
  • 网络mist
  1. 实际上,这不是雾,而是尘。

    In fact , this isn 't fog , it is indeed dust .

  2. 回风巷雾柱降尘联动装置研究

    Research on dust control linkage device of water spraying props in air return way

  3. 采煤机径向雾屏降尘、溜煤眼粉尘的控制、凿岩时粉尘的治理、爆破时粉尘的控制;

    Mine-machine radial falling dust with water mist , controlling powder dust in coal hole , harnessing powder dust while cutting rock , controlling powder dust during explosion ;

  4. 本文通过分析影响喷雾和降尘效果的因素,得出了高效喷雾系统的设计准则,并设计了掘进高效喷雾降尘系统,即机头喷雾子系统和雾柱降尘子系统。

    The paper has achieved efficient spray dust-settling design rules by analyzing facts affecting spray and dust control effect and accordingly designed efficient spray dust-settling system-heading spray sub-system and mist pole dust drop sub-system .

  5. 但是,激光在大气中传输时,会受到空气中气体分子和悬浮微粒(雨、雾、烟和尘等)吸收和散射、后向散射、背景辐射等影响。

    However , laser propagation in the atmosphere will be absorbed , scattered , backscattered by gas molecule and aerosols such as rain , fog , mist and dust and be affected by background radiation .

  6. 本文阐述感应式水雾荷电的原理及其结构要素,分析了荷电雾粒的捕尘机制,并指明感应式水雾荷电除尘器提高除尘效率的技术途径。

    The paper describes the principle of inductive charging of water fog and its structural elements , analyzes the dust catching mechanism of the charged fog droplets and points out the technical way to improve the dust removal efficiency of the dust remover of water fog inductive charging type .