
  • 网络special educational class;special education class
  1. 她在一个特殊教育班上课。

    She teaches a special education class .

  2. 为方便重度残疾儿童接受教育,各儿童福利院均建立了特殊教育班,培养孩子们的生活自理能力。

    For seriously disabled children , every welfare home has set up a special education class that teaches self-sufficiency .

  3. 特殊教育班的学生学习上反应迟钝,有的身体或大脑有残障,还有一些由于行为问题而造成学习困难。

    The special education class contained the slow learners , those with physical or mental disabilities , or those whose behavior made it hard for them to learn .

  4. 不用说,校长想千方百计地减轻计算机受损的风险,因此决定特殊教育班不参加实验。

    Naturally , the principal wanted to minimize the risk that computers would be damaged in any way . And so he made a decision to exclude the special education class from the experiment .