
  1. 数值天气预报初场的变分同化及其伴随方法简介

    Brief introduction of variational assimilation and adjoint method in numerical weather prediction

  2. 二元定常跨音速流有限差分计算中的初场问题

    Some questions concerning the initial fields in finite-difference computation of two - Dimensional Steady Transonic Flows

  3. 计算结果表明,该方法速度快、稳定性好,对初场不敏感。

    The result shows that this method is fast , not sensitive to primary flow and has a good stability .

  4. 为研究初场对计算结果的影响,本文从二元定常跨音速小扰动方程出发,用混合有限差分松弛迭代法对NACA0012翼型作了计算。

    To study the influence of initial fields on computation results , the author , starting from two-dimensional steady transonic small disturbance equation , has computed NACA 0012 airfoil by the mixed finite-difference relaxation iteration method .

  5. 这个系统采用6h周期的间歇资料同化方法,利用全球粗网格分析场资料,形成冷启动的初估场和同化模式的边界条件。

    The RDAS is an intermittent assimilation system in which an assimilation cycle includes four analyses in a daily period . Both the first guess fields for the cold starting of the system and the boundary conditions for the assimilation model are supplied by products of the global model system .

  6. 刚塑性有限元求解板带轧制过程的初速度场

    Initial Velocity Field for Solution to Strip Rolling Process by Rigid Plastic FEM

  7. 上赛季开战之初几场比赛我们在客场丢了四分。

    We dropped four points away from home last season in our first few games .

  8. 初道库仑场对低能电子碰撞H电离反应的影响

    Coulomb Effect in the Initial Channel of Ionization Reaction of Electron Impact Hydrogen at Low Energy

  9. 圆弧形沉积场地对入射平面Rayleigh波的散射解析解初应力场的Rayleigh波

    Analytical Solutions for Scattering of Rayleigh Waves by Alluvial Valleys Rayleigh Waves in Initial Stress Field

  10. 初应力场的Rayleigh波微扰法求解落体偏东

    Rayleigh Waves in Initial Stress Field Solution to a free falling body towards the east by perturbation

  11. 对山字型构造初应力场解析解的受力模型和边界面力的探讨

    An approach to the model accepting forces and the boundary surface forces for an analytical solution of the initial stress field of the epsilon-type structure

  12. 特里回想起本赛季初的一场比赛后,因为安特托昆博不愿意再传多一次球、顽固地选择直冲篮筐,教练们斥责了他一番。

    Terry recalled how coaches jumped on Antetokounmpo after a game earlier this season because he was unwilling to make the extra pass and hell-bent on getting to the basket .

  13. 但自从20世纪初的一场哲学革命之后,随着形而上学的被抛弃,身心问题也被英美哲学家们看作思辨哲学的最后堡垒而被抛弃了。

    But after a philosophical revolution in the early 20th century , this issue is abandoned by Anglo-American philosophers as the last fortress of speculative philosophy along with the abandonment of metaphysics .

  14. 快船之前就应对过没有他们的球场指挥官出场的困境。保罗因为左腿筋的拉伤在十二月末到一月初的八场比赛中缺席了七场。

    LAC has had to survive without its floor general before : He was sidelined seven times over an eight-game stretch from late December to early January with a nagging hamstring strain .

  15. 本文介绍了某大跨度岩峒稳定的综合性研究,包括岩石野外试验、初应力场的测定,弹性波法的应用等等。

    In this paper a comprehensive investigation on the stability of a large-span cavern is described , including in-situ rock tests , measurement of initial stress field , application of seismic velocity method etc.

  16. 首先研究了在不同初应力场下,弹塑性地下岩体中巷道围岩的位移变化规律,结果表明,对埋深较大的巷道,构造地应力是引起巷道变形的主要因素。

    The displacement variations of elastic-plastic rock surrounding of underground tunnel under different initial stresses are studied at first . The numerical results show that the geologic configuration stress is the main factor that causes the deformations of deep underground tunnel .

  17. 本世纪初爆发了一场战争。

    A war broke out at the beginning of the century .

  18. 从很多角度来看,这都是克林顿政府执政之初开始的一场辩论的延续。

    In many ways it is a continuation of a debate that began at the start of the Clinton administration .

  19. 我们一周要打三场比赛,加上那些国际比赛,这也就意味着我们要在赛季初每周打四场。

    We play three times in a week , add in the international , that means we play four times at the beginning of the season .

  20. 20世纪末、21世纪初发生的几场高技术局部战争,让世人认识到了舆论战在战争中的地位和作用。

    People in the world realize the status and functions of the public opinion warfare through several high-tech wars between the end of 20th century and the beginning of 21st century .

  21. 初应力位形上的小变形动力学讨论参考位形上存在静态初应力场的固体的小变形场论。

    The small deformation dynamics on the initial stress configuration is the field theory on small-deformation of solid with static initial stress field existing in the reference configuration .