
  1. 初中代数教学中的数学情境与提出问题&二元一次方程组的应用教学案例

    Case of Teaching about the Application of Binary Linear Equation Group

  2. 求解初中代数方程的智能解题系统

    An Intelligent System on Solving middle school Algebraic Equation

  3. 初中代数有理数程序教学实验研究

    An experimental research on programmed instruction of rational number

  4. 初中代数入门教学值得注意的问题

    On the Teaching of the ABC of Junior Algebra

  5. 介绍了运用学具&数式算卡和推理拼卡在初中代数与几何中进行数学教学的实验研究方法和实验研究的效果分析。

    In this paper we study an experimental method of applying learning instruments in mathematics education .

  6. 初中代数学习困难生认知特征及干预措施的研究

    Cognitive Features of Students with Algebra Learning Difficulties and Intervention Methods on Students with Algebra Learning Difficulties

  7. 将自然语言理解的语义分析应用于初中代数解题系统,通过系统测试,结果比较令人满意。

    Finally , the system is applied to requirement analysis system for mechanical product design and net-oriented intelligent tutorial system all with satisfactory results .

  8. 教师的教学对初中生代数应用题图式的获得有影响。

    Teaching of teachers is influential on the schema of word algebra problems in junior high school . 6 .

  9. 不同样例对初中生代数学习中问题解决迁移的影响

    The Effects of Different Worked Examples on the Transfer of Problem Solving in Algebra Learning of Junior High School Students

  10. 初中生代数应用题的图式结构具有层级性,但整体等级水平较低。

    The schematic structure of the word algebra problems in junior high school is hierarchical , but the level is low in general . 4 .

  11. 初中生代数应用题表征方式存在多种表征方式,但深层表征人群比例较低。

    The representation forms of word algebra problems in junior high school are multiple , but the population with deep representation is of small percentages . 5 .

  12. 初中数学新课程代数学习策略研究

    Learning Strategies of Algebra in Junior Mathematics New Curriculum

  13. 海峡两岸初中数学数与代数比较研究

    Comparative Study on " Number and Algebra " of Middle School Math of Mainland and Taiwan