
  1. 入世后我国驰名商标认定和反淡化保护探索

    Well-known Trademarks as WTO and Anti-dilution Protection Exploration in Our Country

  2. 对驰名商标认定主体认定标准的再认识

    A Renewal of the Body and Criterion of Well-known Trademark Determination

  3. 谈驰名商标认定及保护范围

    On the Recognition of Resounding Trademarks and Their Protection Confines

  4. 第三部分是驰名商标认定量化得分表。

    The third part is " score table about well-known trademark recogned " .

  5. 关于驰名商标认定制度完善的若干建议

    Suggestions on the System of Recognition of Well-known Trademarks

  6. 驰名商标认定与保护的法律思考

    Legal Thinking on Identifying and Protecting Well-known Trademarks

  7. 驰名商标认定和保护制度存在的问题及完善

    The Existing Problems and Improvement of the Recognition and Protection System of Well-known Trademark

  8. 本文分析了驰名商标认定与保护中存在的问题,并提出对策性建议。

    This essay analyzes the problem existing in identifying and protecting well-known trademarks , and it also puts forward a counter measurable proposal .

  9. 本文旨在探讨入世以后我国驰名商标认定的标准和驰名商标保护所面临的新问题。

    This thesis mainly deals with the standard concerning well-known trademark maintaining criteria and its protection issues in face of globalization in our country .

  10. 本课题在国内外驰名商标认定模式研究的基础上,结合我国现今法治环境和法治资源特点,试图分析这种认定方式是认定驰名商标的一种极为有效的方式。

    On the basis of the well-known trademark determination model at home and abroad , trying to analyze judiciary is a very effective way .

  11. 我国驰名商标认定与保护还存在许多具体问题需要研究解决,驰名商标保护制度还有待完善。

    There are many specific problems need to be researched and solved in identifying and protecting China 's well-known trademarks , and well-known trademark protecting system need to be improved .

  12. 本文认为,目前中国品牌培育主要采取两种模式:一是驰名商标认定,二是中国名牌产品评定。

    In China , two models have been adopted to develop the brand , one is the well-known trademark evaluating , and the other is China 's top brand product evaluating .

  13. 2003年国家工商行政管理总局颁布了《驰名商标认定和保护规定》,对驰名商标认定采取了被动认定,个案保护的国际通行做法,从而使得我国驰名商标保护体系接近于完善。

    The Rules on Determination and Protection of Well-known Trademarks of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce adopted the universal policy of passive determination and individual protection , which has improved our well-known trademarks protection system further .

  14. 人民法院在驰名商标认定的过程中所具有的功能需要重新进行调整使之达到回归驰名商标认定制度的本质功能,重塑公众对驰名商标的公信力。

    The court in the process of famous trademarks as the function of the need to adjust to make it meet the regression of famous trademarks essence of system of function , and reshape the public to the credibility of the well-known trademark .

  15. 正文部分,通过将我国驰名商标认定方面的标准和淡化保护方面的现状与国际上有关公约和有关国家驰名商标的法律制度进行对比,总结出目前我国法律体制在这方面的缺陷与不足。

    In the main body , contemporary situations in China about maintaining criteria and anti-dilution protection of well-known trademark is discussed in the context of related international covenants and related laws of other countries , a conclusion is made to illustrate the deficiency in law system in our countries .

  16. 行政认定中应该区别制提交申请资料并明确具体的认定周期,而且在《商标法》的修订中应该增设驰名商标认定和保护专章并明确禁止现金奖励制度。

    In administrative recognition , application should be submitted discriminatively with the concrete designated cycle . In addition , proper items about the recognition and protection of well-known trademarks should be added to and the system of rewarding by cash should be forbidden in the modification of the Trademark Law .

  17. 目前我国驰名商标的认定主体体系存在诸多缺陷。

    The system of determination subject has many shortcomings at present .

  18. 浅议驰名商标的认定与保护

    A Brief Discussion About the Certificate and Protection of the Well-Known Trademark

  19. 驰名商标的认定归属权在跨国保护中的适用与例外

    Transnational Protection of Ownership of Well-known Trade Marks : Application and Exceptions

  20. 我国驰名商标的认定和法律保护

    Recognition and Legal Protection of the Well-known Trademark in China

  21. 论驰名商标的认定和保护

    Analysis about the Determination and Protection of the Well-known Trademarks

  22. 驰名商标司法认定的主体资格亟待完善

    Qualification and Perfection of Judicial Confirmation Bodies for Well-known Marks

  23. 重构驰名商标的认定主体体系

    Rebuilding the System of Determination Subject of Well-Known Trademark

  24. 驰名商标新认定方式的法律思考

    Reflections On New Affirmative Way Of Well-known Trademark In Respect Of The Law

  25. 驰名商标的认定,是对驰名商标进行充分的法律保护的基础。

    The approbation of well-known trademark is the basis for an adequate legal protection .

  26. 试论驰名商标的认定与特殊保护

    On Identification and Special Protection of Well-known Trademark

  27. 对于驰名商标的认定,应该有切实可依的法律根据。

    For the identification issue of well-know trademark , there should be a reliant legal basis .

  28. 正确地对驰名商标进行认定对于商标获得跨类保护具有关键性的作用。

    Recognizing correctly the well-known trademarks plays a key role in the protection of brands beyond category .

  29. 这使得驰名商标司法认定成为司法实务界和学术界讨论的热点问题。

    This makes well-known trademarks a judicial practice that the judicial sector and academia to discuss the issues .

  30. 第五部分对驰名商标的认定标准及我国对驰名商标的特殊保护进行了阐述。

    The fifth part describes determination standard of well-known trademark and special protection to well-known trademark in China ;