
rǔ yá liè
  • deciduous dentition
  1. 正常乳牙列生理间隙变化的纵向研究

    A longitudinal study on growth of the interdental space in normal deciduous dentition

  2. 方法分别用电子游标卡尺和Digora数字影像系统测量20副前牙反(?)乳牙列模型,比较两种方法的各项测量值并作统计分析。

    Methods Vernier caliper and Digora digital imaging system were used to measure 20 sets of deciduous anterior cross-bite dentition respectively and the results were compared .

  3. 固定正畸治疗一般很少在乳牙列上进行。

    Fixed orthodontic treatment is rarely used on primary dentition .

  4. 乳牙列期3.38%,混合牙列期27.02%(P<0.01);

    Deciduous 3.38 % , mixed dentition 27.02 % ( P < 0.01 );

  5. 乳牙列龋病对早期第一恒磨牙龋病的预测研究

    Caries prevalence in primary teeth as a predictor of early caries in permanent first molars

  6. 乳牙列的完整、健康与否将直接影响恒牙列的正常建立。

    A healthy and intact primary dentition plays a direct and important role in the establishment of a normal permanent dentition .

  7. 方法选取30名5~7岁乳牙列无龋儿童因滞留拔除的下颌乳中切牙30颗,制备为人工龋后,随机分为3组,每组10颗。

    Methods : 30 retained mandibular deciduous central incisors extracted from 30 caries-free children of 5 to 7 years old were selected , artificial caries was formed by acid-colloid method , then randomly divided into 3 groups with 10 in each .