periods of bed rest and immobilization after cerebral angiography

  2. 目的:探讨脑血管造影术后卧床和患肢制动的最佳时间。

    Objective To explore the optimum period of bed rest and immobilization after cerebral angiography .

  3. 心理干预对全脑血管造影术患者的影响

    The effect of mental intervention on patients receiving digital subtraction angiography

  4. 结节性硬化症经股动脉导管法选择性脑血管造影术(附28例报告)应用超声评价颈动脉硬化与冠心病的关系

    The Relationship Between Carotid Sclerosis and Coronary Artery Disease Evaluated by Ultrasound

  5. 经股动脉穿刺全脑血管造影术124例护理体会

    Nursing of 124 cases with full cerebral digital subtraction angiography via femoral artery

  6. 100例数字减影脑血管造影术的护理及配合体会

    Nursing of 100 cases with cerebral digital subtraction angiography

  7. 数字减影全脑血管造影术的护理配合

    Nursing Care in the DSA for Whole Brain

  8. 经桡动脉穿刺选择性全脑血管造影术

    Selective cerebral angiography by transradial arterial approach

  9. 目的分析自发性蛛网膜下腔出血的临床与脑血管造影术的特点。

    Objective To analyse the clinical features and cerebral angiography of subarachnoid hemorrhage ( SAH ) .

  10. 3种不同动脉入路行数字减影全脑血管造影术效果比较与护理

    Clinical comparison of three different artery approaches for patients undergoing aortocranial angiography with digital subtraction radiography and nursing care of them

  11. 输卵管前动脉一般有1条,起始于左髂外动脉的耻动脉,分布于输卵管漏斗部和膨大部;经股动脉导管法选择性脑血管造影术(附28例报告)

    The anterior oviductal artery arose from the pubic artery of the left external iliac artery and distributed to the infundibulum and the magnum of the oviduct .

  12. 方法对41例前交通动脉瘤患者采用经皮股动脉穿刺行全脑选择性血管造影术,应用微弹簧圈进行动脉瘤囊内栓塞;

    Methods Forty-one cases were treated with coils to block the aneurysmal sac via femoral artery approach .

  13. 方法对3例临床诊断脑梗死和3例短暂性脑缺血发作患者行全脑血管造影术,发现大脑中动脉M1段存在不同程度狭窄,对狭窄段大脑中动脉行颅内支架成形术。

    Methods : Cerebral angiography was performed on 3 patients with cerebral infarction and 3 patients with transient ischemic attack . The stenosis of various degrees in middle cerebral artery M1 segment was detected . Angioplasty and stenting were performed in the stenosis segment of middle cerebral artery .