
cháo xùn
  • spring tide
潮汛 [cháo xùn]
  • [spring tide] 每年固定出现的涨潮期

潮汛[cháo xùn]
  1. 有时候,等待也是一种战术、一种策略,就像渔在等待潮汛的到来,在风平浪静、风和日丽时去扬帆捕鱼一样。

    Sometimes , waiting is also a kind of tactics , a strategy , just as fish are waiting for the arrival of spring tide , in calm weather , like when to sail fishing .

  2. 地面沉降也通过洪涝、潮汛等显性灾害的成灾风险与致灾频率的增加,而体现出缓变型灾害的本质。

    Land subsidence behaves slowly developing properties by increasing the risk and frequency of flood and waterlogs disasters .

  3. 如果暴雨和极大的潮汛同时发生的话,就会导致严重的洪灾。

    If the heavy rain had coincided with an extreme high tide , serious flooding would have resulted .

  4. 并模拟了大、中、小潮三种潮汛条件下的潮流场,水位场及余流场。

    The tidal current fields , water-level fields and residual current fields of spring , mean , and neap tides are simulated .

  5. 这次台风过程未对上海市沿海造成超过警戒水位的原因是当台风位置处于有利于产生极大增水时,上海市沿海恰逢天文小潮汛(出现在低潮时);

    For all the strong Typhoon and storm surge , the actural water level in Shanghai area did not exceed the warning level because of astronomic low tide .

  6. 预计在农历八月初三大潮汛前,全市水毁堤坝的绝大部分可望用土筑方式应急性修复。

    It is estimated that before the high tide on August 3rd of the lunar calendar , the majority of the city 's water damaged dike can hopefully use earth building methods to urgently restore .

  7. 而农历八月初三、八月十五日的大潮汛又迫在眼前,新的台风暴雨也随时可能袭来,险情堪虞。

    While the big tides on August 3rd and August 15th of the lunar calendar approach again before your eyes , new typhoons and rain storms may come at any time , making one worry about the danger .