
  • 网络Characteristic pollutants;particular pollutants
  1. 碱减量印染废水特征污染物的生物降解特性

    The biodegradation character of particular pollutants from alkali minimization and dyeing - printing wastewater

  2. ASP化学剂在土壤环境中的迁移过程处于多学科的交叉点,而且又是一个极其复杂的动力学过程,所以系统论证ASP特征污染物对土壤环境负面影响研究很少。

    The migration of the chemical agents in the soil is a multi-disciplinary and extremely complex dynamic process , so very few negative impact studies of contaminants in the soil environment at present .

  3. 与传统印染废水相比,碱减量印染废水具有高得多的有机污染物浓度、色度、pH,含有较高浓度的特征污染物&TA。

    Opened out some intrinsical and diagnostic problem . Compared with traditional dyeing printing industrial wastewater , alkali-minimization dyeing printing wastewater which was characterized with TA as the principal pollutant , had much higher organic concentration , color and pH.

  4. 通过介绍特征污染物含碳有机物(BOD5)、悬浮物、总氮、磷、重金属以及细菌的去除,阐述了污染物去除的基本特征和作用机理。

    The characteristics and function mechanism were illustrated through the elimination of pollutants such as BOD 5 、 SS 、 NH3-N 、 P 、 heavy metals and microbes .

  5. 水污染因子有常规污染指标和特征污染物氟、砷及重金属离子;大气污染因子为SO2、硫酸雾和颗粒物。

    The water pollution factors include conventional pollutants , characteristic pollutants fluorine , arsenic and heavy metal ion ; The pollution factors of air are sulfur dioxide , sulfuric acid mist and particulate .

  6. 试验表明经酸析预处理的碱减量废水与印染废水混合进行水解酸化、好氧处理,废水中的特征污染物对苯二甲酸(TA)是可生化的。

    The experiment showed that the characteristic pollutant TA could be bio - degraded by hydrolysis - acidification and aerobic bio - treatment when the alkali - minimization wastewater pretreated blended with the printing and dyeing wastewater .

  7. 头孢菌素中间体是头孢类抗生素制药工业废水中最有代表性的特征污染物之一,是影响废水COD最终达标排放的重要因素,因此十分有必要对头孢菌素中间体废水进行处理。

    Cephalosporin intermediate is one of the most representative characteristic pollutants in the wastewater of cephalosporin antibiotics pharmaceutical industry . It is also one of the major factors of influencing the effluent chemical oxygen demand ( COD ) to meet the discharge standard .

  8. ABS树脂生产废水具有浓度高,成分复杂及含有有毒有害特征污染物的性质,而现有ABS废水处理技术具有处理成本高及不能有效分解废水中典型特征污染物的性质。

    Waste water from ABS resin manufacturing has high concentration , complex composition and contain toxic and harmful characteristic pollutants . But the existing ABS wastewater treatment technology has high treatment cost and can not effectively decompose the typical characteristic pollutants in the wastewater .

  9. 为了研究拟建炼油厂表层土壤渗透情况及对特征污染物油的吸附和截留情况,实施了渗水实验,每隔30min测定一次渗水量,渗水实验时间为3h。

    To study the permeability of topsoil , and adsorption and interception of characteristic effluent oil around proposed refinery , water seeping test has been conducted with measurement of seepage water volume once 30 minutes , and 3 hours of whole test period .

  10. 文山州河流水质的特征污染物分析

    Featured Pollution in Rivers of Wenshan Prefecture

  11. 当前国际上普遍采用基于特征污染物环境风险评价的方法管理石油类污染场地。

    Currently typical pollutant-based environmental risk assessment is used internationally to supervise petroleum hydrocarbons-contaminated sites .

  12. 本文采用三维多箱模型对石家庄市市区特征污染物SO2的浓度进行了计算。

    In this thesis , atmospheric 862 concentration in shijiazhuang City has been calculated by using three dimension multi-box models .

  13. 由于厌氧污泥颗粒小、比表面积大,对特征污染物的吸附能力优于好氧污泥;

    Since the particle of an aerobic sludge is small and its specific surface is large , its adsorption capability is better than aerobic sludge .

  14. 本研究经筛选确定砷为特征污染物,利用静态吸附实验和动态土柱模拟,研究砷在包气带土壤中的吸附-解吸特性,以及砷在包气带中的迁移规律。

    Through the static adsorption and dynamic soil column experiments , studies the characteristic of adsorption-desorption and the laws of migration and transformation of arsenic pollutants in the vadose zone .

  15. 对农药污染场地中特征污染物分布和可修复性的研究工作将为场地的环境风险管理和大规模土壤修复提供一定的理论和实验基础。

    The purpose of this study was that the results of the distribution of pollutants and remediation could provide a theoretical and experimental foundation for environmental risk management and large-scale soil remediation .

  16. 利用活性污泥对含有碱减量印染废水的特征污染物进行吸附试验,污泥对特征污染物的吸附符合Langmui和Frundlich方程。

    In the operation by the activated sludge to absorb the characteristic pollutants of the alkali minimization and dyeing wastewater , absorption process is remarkable at first and then bio-absorption and bio-chemical process takes place .

  17. 由于苯乙烯浓度较高,在工作现场出现的频率高、危害大,建议作为激光雕刻行业废气排放的特征污染物加以监控。

    It is suggested that the styrene , the most hazardous pollutant with high frequency of occurrence and concentration , should be used as the characteristic pollutant in the flue gas emission standard for monitoring in the laser-sculpture workshop .

  18. 三羟甲基丙烷废水是其中具有代表性的一种高浓度难降解有机废水,其废水中主要成分包括有甲醛,丁醛,甲醇,丁醇和三羟甲基丙烷等18种主要特征污染物。

    The trimethylolpropane wastewater is representative of a high concentration of refractory organic wastewater , its main ingredients include formaldehyde , butyraldehyde , methanol , butanol , and trimethylol propane and other 18 kinds of main characteristics of pollutants in waste water .

  19. 文山州境内的7条主要河流1997~2000年的水质监测数据表明,总锰和溶解性铁为文山州河流水质的特征污染物,对水环境评价和水功能区划分类的确定有较大影响。

    According to monitored data on water quality of seven main rivers in Wenshan from 1997 through 2000 , total manganese and resolvable iron were the featured pollutants and had major influence on the water environmental assessment and categorization of function areas .

  20. 本文通过对撬装式污水净化器处理钻井遗留废水前后测定结果的分析,表明:当污水净化器内部填料选择适宜时,对钻井遗留废水中的特征污染物,悬浮物,水中油等的处理效果非常明显。

    The analyses of the measurements before and after the treatment of the drilling waste water by the crowbar sewage purifying equipment show when suitable packings are selected , the treating result is very remarkable and the suspended matter and oil in water are greatly reduced .

  21. 结果表明:Cr6+对鱼外周血红细胞有致突变作用,并有明显剂量效应关系;试验期间废水特征污染物均达标排放,未对生物监测塘中的鲤鱼和鲫鱼产生明显的遗传损伤;

    Results showed that the genotoxicity caused by Cr6 + was dose dependent , with wastewater up to the discharge criteria and no obvious genotoxic effect on Cyprinus carpio and Carassius auratus , and result of micronucleus test was comparable with that of the conventional acceptance monitoring .

  22. 杨木P-RCAPMP废水污染特征及污染物分析

    Analysis of Pollution Characteristics and Organic Material in Poplar P-RC APMP Wastewater

  23. 垃圾填埋污染场地的微生物变化特征与污染物行为研究

    Characteristics of Bacteria Variation and Pollutants Behavior in Landfill Leachate Polluted Site

  24. 黄河上游重点河段特征有机污染物现状调查分析

    Analysis on Existing Organic Pollutants Surveyed at Key Sections of the Upper Yellow River

  25. 我国年平均流场的分布特征与污染物输送分析

    The Features of Yearly Mean Streamline Field Distribution and the Preliminary Analysis on Pollutant Transportation in China

  26. 汕头港湾附近水域潮流特征和污染物扩散的数值计算Ⅰ汕头港湾附近水域潮流特征及数值模拟

    Numerical Computation of the Tidal Current Features and the Pollutant Dispersion in the Shantou Estuary Nearby Waters ⅰ Tidal Current Features and Numerical Modeling

  27. 目前国内外常用的基于水质标准/废水排放标准的特征化学污染物法,并不能有效控制组份复杂的废水中的有机毒物排放。

    Based on the water quality standards and discharge standards , the chemical specific approach in common use could not effectively control complex discharges containing toxic organics .

  28. 水厂废水水质特征及污染物在流动水体中迁移规律研究草本植物对土质路面径流水动力学特征及水沙过程的影响

    Study on Waste Water Quality from Waterworks and Migration Regularity of Pollutant in Flowable Water Body ; Influence of herbaceous plants on runoff hydraulic characteristics and sediment generation on terrene roads

  29. 通过对罗定江流域水文特征、污染物特征、水环境现状调查,同时结合水环境容量计算方法,选用一维水质数学模型对罗定江流域水环境容量进行计算分析。

    The hydrological characteristics , the contamination characteristics and the water environment status were investigated . Combined with the design procedure of the water environment capacity , one-dimensional water quality model was selected to calculate and analyze the water environmental capacity of Luoding River .

  30. 对ABR沿程的COD、VFA以及pH的变化规律进行分析,结果表明ABR对有机物的降解过程具有典型的推流系统特征,复杂污染物是以分类逐级的形式得以去除的;

    The complex containment was gradually removed by sort in the ABR , which showed the ABR has typical characteristics of the plug flow system .