
  • 网络Cream cheese;creame cheese;cheese cream
  1. 将奶油奶酪隔水加热,用蛋抽打至顺滑无颗粒;

    Warm the Cream Cheese , beat it until smooth ;

  2. 将鸡蛋打散,混入奶油奶酪液中;

    Beat the egg into the cream cheese until blended .

  3. 恕我无礼先生好吧快看我还有奶油奶酪还有香蕉

    Excuse me sir Okay look I got cream cheese I got banana

  4. 将奶油奶酪、酸奶、白糖、香草精华混合在一起,搅拌均匀。

    Combine together cream cheese , yogurt , sugar , and vanilla extract .

  5. 番茄和奶油奶酪三明治。

    Tomato and Cream Cheese Sandwich .

  6. 这是奶油奶酪吗?

    Is that like cream cheese ?

  7. 打松软的奶油奶酪,1/3杯糖,奶油,意大利苦杏酒,和一汤匙的香草香精放进一个混合碗中。

    Cream softened cream cheese , 1 / 3 cup sugar , cream , amaretto liqueur , and1 teaspoon vanilla in a mixing bowl .

  8. 第二个,我们放一些蔬菜浓汤,一些孜然,一些切达奶酪,一些奶油奶酪,一些西兰花。

    The second one , we 're gonna put in some veggie bullion , some cumin , some cheddar cheese , some cream cheese , some broccoli .

  9. 奶油奶酪和牛奶隔水加热软化后拌均。加入一半砂糖,蛋黄,玉米淀粉,和柠檬汁搅拌均匀。

    Soften the cream cheese with milk in a bowl . Add half of the caster sugar , egg yolks , cornstarch , lemon juice and combine together .

  10. 事实上,它是不含乳制品的,只是使用容易买到的一些豆奶,无乳制品奶油奶酪、西红柿、火腿、菠菜和韭菜。

    In fact , it is dairy-free . Just use some soy milk , dairy-free cream cheese , tomatoes , ham , spinach and chives and you are good to go .

  11. 牛奶、奶油、奶酪从牛奶场运到这里。

    Milk , butter and cheese are brought in here from dairy farms .

  12. 冰激凌、奶油和奶酪是使你变胖的食品。

    Cream , butter and cheese are the kinds of food which make you fat .

  13. 蛋黄倒在碗里,随后倒入奶油和奶酪,一起搅拌。

    Place the egg yolks into a bowl , then the cream and the parmesan cheese . Combine it all together .

  14. 选取了脂肪酶对不同类型的奶油、奶酪和牛奶等进行酶解。在非水介质下水解,得到了奶香浓郁,赋香效果明显的奶味香精。

    Cream , cheese and milk were hydrolyzed by lipase to produce milk flavor , and strong odor was obtained in non-aqueous media .

  15. 下面是一个适当的建议:在白宫南草坪上放牧一两只奶牛好为第一家庭提供有机、充足的牛奶、奶油、奶酪和酸奶,向他们的素食主义致意。

    One modest suggestion : put a cow or two out to pasture on the White House South Lawn to provide the First Family with organic , sustainable milk , butter , cheese and yogurt to compliment their veggies .

  16. 可以浸入花生黄油或其他坚果黄油,也可以是低奶油量的奶酪。

    Dip in peanut or other nut butter or light cream cheese .

  17. 奇怪的是,它实际上完全没有怪味,像是蛋奶冻、木瓜、焦糖洋葱、奶油糖和奶酪的混合物。

    Odd , because it proved to have no scent at all , only the fruit 's vaguely sweaty flavor , a swirl of custard , papaya , caramelized onions , butterscotch and cheese .

  18. 她觉得其中最好的一道菜是加入奶油、培根和奶酪,根本看不出是用面包果做的。

    The best recipes , she says , disguised the breadfruit by adding cream , bacon and cheese .

  19. 告诉你的朋友和家人,让他们在每当你想拿奶油蛋糕或含有奶酪的披萨时都要阻止你。

    Announce it amongst your friends and family that they should thwart you every time you are headed for a bit piece of creamy cake or a cheese-loaded pizza .