
rǔ jiāo ɡuǎn
  • Latex tube;emulsion tube
  1. 绝缘乳胶管贮存可靠性分析

    The Analysis of Reliability on Keeping the Insulating Emulsion Sleeve in Storage

  2. 然后分别利用多普勒体模和乳胶管进行实验,研究了编码激励在改善穿透深度和纵向分辨率方面的优势。

    Then the advantages of coded excitation on penetration and axial resolution were investigated using Doppler phantom and latex tube experiments respectively .

  3. 同时求解了采用该乳胶管弹簧下的超低频标准振动台的运动方程近似解,得到了波形失真度计算式。

    The formula of waveform distortion is obtained by the approximate result expression of nonlinear equation about ultra low frequency standard vibrator with this kind of emulsion pipe spring .

  4. 证实了截面积和截面惯距的周期变化加强了脉动流的激励、容易使乳胶管发生位移振荡,这与实验结果在定性上是吻合的。

    It is verified that the periodic change of cross-sectional area and moment of inertia enforces the excitation of the pulsatile flow and the displacement oscilla-tion of the latex tube occurs easily . This agrees well with the experiment results .

  5. 影响振动台台面波形失真的因素有:乳胶管弹簧的非线性、阻尼力的非线性、驱动力的非线性等,其中,弹簧和阻尼力的非线性是影响振动台超低频失真度的主要因素。

    These factors include the nonlinearity of suspension spring , the nonlinearity of damping force and the nonlinearity of driving force , etc , in which suspension spring and damping force are main factors that influence the distortion of ultra-low-frequency vibrator .

  6. 介绍用普通的输血胶管生产设备,通过改进胶料配方,提高压出工艺性能和耐老化性能,同时改进模具设计,改进生产工艺,生产出优质厚壁彩色乳胶管新品种。

    The new high quality thick walled coloured latex tube was producted by using the common production equipment for blood transfusion tube and modifying the compound formula so that to improve extrudability and aging behavior of the products , meanwhile making the mold design and processing technology better .

  7. 结果双抗负压引流管置管时间短于乳胶引流管(P0.05),而引流量则显著多于乳胶引流管(P0.01),甲级切口愈合率的比较中也明显优于乳胶引流管(P0.05)。

    Results Drainage time of double used negative pressure drainage tube was shorter than that of rubber tube ( P0.05 ), but drainage volume was much more ( P0.01 ) . First class incision healing rate is better too .

  8. 目的比较乳胶造影管与金属造影管子宫输卵管碘油造影的优缺点。

    Objective To analyze the advantages and disadvantages of Latex Catheter and Metal Catheter in performing hysterosalpingography .

  9. 数字减影乳胶双腔管子宫输卵管造影在不孕症诊疗中的应用

    Diagnosis & Treatment of Infertility with Digital Subtraction Combined Latex Foley Catheter Hysterosalpingography

  10. GB/T5413.28-1997乳粉滴定酸度的测定直形管尖附乳胶头滴点管

    Milk powder & Determination of titratable acidity dropping pipette straight tip with latex rubber nipple