
tè yuē
  • contributing;engaged by special arrangement;engage by special arrangement
特约 [tè yuē]
  • [engage by special arrangement] 特别约定或约请

  • 特约记者

  • 特约评论员

  • 特约维修店

特约[tè yuē]
  1. 发展特约经销户占领农村市场问题的探讨

    Discussion on the issues of developing the dealers engaged by special arrangement to grab the rural market in China

  2. 弗兰克·德福特是杂志《名利场》的特约编辑。

    Frank Deford is a contributing editor for Vanity Fair magazine .

  3. 我很荣幸来介绍我们的特约演讲人。

    It gives me great pleasure to introduce our guest speaker .

  4. 特约演奏临时取消了。

    The gig was pulled at the last moment .

  5. 大学毕业后,他干起了特约摄影师。

    After leaving college , he set himself up as a freelance photographer .

  6. 他做《纽约先驱报》的当地特约记者来赚些外快。

    He picked up extra money as a local stringer for the New York Herald .

  7. 这一期我们特约钱教授写了一篇书评。

    For this issue , we have specially invited Professor Qian to write a Book review .

  8. 他为“intelligentlife”所写的特约报导“数字非洲”拿下了2011年帝亚吉欧非洲商业报导奖。

    He won a prize in the Diageo Africa Business Reporting Awards 2011 for his intelligent life feature " digital Africa " .

  9. 在特约Visa商业终端机使用您的VisaElectron卡进行购买。

    Use your Visa Electron Card to make purchases at select Visa merchant terminals .

  10. 作者专访经常邀请特约作者到developerWorksWebSphere专区。

    Author spotlight showcases frequent contributing authors to the developerWorks WebSphere zone .

  11. 我们的特约嘉宾JackGuo将在我们的“特别演讲”环节和你分享他的思想。

    Our special guest Jack Guo will share with you his ideas at our Special Session .

  12. 芒克是《名利场》(VanityFair)杂志的特约编辑,以前还曾经是《财富》的专栏作家,她将一个6个月的杂志报道任务扩展为这个长达6年的书籍项目。

    Munk , a contributing editor at vanity fair and former fortune writer , stretched a six-month magazine assignment into this six-year book project .

  13. 她在《每日镜报》(DailyMirror)的一个特约专栏里表示,人们对于出现在荧屏上的男人和女人变老这件事有着双重标准。

    There are double standards when it comes to men and women appearing on screen as they get older , she said in a guest column for the Daily Mirror .

  14. 对NBA常规阶段的比赛,NBA前三分射手、现“雅虎”网特约评论员史蒂夫·科尔会排列出NBA每周最佳和最差的5支球队。以下是科尔评出的上周最佳和最差球队。

    Each week during the regular season , Kerr will rank the five best teams-and the five worst teams-in the NBA .

  15. 为了解更多有关中国航班遭遇威胁的详情,今天我们特地连线纽约特约记者nathanking。

    For more on that Air China flight , we are joined on the line by our correspondent Nathan king in New York .

  16. 科科由德国SimbaToys玩具厂为阿联酋航空特约提供,今后两年里只会出现在阿航航班上。

    The Querk , from German manufacturer Simba Toys , will be exclusively available on Emirates flights for the next two years .

  17. 本文作者ChrisLee曾任《娱乐周刊》、《洛杉矶时报》、《新闻周刊》和《野兽日报》等媒体的特约撰稿人,主要报道洛杉矶地区与娱乐、文化和商业有关的话题。

    Chris Lee is a former staff writer forEntertainment Weekly , The Los Angeles Times , NewsweekandThe Daily Beast . He covers entertainment , culture and business in Los Angeles .

  18. 有了这张卡,您可以享受所有POS机特约商户消费,代发工资,代缴电费和煤气费等业务。

    With this card , you may enjoy services like consumption at POS terminals of all merchants , payroll service , payment for power and gas , etc.

  19. 本文作者是哈佛大学劳伦斯a蒂什(laurencea.tisch)历史学教授、ft特约编辑

    The writer is the Laurence A. Tisch , Professor of history at Harvard and a contributing editor of the FT

  20. 31岁的亚当·蒙维斯(AdamMoonves)来自洛杉矶,他的姐姐(或妹妹)萨拉(Sara)是《Vogue》杂志的特约时尚编辑;

    Adam Moonves , 31 , a Los Angeles transplant whose sister , Sara , is a contributing fashion editor at Vogue ;

  21. 世界卫生组织特约顾问KeijiFukuda上周指出H1N1病毒以季节流感这样的形式继续传播。

    W.H.O. special adviser Keiji Fukuda said last week that the virus has continued to act in some ways like seasonal flu .

  22. 我公司是德国KTR公司的特约经销商。

    Our company is Germany KTR company and our distributors .

  23. 为此,2009年1月我欣然接受了一个机会&作为青年总裁组织(YoungPresidentsOrganization)内罗毕和达累斯萨拉姆(DarEsSalaam)分会的特约嘉宾访问肯尼亚和坦桑尼亚。

    That was the reason I jumped at the opportunity in January , 2009 to visit Kenya and Tanzania as a guest of the Nairobi and Dar Es Salaam chapters of the Young Presidents Organization .

  24. 《W杂志》(WMagazine)的特约编辑琳恩·赫舍伯格(LynnHirschberg)认为,两位设计师过去那些拙劣的行为也令这次人们对他们的反应格外严厉。

    Lynn Hirschberg , the editor at large at W Magazine , suggested that the designers " heavy-handed behavior in the past was part of the reason the reaction has been so harsh .

  25. 《新闻周刊》援引《Vogue》美国版特约编辑普拉姆•赛克斯的一句话:“一如既往的时尚穿着负担太重,需要太多的关注。”

    US Vogue 's contributing editor Plum Sykes was quoted by Newsweek as saying : " Wearing ' fashion " all the time gets too much - and it demands too much attention . "

  26. 正如美国科技媒体Mashable特约撰稿人阿德里奥·斯川吉所言,金色,黑色和银色在亚洲被视为奢华的代表。

    As Mashable 's Adario Strange explained in detail , gold , black and silver are colors associated with luxury in Asia .

  27. 他们决定任命萨布里娜·鲁宾·厄德利(SabrinaRubinErdely)来写这篇报道,根据她的个人网站提供的信息,作为一名特约撰稿人,她还给《GQ》和《纽约客》杂志撰稿,并且曾获得两次国家杂志奖(NationalMagazineaward)的提名。

    They decided to assign Sabrina Rubin Erdely , a contributing editor who has also written for GQ and The New Yorker , and who has been nominated for two National Magazine awards , according to her website .

  28. 回国后一直担任美国威视(VISX)集团特约眼科激光手术训练讲师。

    He has been all along a special-appointed training lecturer in ophthalmic laser surgery in VISX Incorporated , U.S.A.after come back China .

  29. 在周四的最新进展中,太阳报的特约编辑MattNixson已经由于他和世界新闻报的电话窃听有关而被解雇。

    In another development on Thursday , it emerged Sun features editor Matt Nixson has been sacked from the paper in relation to claims of phone hacking while he was at the News of the World .

  30. 住院各费用皆与下背痛ICD-9-CM、年龄、是否免部分负担,和就医场所特质之特约层级有显著关系;

    All kinds of expenses of hospitalization were significantly related to ICD-9-CM codes , age , whether or not have to pay copayment and contracted category of the provider .