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chí chěng
  • gallop;expatiate
驰骋 [chí chěng]
  • (1) [gallop]∶骑马奔跑;奔驰

  • 驰骋原野

  • (2) [expatiate]∶自由地或随意地到处走动;漫游

  • 要砸断镣铐,使人的精神可以自由地驰骋

驰骋[chí chěng]
  1. 但他明白他无法使马儿驰骋。

    But he knew he couldn 't make that horse gallop .

  2. 他干脆把他的马更快,又成为驰骋。

    He simply went faster and put his horse into a gallop .

  3. 音乐学院让你有充分的理由任想象力自由驰骋。

    A conservatory offers the perfect excuse to let your imagination run riot .

  4. 他把手一挥,上马驰骋而去。

    With a wave of his hand ; he mounted the horse and galloped away .

  5. 当道驰骋在阴阳之中时,则万物生焉,万物兴焉。

    When Tao gallops through and Yang , all things come into and thrive .

  6. 让我变成美丽的骏马,和你驰骋在天涯。

    Let me turn the beautiful steed , gallops with you in the horizon .

  7. 回首2013年,三星(Samsung)还在傲然驰骋中国智能手机市场。

    Back in 2013 , Samsung was riding high in China 's smartphone market .

  8. 在他看来,MBA学位为人们打造了一个驰骋职场的基础。

    As he puts it , What the MBA allows people to do is to build a foundation .

  9. C罗,这位前曼联前锋曾经3次捧得金靴奖。在这当中,有两次是以皇马队员的身份,而另外1次还是在曼联主场老特拉福德驰骋的时候。

    Cristiano Ronaldo , The former Manchester United attacker has won the award on three previous occasions , twice while at current club Real Madrid and once when leading the forward line at Old Trafford .

  10. 面对中国加入WTO后世界一体化浪潮的冲击,其胜人有信心和决心来迎接挑战,驰骋未来,翱翔蓝天!

    Facing the wave of the economic internationalization after China Joined WTO , the Qisheng people have the confidence and determination to meet the challenge and try to make higher achievements !

  11. 在他看来,“MBA学位为人们打造了一个驰骋职场的基础。人们可以借助这项学位来改变或加快自己的职业生涯。”

    As he puts it , " What the MBA allows people to do is to build a foundation . You can use the degree to change your career or to accelerate your career . "

  12. 诺曼·梅勒(NormanMailer,1923-2007)是美国著名作家,驰骋美国文坛六十年,取得了非凡的成就,其非虚构小说两度获得普利策奖。

    Norman Mailer ( 1923-2007 ) is a famous American writer , galloping American literary sixty years , has made remarkable achievement , and his nonfiction novels won the Pulitzer prize twice .

  13. 我有自己的梦,称不上远大理想,说不定就当一名忍者武士(Ninjawarrior),或者象加乌乔牧人(gaucho)驰骋阿根廷大草原也行。

    It was not a tall order , as dreams go , but I might just as well have asked to be a Ninja warrior or a gaucho from the Argentine pampas .

  14. 这位芝加哥公牛队前篮球明星在2012年起诉乔丹体育(QiaodanSports),称该公司(其公司标识是一个在赛场上驰骋的篮球运动员的剪影)在未经许可的情况下,用他的中文姓氏乔丹打造了业务。

    The former Chicago Bulls basketball star sued Qiaodan Sports in 2012 , saying the company - whose logo is a silhouette of a leaping basketball player - built its business around his Chinese surname Qiaodan ( pronounced chow-dan ) without permission .

  15. 达美乐公司将于接下来的半年内在澳大利亚试运行该机器人,但我们要看到DRU在街道上驰骋可能还需要几年的时间。

    Domino 's is doing test runs over the next six months in Australia , but it will likely be a couple of years before we see DRU cruising the streets .

  16. 原来,峩喜欢这样自由驰骋菂泩萿;

    Originally , I like the life which such freedom gallops ;

  17. 并非所有人都跑得足够快可以到奥运赛场驰骋。

    Not everybody is fast enough to run in the Olympics .

  18. 他在里士满公园冬天冻枯了的草场上驰骋起来。

    He galloped over the winter-dried grass of Richmond Park .

  19. 观众朋友们,我们现在正驰骋在伊犁昭苏的草原上。

    Viewer friends , we are driving on Ili 's Zhaosu Grassland .

  20. 美国阔叶木:闪耀亚洲,驰骋设计领域第十一届美国阔叶木外销委员会东南亚及大中华区年会·深圳

    American Hardwood : Sparkle in Asia Dominate in Designing Field

  21. 划线部分是表语从句。翻译全句:在篮球场上驰骋是我的快乐所在。

    Running around on the basketball court is what makes me happy .

  22. 驾驶坦克驰骋在战场上曾经是每一个男孩子的梦想。

    Motorists driving tanks on the battlefield once every boy 's dream .

  23. 他凭借自由驰骋的想像力作曲。

    He drew on his bold imagination in composing music .

  24. 当我的身躯携呼啸狂风而驰骋

    When poised upon the gale , my form shall ride

  25. 寻求一个家园在那儿他可以自由驰骋。

    Seeking a home where he himself is free .

  26. 这就是你“驰骋沙场”的地方?

    Is this where you take all your conquests ?

  27. 展示汽车在夕阳之下驰骋于空旷大路的广告也越来越少。

    Fewer commercials now show cars surging along empty roads into the sunset .

  28. 除此之外,他的想像力就无从驰骋了。

    But beyond that his imagination could not travel .

  29. 品牌营销&企业驰骋市场的通行证

    Brand Operation & Enterprise 's Pass in the Market

  30. 可以让幻想任意驰骋的地方。

    The place where fantasy is given free rein .