
nǎo hǎi
  • mind;brain
脑海 [nǎo hǎi]
  • [brain;mind] 头脑中;脑际

  • 脑海中浮现出她动人的笑容

脑海[nǎo hǎi]
  1. 那天的记忆永不磨灭地深印在他的脑海里。

    The memory of that day was indelibly printed on his brain .

  2. 他难以把刻在脑海中的形象抹去。

    He could not dislodge the images imprinted on his brain .

  3. 各种念头在我脑海中闪过。

    There were all kinds of thoughts running through my mind .

  4. 工作上的问题继续在他的脑海中萦绕了一段时间。

    Problems at work continued to occupy his mind for some time .

  5. 我的脑海中常常回想起那天的情景。

    The memory of that day still haunts me .

  6. 那一天在我的脑海中留下了不可磨灭的回忆。

    That day is stamped indelibly on my memory .

  7. 在讨论现代有影响的艺术家时,一下子有三个名字出现在脑海中。

    When discussing influential modern artists , three names immediately come to mind .

  8. 一个可怕的想法闪过我的脑海。

    A terrible thought flashed through my mind .

  9. 我脑海里突然浮现出一个想法。

    An idea suddenly floated into my mind .

  10. 她的话萦绕在他的脑海中。

    Her words re-echoed in his mind .

  11. 我脑海中掠过一个念头。

    A thought flitted through my mind .

  12. 往事倏地重又浮现在脑海中。

    Memories came sweeping back .

  13. 关于那个晚上的影像和记忆在她脑海中一一闪现。

    Images and memories of the evening flitted through her mind .

  14. 由于一个细节,这篇文章在我脑海里印象深刻。

    The article stuck in my mind by virtue of one detail

  15. 库克的脑海里不由自主地闪现出一个名字——阿什利·斯托克。

    The name came unbidden to Cook 's mind — Ashley Stoker

  16. 死亡凶兆迅速地在他脑海中盘旋。

    The auguries of death are fast gathering round his head .

  17. 那首歌在我脑海中挥之不去。

    I can 't get that song out of my head .

  18. 书房里丑陋的一幕在她脑海中依旧清晰。

    The ugly scene in the study was still etched in her mind

  19. 各种各样的想法在我的脑海里闪过。

    All sorts of thoughts were running through my head .

  20. 我试图将这幅画面从脑海中抹去。

    I tried to put the picture from my mind .

  21. 回荡在他脑海里的旋律都走调了。

    The melody that ran through his brain was composed of bad notes

  22. 不知不觉间,那种想法在我们脑海里渐渐形成已经有一段时间了。

    That idea has been creeping into our consciousness for some time .

  23. 在他的脑海中这一想法变得越来越宏大。

    The glory of the idea blossomed in his mind .

  24. 这个谜团在阿诺德脑海里挥之不去。

    The puzzle niggled away in Arnold 's mind .

  25. 你脑海里现在没有响起约翰·莫特森的声音吗?

    Can 't you just hear John Motson now ?

  26. 对出生地孟买的回忆一幕幕清晰地呈现在他脑海里。

    He recalls his native Bombay with cinematic exactness .

  27. 还有很多问题在我的脑海里翻腾。

    Many more questions were buzzing around in my head

  28. 就在我打瞌睡的时候,一个奇怪的念头闪过我的脑海。

    Just as I was dropping off , a strange thought crossed my mind .

  29. 早在我真正踏足之前很久,非洲就已在我的脑海中活灵活现了。

    Long before I ever went there , Africa was alive in my imagination .

  30. 我的记忆刻在我的脑海里,永不磨灭。

    My memories are within me , imperishable .