
chū xué zhě
  • beginner;novice;abecedarian;tyro;neophyte;tenderfoot;learner in the first stage
初学者[chū xué zhě]
  1. 的确,他是个初学者,但基本规则他应该懂啊。

    Granted , he is a beginner , but he should know the basic rules .

  2. 该课程将为初学者一对一地讲授各种户外摄影技巧。

    The courses will give the beginner personal tuition in all types of outdoor photography .

  3. 我误以为这门课是给纯粹的初学者开的。

    I was under the misapprehension that the course was for complete beginners .

  4. 初学者的手枪发射的只是空弹。

    A starter 's pistol fires only blanks .

  5. 这本书主要是为初学者编写的。

    The book is aimed principally at beginners .

  6. 作为摩托车初学者,切勿后座载人。

    As a learner rider you must not carry a pillion passenger .

  7. 她带的这班学生都是初学者。

    The people that she had in her classroom were beginning learners .

  8. 本课程适合初学者及程度较高者。

    The course is suitable for beginners and advanced students

  9. 泳池分三部分,有为初学者而设的慢泳道。

    The pool is divided into three sections with a crawler lane for beginners

  10. 它并不真正适合从零开始的初学者。

    It 's not really suited to absolute beginners

  11. 羽毛球俱乐部每周五晚上为初学者与中等水平练习者开设训练课程。

    The Badminton Club holds coaching sessions for beginners and intermediate players on Friday evenings .

  12. 严格说来,我并不完全是一个初学者——几年前我经常骑自行车。

    I am not a learner as such — I used to ride a bike years ago

  13. 初学者只需每月花上100到120英镑便能真正享受到这种爱好带来的乐趣。

    A beginner could really enjoy the hobby for an outlay of between £ 100 or £ 120 a month .

  14. 居里夫人告诫初学者不要图快。

    Madame Curie warned learners not to go too fast .

  15. 这本书对初学者太难了。

    The book is beyond beginners .

  16. 我只不过是一个初学者。

    I am a mere beginner .

  17. 如果你是初学者,那你最好去上上课。

    If you are a beginner , it 's best to have lessons .

  18. 年迈的大师和年轻的初学者一起,将这个尴尬的局面变成了一次奇妙的创作体验。

    Together , the old master and the young beginner changed an embarrassing situation into a wonderfully creative experience .

  19. 如果玩家是初学者,福尔菲斯将会以一种缓慢而简单的方式进行,但是如果玩家已经比较熟练了,那么游戏将会以一种更快且更困难的方式进行。

    If the player are just beginners , Forpheus will play in a slow and easy way , but if the players are better ones , the robot will play in a faster and more difficult way .

  20. 她是一名诗歌创作艺术的初学者。

    She is a tyro in the art of writing poetry .

  21. 初学者极易犯语法错误。

    Beginners are too apt to make mistakes in grammar .

  22. 从完全的轮滑初学者,到以它为职业。

    From total beginners , to making a career out of it .

  23. 哪些基金有很大的发展前景,帮帮忙,我是初学者。

    What fund has very big development perspective , help , I am abecedarian .

  24. 任何讲述HTML的好书可以帮助初学者创建定制HTML表单。

    Any good book on HTML can help a beginner with creating custom HTML forms .

  25. 如果您是初学者,则需要包括先前创建的posts模型。

    For starters , you need to include the posts model you created earlier .

  26. 高级初学者(AdvancedBeginner)对基本步骤单独的任务已经熟悉了,而且可以把它们进行有机的组合。

    An Advanced Beginner is familiar with the basic steps-the individual tasks-and can put sequences of them together .

  27. 商品介绍SOLAR镲片为未来的专业鼓手带来高素质的黄铜系列镲片,是初学者也可以演奏出美妙的声音。

    Product description SOLAR cymbals drummer for the future to bring high-quality professional brass series cymbals , a beginner can play a wonderful voice .

  28. IBMRationalPerformanceTester首先是一个交互式的GUI测试器,它使初学者也能够轻松的执行加载测试。

    IBM Rational Performance Tester is primarily an interactive GUI tester that enables even the novice user to perform load testing with ease .

  29. 这篇文章适用于初学者,它将循序渐进地带领你熟悉使用RationalFunctionalTester创建功能测试脚本的过程。

    This article for novice users will take you step by step through the process of creating functional test scripts with Rational Functional Tester .

  30. 这是一个介绍Matlab使用的课件,其内容简单,适合初学者接触和学习Matlab。

    This is an introduction to Matlab uses the courseware , their content is simple , suitable for beginners contacts and learning Matlab .