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  • 网络Ghost Month
  1. 万圣节类似中国鬼月的最后一天。

    Halloween is similar to the last day of Chinese Ghost month .

  2. 只有在葬礼或是鬼月时才会这麽做。

    This is done at a funeral or during Ghost Month .

  3. 在鬼月的最后一天,鬼门关开始关闭,

    On the last day of the Hungry Ghost month , the gates of hell begin to close ,

  4. 鬼月时也不可以在晚上晾衣服。如果你问我的话,我觉得这个禁忌没什麽道理。

    Hanging clothes up to dry at night is forbidden too , which doesn 't really make any sense if you ask me .

  5. 在鬼月的第一天,鬼魂会离开地府,寻找食物和娱乐,人们在这一天会燃香,

    On the first day of the month , when the ghosts leave their world in search of food and entertainment , incense is lit ,

  6. 在鬼月期间,人们会被告诫不要在夜间独自出门以及独自下水,以防被心存怨念的鬼魂缠上。

    During this month , people are warned against walking outside alone at night and swimming alone , in case a vengeful spirit comes after you .

  7. 鬼月期间还禁忌度假、结婚、创业,以防鬼魂给你带来霉运。

    There 's also taboo to do things like go on a holiday , get married and start a business in case the ghosts create bad luck for you .

  8. 鬼月过了,鬼将回到阴曹地府,鬼门也会关上。瞧吧,我说,不到10分钟咱们全都得到阴曹地府报到,没错。

    After Ghost Month , ghosts have to return to the underworld , and the Gates of Hell close . Now for it , said I ; we 'll all land in Sheol in ten minutes , sure .