
  • milk tea
  1. 你每星期会愿意光顾我们的珍珠奶茶店多少次?

    How often would you visit our pearl milk tea shop during a week ?

  2. 但是,由于没有厂商愿意赞助,冰淇淋店变成了奶茶店。

    But no ice-cream company wanted to support the show , so it became a milk tea shop .

  3. 我们来听一下他们的对话。A:小宋,我打算周末去试试那家新开的奶茶店。

    A : Xiao Song , I ’ m going to check out that new bubble tea shop this weekend .

  4. 他们可能没注意到去年6月开张的台湾原创便当店(TaiwanBearHouse),它的标识是一个泰迪熊,让人觉得它可能又是一家生气盎然的珍珠奶茶店。

    They may not notice Taiwan Bear House , which opened last June , with its teddy-bear logo suggesting just another perky bubble-tea shop .