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chū qiū
  • early autumn;the first month of autumn
初秋 [chū qiū]
  • [the first month of autumn] 秋季的头一个月,即阴历七月

初秋[chū qiū]
  1. 初秋的天气格外明朗清新。

    It is bright and fresh in early autumn .

  2. 时令已交初秋。

    It is already early autumn .

  3. 我还记得那是一个初秋。

    I still remember it was an early autumn .

  4. 初秋来临,树叶开始从树上脱落,泉水也被树叶覆盖。

    When early autumn came , the leaves began to fall off the trees , and the spring was covered with leaves .

  5. 正如凯特计划为宝宝保持活跃状态(她在肯辛顿宫为婴儿室购物,定好的初秋入院日期),这位31岁越发容光焕发的王妃,感觉到她的生机勃勃,家庭好友JuliaSamuel说。

    As Kate 's plans for baby kick into high gear ( she 's shopping for her nursery in Kensington Palace with a move-in date set for early fall ), the ever more radiant princess , 31 , feels she 's thriving , says family friend Julia Samuel .

  6. 正如凯特计划为宝宝保持活跃状态(她在肯辛顿宫为婴儿室购物,定好的初秋入院日期),这位31岁越发容光焕发的王妃,“感觉到她的生机勃勃,”家庭好友JuliaSamuel说。

    As Kate 's plans for baby kick into high gear ( she 's shopping for her nursery in Kensington Palace with a move-in date set for early fall ) , the ever more radiant princess , 31 , " feels she 's thriving , " says family friend Julia Samuel .

  7. 当时正是初秋&阳光四射,灰蒙蒙的,非常美妙。

    It was early autumn & sunny , dusty , marvellous .

  8. 手足口病多数会在夏天及初秋出现。

    HFMD tends to be most common in summer and early autumn .

  9. 南京的初春和初秋都是很美的。

    It is beautiful when both spoken and written .

  10. 草原看上去从没有象初秋时这么完美

    At no time do the plain look so perfect as in early autumn

  11. 许多美国民众在初秋时便开始特别关注天气预报。

    Many Americans start to closely follow weather reports in the early fall .

  12. 昨天黄昏,已经感受到江南初秋的况味。

    Yesterday evening , I almost felt the early Autumn approaching in Jiangnan .

  13. 他们在一家巴黎咖啡馆里相遇,那是初秋一个迷人的下午。

    They met in a Parisian cafe one enchanted afternoon in early autumn .

  14. 这些特征造成中国东部初秋降水偏少。

    These characteristics cause the deficiency of rainfall in eastern China during early autumn .

  15. 初秋的日子是黯淡、萧条的。

    The early autumn was lustreless and slack .

  16. 郑州地区初秋季节嗜尸性麻蝇生长发育规律的初步研究

    A Preliminary Study of the Growing of Sarcophaga Carnaria in Early Autumn in Zhengzhou City

  17. 初秋有一段奇异的时节

    There is a spell in autumn early

  18. 同修们成功的演出,让与会来宾于初秋的午后,享受了一场音乐艺术的飨宴。

    Their successful performance proved to be a feast of music on an early autumn afternoon !

  19. 我的眼前一亮,好漂亮的女孩,当时已经是初秋的季节。

    My eyes bright , beautiful girls , early autumn is the time of the season .

  20. 南京人在春夏及初秋期间极喜食用。

    This is a fantasic favorite among natives of Nanjing in spring , summer and early autumn .

  21. 沁沁凉意,潇潇细雨,原来我已走进初秋的风景里了。

    Qinqin cool , Xiaoxiao rain , I walked into the original landscape in the early autumn .

  22. 凯布尔正在咨询薪酬委员会一些负责人和专家的意见,为在初秋最终摊牌做准备。

    Mr Cable is consulting remuneration committee heads and experts before revealing his hand in early autumn .

  23. 初秋那莫测的冷空气

    Early nip of changeful autumn

  24. 北方初秋的夜,月色朦胧,夜色显得那么幽美,生趣盎然。

    North early autumn night , moonlight dim , night appears to be so beautiful , joyfully lively .

  25. 初秋台风外围和高压影响下的太湖气象状况

    Meteorological condition of outside of typhoon and the influence of high pressure on Lake Tai in early autumn

  26. 在春季到初秋的时间里,这些线条长度会变长,在赤道周围的斜坡上所显现的颜色也会变得更深。

    The lines appear to lengthen and darken on rocky equator-facing slopes from late spring to early autumn .

  27. 即使在那时;我也到了垂暮之秋,而且还不是初秋。

    Even then I was in the autumn of my days , nor was it the early autumn .

  28. 这一年的第四与最后一代会在初秋出生,并最终到达北方的目的地。

    The fourth and final generation of the year is born in early autumn and will reach the north .

  29. 初秋蜜月旅行,与爱人在科尔沁草原和呼伦贝尔大草原上策马驰骋,是一种相伴到天边的极致浪漫;

    It is a kind of extreme romance to ride on the prairie grasslands during the early autumn honeymoon .

  30. 这个夏末初秋,你可用它搭配连衣裙或牛仔裤,这下,你的品味风格又上了一个档次了。

    This summer and early fall , pair them with dresses and jeans to take your style up a notch .