
  • 网络papillomatosis;papillomatous hyperplasia
  1. 颜面口腔部位乳头瘤样增生10例临床分析

    Clinical Analysis of 10 Cases with Papillomatous Hyperplasia on the Face and Oral Cavity

  2. 毛囊角化病虽然是一种遗传性疾病,但其疣状增生以及皱襞部位的乳头瘤样增生却类似HPV感染的表现。

    Although follicular keratosis is a genetic disorder , it could have papilloma-tous proliferation and vegetation , resembling the infection of HP Vs.

  3. 用维A酸、维E及维C预防BaP诱发大鼠肺癌引起食管上皮乳头状瘤样增生

    Papillomatous hyperplasia of esophageal epithelium in the prevention of benzo ( a ) pyrene ( bap ) - induced rat lung cancer by retinoic acid vitamin E and vitamin C

  4. 结果脂溢性角化病的基本病理特征为角化过度、棘层肥厚、乳头状瘤样增生,肿瘤的下端与正常表皮平行。

    Results The basic histological characteristics of seborrheic keratosis were hyperkeratosis , acanthosis , papillomatosis and that the inferior end of tumor was paralled to normal epidermis .