
  • 网络milk bottle caries;nursing bottle caries
  1. 婴幼儿喂养方式、口腔卫生行为、父母口腔卫生知识与奶瓶龋的关系

    The relationship between the infant nursing bottle caries and the feeding patterns , oral health behavior and parents ' oral health information

  2. 方法通过对logistic模型求解算法的分析,把线性回归中的共线诊断工具推广至非线性,详细介绍了评价过程、诊断标准及解决途径,最后应用到儿童奶瓶龋影响因素分析的实例中加以验证。

    This paper explored the assessing indices of collinearity diagnosis in logistic regression . Methods Three tools for diagnosing collinearity in linear model were extented to nonlinear logistic model , by analysing Newton-Raphson iterative method which was used to solve logistic model .

  3. 奶瓶龋儿童口腔变链菌的研究

    Study of mutans streptococci in children with nursing-bottle caries

  4. 目的探讨用氟保护漆治疗乳切牙早期奶瓶龋的临床效果。

    Study on the effect of fluor protector on the adherence of cariogenic streptococcus in vitro ;

  5. 结果:奶瓶龋组儿童唾液及菌斑变链菌计数高于无龋组;

    RESULTS : The children with nursing-bottle caries had higher count of mutans streptococci than that of caries-free children .