
  • 网络method of characteristics;MOC;MMOC;BICS
  1. 用修正特征法模型求解高速VLSI中有耗互连线的瞬态响应

    Transient Simulation of Lossy Interconnections in the High Speed VLSI Using the Macromodel by the Modified Method of Characteristics

  2. 非均匀传输线综合的特征法

    Synthesis of Lossless Nonuniform Transmission Lines by the Method of Characteristics

  3. 与基于特征法的其它类似方法相比,C-I法给出了下行和上行波场更明确的描述。

    In contrast to other similar schemes based on characteristic method , the C-I scheme gives a clear view for down-going and upcoming wave fields .

  4. 讨论结果表明,基于Fisher线性判别准则的最佳鉴别矢量集法,Bayesian脸方法和基于傅里叶不变特征法都有较好的性能,具有一定的应用前景。

    Discussion show that based on Fisher criterion method , Bayesian face method and based on invariant Fourier features method give better performance , and can be practicable .

  5. 文中提出一种新的时域电磁问题的数值方法&特征法,并用于求解上述问题,所得结果与FD-TD计算的结果和文献报道一致。

    A novel numerical method for the time-domain electromagnetic problems , named method of characteristics , is presented and used to solve the above problem . The results obtained are in accordance with that by the method of FD-TD and that reported by literature .

  6. 杂草和作物的分割:本文尝试了用位置特征法对杂草和作物进行快速分割,并统计出杂草的密度。

    Partition the weed with wheat , and count weed density .

  7. 伪不变特征法在遥感影像归一化处理中的应用

    Application of the Pseudo-invariant Feature in Normalization Process of the Remote Sensing Images

  8. 高速多芯片组件同步开关噪声的二维特征法全波分析

    Full wave analysis of simultaneous switching noise in high speed MCM by the method of characteristics

  9. 对流项采用特征法处理,扩散项则采用一种经济格式。

    Using characteristic method for the convection term , and a kind of economical scheme for the diffusion term .

  10. 改进的八邻域相交法弥补了交点变化特征法在倾斜较大图像的识别上的一些不足,使得系统的适应性更强。

    Improved eight-neighbor intersection algorithm overcomes some shortcomings of intersection variation algorithm in large tilted image recognition , making the system have a strong adaptability .

  11. 利用产量特征法计算三个区块的合理井距分别是111.6、109.5、113.0m;

    The rational well spacings of these three blocks calculated by production feature method are respectively 111.6 , 109 . 5 , 113 . 0 m ;

  12. 交点变化特征法为简单的比较运算,对于不发生较大倾斜的人民币图像有很高的识别率,且识别时间短。

    Intersection variation algorithm is a simple comparison operation , which has high recognition rate and short recognition time for the RMB image without large tilt .

  13. 经过理论分析和仿真研究,并在自动对轴平台上进行实验验证,结果表明新的五点特征法具有更高的测量精度及分辨率,更易于实现偏振主轴的自动定位。

    After theoretical analysis and computer simulations , experiments are conducted on the auto-alignment platform . The results indicate that the method achieves higher measurement accuracy and better resolution .

  14. 采用变分辨率模板匹配算法和字符结构特征法进行字符识别。为克服区域生长计算量大的缺点,采用了变分辨率图像金字塔策略。

    Finally proposes model match with different resolution and configuration characteristic algorithm to recognize the character . The method employed image pyramid process to avoid heavy computing burdens caused by region growth .

  15. 针对塔河油田八区特殊的地质条件,采用了地震数据体结构特征法对该区奥陶系储层进行了油气预测,并对油区内、外的区域进行了有利区块的划分。

    Because of the special geological conditions of the eighth zone in the Tahe oil field , we apply seismic data structure characteristics to hydrocarbon prediction for the Ordovician reservoir in this zone .

  16. 接着,本文还把基于克隆选择算法的高光谱图像监督波段选择方法在搜索速度和搜索性能方面与基于增添特征法、基于遗传算法的高光谱图像波段选择方法进行了对比。

    Then , this paper also put band selection of hyperspectral images based on clonal selection algorithm in search speed and search performance and SFS , band selection of hyperspectral images based on genetic algorithm were compared .

  17. 利用粗网格特征法对车牌字符特征进行了提取,设计了一个四层结构的模糊神经网络分类识别器,实验结果表明模糊神经网络对识别车牌字符具有良好的适用性。

    The characters were extracted with the method of coarse grid , and a fuzzy neural network classifier with four-layer structure was designed . The experiment was undertook in Matlab platform , the results indicated the propose method has good suitability for LPR .

  18. 特征结构法在多目标OFDM系统信号分辨中的应用

    The Apply of Eigenvalue-construct Method in Signal Distinguish of Multi-objects OFDM System

  19. Boost变换器的特征向量法混沌量化及EMI抑制

    Chaotic Quantitative Calculation via Eigenvector Method and EMI Suppression of Boost Converter

  20. 基于新近发展的直观推导式演进特征投影法(HELP),本文提出了一个对二维数据进行同时定性定量的分析方法,并将其成功地用于环境样本中多环芳烃化合物定性定量解析。

    Based on a recently developed chemometric method , heuristic evolving latent projections ( HELP ), a new procedure for the analysis of two dimensional HPLC-DAD data is proposed in this paper .

  21. 提出了相位测量轮廓术(PMP)中相移算法的一种设计方法:特征多项式法。

    A method is proposed that used the characteristic polynomials to design phase-shifting algorithms .

  22. 基于Hilbert-Huang变换的特征能量法及其在滚动轴承故障诊断中的应用

    The Feature Energy Method Based on Hilbert-Huang Transform and its Application to Roller Bearing Fault Diagnosis

  23. 介绍了特征线法(MOC法)对真空羽流场进行数值模拟的过程。

    Method of Characteristics ( MOC ) for vacuum plume simulation is introduced .

  24. 结合特征描述法和分类编码法,建立基于特征和编码的钣金工艺信息模型,并提出了基于XML的工艺规程表达,实现钣金工艺实例的多层次描述。

    Combining the method of character description and the method of class coding , we built the model of sheet metal process information . Based on the technology of XML , we put forward the process expression .

  25. 介绍了层次分析法(AHP)中计算排序权值的梯度特征向量法,提出了矩阵不完全一致时权值计算的方法,得到好的结果。

    The text introduced the gradient feature vector method of calculating sort weight in AHP , and suggested the calculating method of weight while the matrix coincide incompletely , and got good result .

  26. 目的在激发极化数据解释中,过去常采用原始曲线的特征值法,现介绍一种用FPS定量解释法确定异常体空间位置的三维近似成像方法。

    Purpose : In the past , the characters of the original curve were used to process and interpret the IP sounding data .

  27. 其次,结合伪随机测试原理及MarchC算法完成了基于FPGA的随机逻辑和嵌入式存储器的内建自测试电路设计和仿真,并采用特征分析法实现对测试响应信号的压缩和分析。

    Secondly , design and simulation of FPGA-based random logic and embedded memory BIST circuit were completed based on pseudo random testing theory and March C algorithm , and characteristic analysis was used to realize the compression and analysis of testing response signal .

  28. 本文介绍一种在用特征线法计算排气管内压力波时,模件式脉冲转换器(简称MPC)边界的计算模型。

    This paper suggests a mathematical model of boundary conditions for simulating modular pulse convertor ( MPC ) when characteristic method is used to calculate pressure wave in exhaust pipes .

  29. 文中用特征线法解X射线衍射动力学的高木(Takagi)方程,给出了普遍解和所需要的近似解的表达式。

    The Takagi equation of the dynamical theory of X-ray diffraction is solved by the method of characteristic curve . The expressions of the strict and approximate solution have been derived .

  30. 通过介绍模块化设计在创新设计中的研究及应用,应用模块化核心思想相似特征分析法将TRIZ理论冲突矩阵改进为分块冲突矩阵。

    Conflict matrix of TRIZ theory was modified as blocking one by means of similar character analysis which is the core idea of modularization .